Saturday, January 31, 2015

Happy Birthday Andrew


Today is the 35th birthday of our youngest son, Andrew.  Since he was our third "blue" baby, I didn't need to adjust to lacy and frilly clothing!  Nope, I was well entrenched with mud, denim, burping and other bodily noises!

Andrew was a good baby and a good sleeper.  Since he shared a bedroom with Scott, who was 18 months old at the time, I certainly appreciated that he didn't wake Scott up during the night.  It's one thing to deal with a crying baby, but quite another thing, if you're dealing with two crying children.

Because of the proximity of their ages, Scott and Andrew were best friends and between the two of them, could get into all kinds of trouble.  To the horror of some people, I allowed the boys to fill up a plastic trashcan (clean) with water, get inside and then roll down the driveway.  They had such a good time doing this - but just so no alarms go off, I was always watching from the window - and a lid was a definite no-no!

Once they were of school age, I remember that when the boys walked down the street to catch the bus, a neighbor's son would kick at Scott's heels, and Andrew managed to put a stop to that nonsense.  At the beginning of every school year, Andrew would sit back and analyze the teacher to see what he could or could not get away with.  He was always on the honor roll, but that first quarter he always paced himself and we came to accept that was just his style.

At Easter, during a community Easter egg hunt, Scott couldn't find many eggs, so Andrew gave up his own search for eggs to help Scott.  That is, after all, what brothers do.

Once the boys were in high school, Friday and Saturday nights, turned into computer game nights.  They drank coke and ate chips and played until the wee hours of the morning - but they were quiet, and they were home.  We were blessed that neither Scott nor Andrew had a desire to drink and/or smoke. 

After Andrew graduated from high school he wanted to apply to a college in a nearby town, but didn't want to drive.  Scott stepped up and took him.  That is, after all, what brothers do.

Watching Andrew grow up and become the man he has become today, gives Jeff and I much joy.  He is very successful and a good father to Benjamin and husband to Stacey.  What more could a parent ask?

Happy birthday Andrew.  I hope you have a wonderful day.  Dad and I love you very much.

Love Mom

Friday, January 30, 2015

Jeff Got A Job!!


Yep, you read that correctly.  Jeff interviewed earlier in the week for a position, and they called him yesterday with a job offer.  To celebrate, we went out to dinner last night and indulged ourselves with steak (yummy).

Jeff starts on Monday and unfortunately is not a remote position.  On-site every day, Monday through Friday.  He starts on Monday and the job is about 30 miles away (I think that's what he said).  Of course back here, 30 miles can equate to over an hour in the car.

While Jeff is working every day, I'll be home alone.  I must and will find productive things to do around the house.  Who knows maybe I'll try and organize photos!  Or not.

When we lived in California, Jeff commuted every day and also had to travel during the week.  Since we moved to Maryland, Jeff's commute was just a few miles to IBM and after many years, he worked remote all the time.  We both know that going to work every day and having to commute, will change the dynamics of our lives.

Since I came home from Chicago in 2013, Jeff has pretty much been here every day, helping to care for me.  I'm stronger now and thrilled for this opportunity for him.  IBM may have put him "on the bench", but this company sees the merit in hiring somebody with Jeff's talents.

I just know that 2015 is going to be a very good year for us.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"Painting by Numbers"


All of you who know me, know that I now have short term memory issues.  Multiple ECT treatments will do that to a gal.  I can, however, describe in some detail, my prom dress from 1967, but not yesterday's breakfast.  Very frustrating.

I have a need to keep challenging my brain to work.  One of the things that I love to do is "paint by number" through a program You buy a pattern, and there's a lot to choose from.  Once you have downloaded the pattern, on the right side of the screen, is a box containing all the "paint and corresponding number" you will need to finish that pattern.  I am unable to cut and paste what the paint looks like.  Currently, I'm painting a pattern called "Tweedle Farm", which is mostly centered around barns.

When I'm trying to complete a pattern, my brain is forced to pick a number (let's say 4) and find the corresponding number in the pattern.  There have been many times that I forget what number I'm looking for!  Obviously, there is still more work to be done with regard to my memory.

