Monday, February 9, 2015



When I was a child, Spam was something my mother sliced, fried and served for dinner, and it was awful.  

But in today's day and age, Spam means something all together different.  I have received over 100 emails from strangers regarding a mailing list coming from something called LBPH.  I never open attachments from people or companies that I don't know.  Jeff is going to clean up my Spam folder, but if the hundreds of people who are outraged at this intrusion, would stop sending emails asking to be removed from the list - and then, of course, copying that message to the entire rest of the world, which just adds to the problem.

As Mr. Wonderful says on Shark Tank - Stop The Madness!

I don't know who started this lovely email and I personally don't know how to stop it, but these emails are almost as annoying as the unwanted soliciting calls for products that you don't want.

Sometimes I wish we were back in the "old" days, before hackers knew how to screw with our devices.


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