Friday, November 7, 2014

Cougars - The Two Legged Variety


Unlike when I was growing up, there wasn't much attention paid to marriages and/or sexual activity between an older woman and a teenager.  I did have an Aunt who married a boy in my graduating class and they seemed happy together.

If you open up a newspaper, or watch the news, you are more likely than not to hear about adults involved with teenagers.  The latest one involves a woman in her 40's and a 15 year old boy.  Why is all I can think to ask.   I suspect that teenagers today are light years away from the teens who grew up in the 60's - but still - he's really a boy.  

What's the attraction?  I think, again just my opinion, is that for older women it's sort of a "Hail Mary" while they still look good.  Some women, and men too for that matter, age kicking and clawing all the way to being older.  Perhaps being with a younger woman or man (teenager) fills some kind of void in their life.  For me just thinking about it is simply creepy.

There are a lot of adult men and women who are lonely and would certainly love to have a special somebody in their life.  Most of us are just regular people who have bodies and/or faces that won't stop traffic - unless we're too slow crossing the street!  Even if you can afford to have "work" done on your body, the calendar doesn't lie.  Each year on your birthday, you're older.  Fact of life.  Some people are terrified about turning 40, or heaven help them, 50!  Next month I will be 65 and I'm okay with that.  I have accepted, perhaps too willingly, that my body sags more than I like, my skin is dotted with "wisdom" spots, and I can't see things as well as I once could.

Fact of life: bodies age, I don't care how much plastic surgery you have done, you're still aging.  Look at some of the older Hollywood stars like Helen Mirren for example, who are beautiful as well as older.  You can age gracefully and accept what you can not change (your age), and find age appropriate partners.  

If you feel the need to have someone younger than you in your life, which is okay, at least look for someone who has a "2" as part of their age!


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