I don't know if my short term memory issues are temporary or permanent.  Since all of my troubles began in 2013 and we're now in 2015, looks like this problem is planning on sticking around.

Another beauty of painting on line is that when I'm on hold with some company waiting for a person, I can be quietly painting in the background - and nobody's the wiser!  Oh another advantage of painting online is that once you have completed the pattern, you can clear it and paint it again and again!  The pattern cost of $5.95 is a steal and well worth your money.

Do yourself a favor and check out this program.  I promise you won't be disappointed and the Vice-President, Beth Feldman, is always happy to help answer your questions.  

So get busy and start painting!


Image result for paint palette

Sunday, January 25, 2015



For most of the people that I know, either well or as an acquaintance, know that I suffer mightily from anxiety.  Trust me when I tell you that anxiety, like depression, is not something that can be shaken off lightly.  If I don't have something to worry about, I worry about that.

When I'm anxious, which is a lot of the time, I can't wrap my head around anything else but whatever the current issue is.  Even if I know somebody else is going to handle the "x" problem, that fact does not relieve me of the constant churning of events, that may or may not have occurred, from running around in my head, like a car on a racetrack.

I am married to a most wonderful man.  Jeff takes care of me, it's that simple.  Can I just accept that I need not worry?  Nope, it's almost like a seventh sense.  A lot of my anxiety is caused by events and/or people around me, over whom I have little or no control.

I stay in the background.  I don't need or want to be the center of attention.  Being me is easier when there are only a few bumps in the road.  Unfortunately, life doesn't always work that way.


Getting Ready for Snow


The outside is gray, but not particularly cold - at the moment.  Weathermen (who are sooooo very accurate) predicate snow to fall later today and through the night.  We might get a few inches, but unlike in years past, Jeff and I don't have to go to work, so the weather doesn't cause me to fret.

We keep our freezer and pantry well-stocked.  We have no need to rush out today and get the essentials for a winter storm: bread, milk and toilet paper!  If we didn't have the dogs, today would also be a great day to defrost our really big chest freezer in the basement.  Once the snow is on the ground, we could just chuck the food into the snow, where it would remain frozen!  The freezer would thaw out and we could put the food back into the freezer.  There is a large wall of ice built up on the sides of the freezer, but we can't really defrost because you have to have someplace for the food, while you do that.

We have a cooked chicken in the refrigerator and tomorrow Jeff will boil the carcass down to bones, which will give him great stock for chicken soup.  Jeff makes great soups, but always has a need to put mushrooms in the soup.  If I never ate another mushroom, it would be too soon!  Still, I can't complain too much, since I literally don't do anything to help make the soup.  I just show up when it's ready!

Stay warm.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Maggie's Birthday


Today is Maggie's 10th birthday.  She's our yellow lab and the third lab we've owned.  Our first lab, Daisy, was hands down, the smartest dog we've ever owned.  When the snow was feet deep, all we had to do is open the front door and she would mush her way around until she found the paper.  

Maggie was adorable as a puppy, as all dogs are.  She is loving, loyal and is a good companion.  As a plus, she also really warms up the bed during the winter!  Maggie listens well and doesn't mess up the house when we're gone, like Sam (terrier) does.  Sam doesn't mess up the house, as much as he tosses all the throw pillows on the floor and "rearranges" the towels we keep on our chairs to help contain muddy paws!

I have part of a hamburger I didn't eat last night, so I'm going to make it Maggie's "birthday cake".

Here's to many more birthdays Maggie.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Flying to the Bahamas


The once a year fly-in to the Bahamas is scheduled for April this year.  Jeff and I went in 2012 (seems like a lifetime ago), and besides Hawaii, I've never seen a place more beautiful.  The hotel we stayed at was right on the water, which did of course, have white sand.

Lounge chairs were scattered over the beach with straw-like shelters built so that you could get out of the sun.  You could have food and drinks on the beach, and I have always thought any drink that comes with a tiny umbrella in it, is pretty close to paradise.

