Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Maggie's Birthday


Today is Maggie's 10th birthday.  She's our yellow lab and the third lab we've owned.  Our first lab, Daisy, was hands down, the smartest dog we've ever owned.  When the snow was feet deep, all we had to do is open the front door and she would mush her way around until she found the paper.  

Maggie was adorable as a puppy, as all dogs are.  She is loving, loyal and is a good companion.  As a plus, she also really warms up the bed during the winter!  Maggie listens well and doesn't mess up the house when we're gone, like Sam (terrier) does.  Sam doesn't mess up the house, as much as he tosses all the throw pillows on the floor and "rearranges" the towels we keep on our chairs to help contain muddy paws!

I have part of a hamburger I didn't eat last night, so I'm going to make it Maggie's "birthday cake".

Here's to many more birthdays Maggie.


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