Saturday, January 31, 2015

Happy Birthday Andrew


Today is the 35th birthday of our youngest son, Andrew.  Since he was our third "blue" baby, I didn't need to adjust to lacy and frilly clothing!  Nope, I was well entrenched with mud, denim, burping and other bodily noises!

Andrew was a good baby and a good sleeper.  Since he shared a bedroom with Scott, who was 18 months old at the time, I certainly appreciated that he didn't wake Scott up during the night.  It's one thing to deal with a crying baby, but quite another thing, if you're dealing with two crying children.

Because of the proximity of their ages, Scott and Andrew were best friends and between the two of them, could get into all kinds of trouble.  To the horror of some people, I allowed the boys to fill up a plastic trashcan (clean) with water, get inside and then roll down the driveway.  They had such a good time doing this - but just so no alarms go off, I was always watching from the window - and a lid was a definite no-no!

Once they were of school age, I remember that when the boys walked down the street to catch the bus, a neighbor's son would kick at Scott's heels, and Andrew managed to put a stop to that nonsense.  At the beginning of every school year, Andrew would sit back and analyze the teacher to see what he could or could not get away with.  He was always on the honor roll, but that first quarter he always paced himself and we came to accept that was just his style.

At Easter, during a community Easter egg hunt, Scott couldn't find many eggs, so Andrew gave up his own search for eggs to help Scott.  That is, after all, what brothers do.

Once the boys were in high school, Friday and Saturday nights, turned into computer game nights.  They drank coke and ate chips and played until the wee hours of the morning - but they were quiet, and they were home.  We were blessed that neither Scott nor Andrew had a desire to drink and/or smoke. 

After Andrew graduated from high school he wanted to apply to a college in a nearby town, but didn't want to drive.  Scott stepped up and took him.  That is, after all, what brothers do.

Watching Andrew grow up and become the man he has become today, gives Jeff and I much joy.  He is very successful and a good father to Benjamin and husband to Stacey.  What more could a parent ask?

Happy birthday Andrew.  I hope you have a wonderful day.  Dad and I love you very much.

Love Mom

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