Of course a trip like this comes with a price - a rather hefty price.  Don't even bother to figure in the amount and/or cost of fuel it takes for such a trip.  The rooms are $296 a night but you're just steps away from the beach.  And if the beach isn't your thing, there is a gorgeous pool with an amazing view of the beach and water.

When we went in 2012, we had one, yes people you read correctly - one day at the beach!  It rained every day after that and we had to cut our trip short because of news of an impending hurricane-like storm headed straight for the Bahamas.  Our planes can fly just fine in rain, but you sure don't want to be up in the clouds with lightening.  

Unlike the annual migration for pilots, which last year was in Las Vegas, this trip is all about fun.  There are no scheduled meetings to talk about the latest gadget, or safety issues, etc.  Nope, just people (mostly couples) digging their heels into the sand and getting to wear long flowing mu-mu type dresses for dinner.  What's not to like?

Will we go?  Who knows.  But a gal can keep on dreaming.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

One Name People


I want to talk about one name people.  You know, famous people who are called only by one name.  Cher, Oprah, Sting, Obama, Lincoln, Madonna, Elvis, Bono, Halston, Pink, Queen Latifah, Fabio and Einstein are examples.

So how, I wonder, do these people, and a whole lot more, become known only by one name.  Nobody talks about Elvis Presley - nope, just Elvis.  I don't believe there is some specific place on the Web where famous people go and make a statement that going forward they will only be called "x".  Who knows maybe there is.

I guess if I was going to go by a name other than Patti, I think PJ (middle name Jo) would be kind of cool.  So spend a few minutes today and decide what your "stage" name would be.  It's Sunday and other than watching football (yuck), we've got nothing better to do.


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Saturday Chores


It's Saturday (duh) and while I would be completely happy to sit on my fanny and read or color, when I look around the house, I know there are certain chores that need to be done.  However, to be honest, cleaning the kitchen will never compare to sitting in my chair with my Kindle propped up reading a book.

So before I started writing to all of you, I went to the kitchen and began to tidy up.  Jeff and I made spaghetti yesterday and that pan needs to soak.  It probably doesn't need to soak all day, but if it did what would be the harm?

The washing machine is doing it's thing, so unless I want to begin dusting - and I don't know why I would want to do that - my chores are nearly done.  When your physical limitations cause you pain when you bend over to mop or vacuum, there is less of an urgency to do those things.  You and I both know that as soon as I have pushed the dust around, it's coming right back.  Dog hair?  You betcha.  Maggie, our lab, has hair that seems to land everywhere.  Lovely dog, but hairy.  She's the kind of dog that you don't want to wear black clothes around her!

I am in the process of taking my blogs and trying to organize them by subject: family, the plane, recipes, losses, etc.  Not every blog is worthy of being remembered, but a lot of them are.  I desperately want to see my name in print and as a plus would like to at least get a royalty of oh a dollar or two - I'm not greedy!

Time for me to switch gears and finish up the kitchen and the laundry.

Have a great Saturday.


Friday, January 16, 2015

Kindle Unlimited


Yes, Amazon has come up with yet another new way to get more customers!  Kindle Unlimited allows you to read eligible books (and there's a lot of them) for free for a thirty day trial.  After the thirty days is up, you are charged $9.99 a month.

If you're not an avid reader, then this plan may not be right for you.  But in just the last two weeks, I have read six free books.  When you reach the limit, which is ten books, you must "return" a book before you can have another.  

Even if I order books for my Kindle, the fee for those books varies from 90 cents to $3.99 or more.  So if you do the math, and if my six books cost let's say $3.99 each, then I would have spent approximately $23 dollars and change.  

When I first looked into getting books for free, my fear was that free books would be from authors I've never heard of, or older books.  To my delight, neither of those assumptions is correct.  There is a large catalog books to choose from: science/horror, romance (my personal favorite), adventure, children's books, etc.  

Obviously, you can keep your ten books as long as you like.  But, if you're like me, I read (or skim) fast and my ten free books turn over quickly.

