Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Snow Happens!


Well the forecasters can pat themselves on their backs, because as I sit here this morning, a little bit of snow is falling.  The snow is light and mixed with rain, but technically it's snowing!  Other than taking myself off for physical therapy, I don't need or want to go anywhere else.  

Because of the very gray day outside, I decided that today would be a very good day to use my "SAD" light, which emulates sunshine.  There is something about gray days that can bring a person down emotionally.

Since we're not having a Thanksgiving dinner at our house, I don't even have to prep, bake or refrigerate anything!  Jeff and I have decided that it makes much more sense to eat our turkey in a restaurant and Cracker Barrel comes to mind!

If we don't have any 'tovers" in our kitchen. there won't be any of our favorite foods sitting around just waiting for a nibble.  In my mind, if you're just nibbling, then calories don't count!  Calories only count if you are sitting down with plate in hand (don't I wish)!

The stores if you've noticed have a glut of pumpkin mixes: cheesecake, pumpkin brownies, pumpkin bread, etc.  And, I have made all of those so I'm pretty much pumpkined out.  I think tomorrow's dessert should be coconut cream pie, which is a real favorite of mine.

Hard to say what I'll do with the rest of tomorrow.  My shopping for Benjamin is done and I'm almost finished for Stacey.  The boys and Jeff are always a bit of a challenge.  When the boys were younger, a new set of Legos was nearly the perfect gift.  But they're men now and I suppose they want power tools or something manly like that.  I'll leave shopping for the boys up to Jeff, since he knows what they need as far as tools or other equipment necessary for their garages.  And we all know how dear a garage is to a man!

Enjoy your day and I hope it's sunny where you are.


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