Monday, February 16, 2015

The Sky is Falling!!


Remember Chicken Little?  He was always declaring that the sky was falling.  Well, that's what's happening here in Maryland.  We've had several days of very cold weather, or what we like to call a two dog night!  The dogs don't mind getting up close - they just need to know they can't take the pillows!

This afternoon/evening we're supposed to get 5-8 inches.  Not the "foots" that Jeff likes, but it's a start.  When the snowing starts, he's really good about getting out to shovel every hour or so.  The goal, which can't be met during a snowstorm, is black pavement on the driveway.  

We're mostly prepared.  If you could see my pantry and chest freezer in the basement, you would likely say that we don't need anything - but we're low on milk and I consider milk a must have essential.  If you don't have milk, how are you going to make pudding?

While Scott was here yesterday, we reminisced about a large snowstorm when he and Andrew were teenagers and they took the truck we had at the time to "see how bad the roads were".  Trouble was that we live on a hill and they got the truck stuck at the bottom of the street.  It's funny this many years later, but they had to come up and get Jeff to help them dig the snow out from underneath the truck.  If the snow plows had come to plow the street and couldn't get through, then all of the neighbors would have been very unhappy.

Now, we own the Blu Ox, which is a massive manly truck with a high clearance and also has four wheel drive.  I can't imagine the circumstances that would get the Ox stuck, and if such a circumstance exists, I don't want to be a participant!

We have chicken soup in the crock pot - Jeff makes wonderful soups and stews.  I can make these dishes too, but I absolutely hate cutting up veggies.  I just finished boiling macaroni so that I can make Jeff macaroni salad, which he takes as part of his lunch every day.

The fireplace is on and the dogs have found warm comfy places to sleep away the day.  Sam, in particular, because of his age, spends most of his days and nights asleep now.  He has a burst of energy in the morning and runs and finds his babies when Jeff throws them.  After that, he's curled up somewhere snoring the day away.

Have a good day.



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