Another thing I have found handy is a Kindle stand, which is nothing more than a bean bag for your Kindle.  You squish around your bean bag and make a pouch, put your Kindle in the pouch and you no longer have to hold the Kindle.  I don't know about you, but I think the Kindle is heavy, so my little bean bag has proven to be very useful to me.

Happy reading.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sunny Outside


After a few days of bleak, gray days that hosted sprinkles, some sleet and a dusting of snow, the sun is out today.

When I woke up this morning and pulled my blinds up, I was met with brilliant sunshine. The kind of sunshine that makes you want to do something.  Any something that doesn't involve staying inside the house.  

It's cold out, but still a great day for taking your car out of the garage and washing away the sand and salt that has covered our roads these last few days.  Not only does your car look grungy, but the salt isn't good for the undercarriage.  

While it looks nice after you vacuum the carpet, the dogs tend to bring in dead leaves, etc. after they have been in the backyard.  I have difficulty doing housework that involves bending over, something is wrong with my back.  I'm actually trying to think of the things that don't hurt on my body!  We know my brain is a mess, have a problem with my back and my left hip has been bothersome for years.  Um that pretty much just leaves me arms and feet.  Yeah.

So if I hurry up and put away my laundry, clean the kitchen and yes vacuum the floors, then my housework (more or less) is done.  Dusting - not so much.  Once I have satisfied myself that my chores are done, then I am free to return to reading and writing.

I hope the sun is shining where ever you are.


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hair or Less Hair?


I have been married to Jeff for 40 years.  With the exception of a few months of our marriage, I have had short hair.  I don't have the talent to twist, twirl, curl or tease my hair into anything that remotely resembles a "do".

For the last few months, I thought that I would let my hair grow longer, to see if I liked it.  I went out and bought barrettes, curlers, hair bands and anything else that would/could contain my hair.  I see women on television who have hair hanging dangerously close to their eyes and I don't know how they stand it.  I have finally come to the conclusion that I don't much care for long hair and I definitely don't want any hair on my face.  

Longer hair is just too much of a commitment for me.  I'm more of a wash and fluff kind of gal.  I have decided that I don't want to have to use curlers every day in an effort to get my gray hair to do something other than hanging straight.

In an hour I'm off to the beauty shop and will let Angie, who has been doing my hair since 1986, know that it's time to go short.  I truly admire ladies who have long hair that flows around their head, but clearly I'm not that person.  

Another disadvantage of long(er) hair is that nobody can see my earrings.  I only wear studs and long hair covers up my two sets (I know very extravagant of me) of earrings.  I have emerald studs and diamond studs.  That's it.  I have seen women with hoop earrings so large they look like they should have their own zip code, and I can't imagine how nerve racking it would be for me to have large hoops banging against my neck all day.  

So there you have it.  My general lack of hair styling abilities and the fuss needed if you have long(er) hair, is giving way today to what I wear best - short hair!


Monday, January 12, 2015

Medicare - Ugh


 For those of you who have not yet had the "pleasure" of being a Medicare card carrying senior citizen, be warned of the pitfalls of paperwork.

I have only had one (count it one) doctor's visit go off to the far lands of Medicare for processing.  Once the government takes care of whatever they deem appropriate to pay, then in round two the bill goes to your Medigap carrier.  Exhausted yet?

This morning I spent over an hour with both AARP, who handles my Medigap insurance and the doctor's office.  If all future bills are as difficult as this one, take me out back and shoot me!  For reasons known only to the doctor's office they told me that my insurance had terminated.  Yes, my insurance through IBM terminated at the end of November, but the bill in question was in December.  

AARP's coverage won't pay if Medicare doesn't pay.  Well guess what?  The doctor provided me with not one, but three different devices (walking air cast, etc.) to cure my plantar fasciatis (sp).  These devices were $400 each and according to AARP, Medicare didn't pay for such devices, so there would be no payment forthcoming from their end.  

