Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tired of the Cold


I'm going to try and remember how cold it is when this summer it's so hot!  I hate having to go outside when a bulky coat, gloves and a scarf are required clothing.  There is somebody else in our house that isn't enjoying the cold either - Sam.  Sam, who is an elder dog has found a good place to sleep is on top of a heat vent.  Can't really blame him.  I suppose if the vent was big enough, perhaps I would park my fanny on one too!

During the spring and summer months, Sam gets frequent haircuts and while his "do" isn't an AKC Westie aproved cut, he's cool and sense there is less hair, stays cleaner.  Right now, he's a bit overdo for a trim and he's warmer with his shaggy overcoat.  

One of the good things about being retired (and there aren't many), is that dire weather predictions no longer has me hyperventilating with anxiety about going to work the next day. When I did work and snow fell during the day, I'd begin to panic and generally left work early - time card be damned!

This is good baking weather - but and it's a huge but - I love sugar with a capital "L" and so not only would I bake, I'd eat.  Not good.  Benjamin is coming for a sleepover this weekend, so I'll probably go out and buy some of those pre-made cookie squares that you just tear apart and pop in the oven.  The chocolate chip ones are really good.  It's too cold to play outside, so I suspect mega train and town building will be on Benjamin's list of things to do!  Benjamin has three requirements when he's here: chocolate milk and what he calls monkey drink (liquid yogurt but has monkeys on the bottle), and pop tarts.  Mom Mom is all set with the essentials.

I'm probably going to the library tomorrow and take out some movies for Benjamin and I to watch.  All the DVDs that we have, I've sat through many, many times!  


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