Monday, February 2, 2015

Day One Without Jeff


Don't panic.  I meant day one with Jeff working all day.  Since I returned from Chicago in 2013, Jeff has been home, 99% of the time during the week.  On weekends, he heads off to help either Scott or Andrew with work at their houses.  

Today feels different.  Jeff's working is a good thing obviously for the salary, if nothing else.  It will also put purpose back into his life.  When IBM was through with him, Jeff wasn't ready to retire and did attempt to find a job many times since 2013.  They all boiled down to some anxious recruiter who just loved Jeff's skills, but nothing ever happened after the initial call.

Until now that is.  Jeff talked with a recruiter, then to someone at the company, had an interview and a job offer a day later.  This company needs Jeff's skills and is ready to pay for them.  Bummer part is that it's not a remote position and the job is about 30 miles away.

When we lived in California, Jeff commuted every day into a LA suburb as well as some business travel.  Of course there were a few things that were different back then.  One difference is the commute itself.  In California, you deal with traffic, and lots of it, but little or no weather.  Most days in Southern California are mild and you certainly don't have to deal with ice or snow.

Another big difference in his California commute to the one he is doing today is the drivers.  You may be shaking your head, but in California drivers really do know when and how to merge.  A lot of the on ramps on California highways, are downhill and yYou can gather up a lot of speed by the time you reach the end of the ramp.

I'm proud of Jeff and all of his successes in his career.  I'm thankful for this current opportunity because let's face it making money is more advantageous than just spending money!  While Jeff won't be as available to the boys during the week as he has been, they will survive.

And in case you're wondering, I'll survive as well.  The house this morning is quiet.  I've read the paper, both dogs are already taking their first of many naps today and all I really need to do today is clean up the kitchen and fix dinner.

I have made myself a promise that I must do one thing every day.  Clean out the junk drawer, file paperwork, continue working on my blog book project.  Stuff like that.  It's dreary out today and I'm glad I have no place to go.  I'll spend sometime this morning with my "SAD" light which really adds sunshine to even the grayest of days.



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