It didn't help that my insurance with IBM was with United Healthcare.  My insurance through AARP is also United Healthcare.  As you can see things could and did get a little mixed up.  I wore myself out going back and forth between the doctor's office and AARP.

At the moment, I believe I have the doctor's office on the right path to receive payment from AARP.  

When it comes time for you to decide on a Medigap provider, I can't say enough good things about AARP.  The people are extremely helpful and there is little to no wait to talk to an actual human!

My wish for 2015?  That all future billings from doctors are easier to deal with than the one I am trying to handle at the moment.


Friday, January 9, 2015



Watches.  Used to be everybody wore one and now thanks to cellphones adhered to hips, more and more people don't wear a watch.

I wear a watch and yesterday the battery inside died.  A trip to the jewelry store is on my agenda to get it replaced.  I am old school and most of the time couldn't even tell you where my cellphone is!  Nobody knows the number and it wouldn't matter if they did, it's likely I wouldn't answer.

Here are some interesting statistics:
  • Number of watches sold annually worldwide 1,200,000,000
  • Swatch/Omega annual sales - $8,880,000,000
  • Rolex annual sales - $4,500,000,000
  • The Swatch group has 18.3% of the market share 
  • Mechanical watches have 77% of the market share
So obviously somebody(ies) out there are still wearing watches.  I know some people have fancy dress watches that they wear when they're out on the town.  Then there are people who have watches that do other things besides tell time. 

I do use my watch to keep time and I like wearing it because it has a circle of "diamonds" around the face.  It's a pretty watch.  I see ladies wearing watches that, to me, more closely resemble a man's watch with wide bands and large watch faces.  I prefer daintier jewelry including the watch I wear.

Speaking of time, it's time for me to get to my appointment.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Baby It's Cold Outside!


It appears that winter has finally landed in Maryland.  We've had our first snow, which amounted to only a few inches, but still had to be shoveled.  Jeff made a fabulous beef soup for us to eat on yesterday and likely again today.  It's amazing how many meals you can make from a single package of stew meat.

The snow, thanks to the sun, is melting.  Unfortunately, there also patches of ice on walkways and parking lots, guaranteed to trip you up if you're not careful.  I hate walking around outside when there is ice on the ground.

This morning it was 7 degrees!  I know that the good folks who live in Minnesota, Alaska and other such northerly places, would possibly find that temperature almost warm!  As I sit here in the house typing this morning, my hands are cold.  In a few minutes Jeff and I are leaving for a doctor's appointment and I dread going to the car and perching my "little" fanny on cold leather seats!

Once I'm back from the appointment, I'm not going to stick my head out again today.  We will have the gas fireplace running all day, which will make the back part of the house warm.  Our entire back of the house is windows, lots of windows.  

As cold as it is today, I'm going to try and remember this when summer comes around and we're sweating from the heat and humidity.  I guess we're just not happy if we don't have something to complain about!

So once I'm back home, it's read in front of the fireplace and drink hot chocolate (marshmallows optional).  


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Snow and Oatmeal


We're only days into the new year, and have had our first snow.  Not a major snowstorm, but enough inches on the ground that require shoveling.  If you live where it snows, you know that you have to get ahead of the snow.  While it would be comforting to sit next to the fire and forget about the mounting snow - this would be a mistake.

Jeff, is out this morning, shoveling the sidewalk and driveway.  If you clear the snow off surfaces, then when the sun comes out, the remaining snow will melt faster.  One of advantages of having sons is that when snowstorms did come around, we had a number of hands to help shovel us out.  Unfortunately, that responsibility is all on Jeff.  He shovels some and then comes back inside to warm up.  Since the snow has stopped, once he has the driveway clear, then he's done.

Jeff and I would still like to have a big snowstorm.  One reason, which is rather guilty of us, is that we have yet to have a power outage of more than a few minutes since we installed "Jenny" (the generator) in the yard.  Jenny is big enough to run everything, and I do mean everything, in the house.  So far, Jenny only runs about 15 minutes once a week which is sort of a maintenance thing.  If Jenny doesn't run those 15 minutes, then there's a problem and it needs fixing.

On snowy days like this, oatmeal is the "go to" for breakfast.  Jeff uses Steel Cut oats, which makes a much different kind of oatmeal than most people are used to.  Mom used to make oatmeal and Cream of Wheat when we were kids, and I hated it.

Come to find out, if you take your bowl of oats, add butter (an absolute essential), brown sugar, white sugar, milk and/or raisins and nuts, you have an almost healthy breakfast!  The good thing about eating oatmeal is that it stays with you much longer than say eating a piece of toast.

When the boys were young, they always wanted Jeff to make oatmeal on test days.  The boys actually thought of oatmeal as brain food.  

I hope wherever you are that you are snuggled in if it's cold, or you're basking in the sun drinking pina coladas (however you spell it).


Monday, January 5, 2015

Year End Taxes (Blah)!


I know most of you are not yet thinking about the filing of your state and federal income tax forms, and neither am I.  But, if you are a business, there are multiple forms that have to be filed and all of them seem to be due on different dates.  A nightmare.

Jeff got right on the end of the year taxes for the business.  I, as the "secretary" and "envelope licker" put all the forms in all the right envelopes (that's very important).  I made copies of our filings to be put in the tax binder for our business.

When all of this is accomplished, and it will be finished today, I just feel like a weight is lifted off my shoulders.  I don't have to think about what gets filed in January or February.  Everything is done! And it's a good feeling.

All that's left for us to do is to wait for the accountant to do his magic and produce forms (yes more forms) for us to sign, date and mail by the required date.

Life is good!


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Rainy Day and Oatmeal


I'm still practicing the 2015 thing.  I originally typed 2014 before I remembered!

The weather in Maryland is ugly today.  It's not really cold as much as it is cooler (40's), and it's raining.  

I hate gray, rainy days.  With weather like that, it can be an uphill battle to stay positive - at least for me.  The thing about rain is that if you are out in the rain, you get wet, really wet.  If it's snowing and you're outside, I don't get that same "drenched cat" feeling.  I don't understand everything, or anything, about weather, but while snow maybe piling up all around me, I just don't feel as damp as I do in rain.  To be sure, noses, fingers and toes get cold, really cold, when you're outside shoveling.  

I maybe just plain selfish, but I'd rather look out my window and see the beauty (for a moment anyway) of snow falling.  The world is very quiet after it snows and my world is peaceful.  Unlike during my working years, where I actually dreaded the arrival of snow and the enviable questions: are the schools open or delayed, is work open or delayed. When you have school age children, if the schools are closed, this presents a real problem for the working parent.  I know - been there - hated it!

As I sit here typing, Jeff is making oatmeal from Steel Cut oats.  If you haven't tried Steel Cut oats, you should.  Mind you, this kind of oats is not a five minute process, but well worth the time spent stirring the oats.  Jeff adds cinnamon to the oats, so right now my kitchen smells as if I had been baking.  If you eat a bowl of Steel Cut oats, you won't be hungry for hours, because these oats fill your stomach up.  Once the oats are cooked, then you can "doctor" your bowl as you see fit - sugar, brown sugar, butter, milk, raisins, etc.  

I've already had my breakfast, but there is no rule against oatmeal for lunch!


Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year!


Last night, for the first time in years, Jeff and I actually stayed up until midnight.  Shocker!  We were watching a movie and by the time the movie ended, there was only 20 minutes or so left on the countdown clock.  Oh what the heck we decided to see the new year in and immediately after, meandered our way up the stairs.

One of us - me, slept in until 10:00 this morning.  When I got up, I couldn't decide whether I should have breakfast or wait two hours for lunch.  This are big decisions people.

I didn't make any New Year's resolutions and likely you didn't either.  My theory is that if you don't actually resolve to do something different, then when (or if possibly) you fail, no harm done.  Life goes on as before. 

The new year stretches before us like a brand new page in a journal.  The possibilities for the year are endless.  At this time next year, we can look back on the year with hopefully more joyful memories than sad ones.

Happy New Year.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...