Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Remote blog - more drama 5/31/2017

Jeff again as the paid typist.  Unfortunately, with my poor typing skills, I will never make any money at this....Again, I was handed a long hand note - told to TYPE IT UP BUB!

Had trouble getting to sleep.  Before bedtime, I had blood drawn and a new IV - Great way to end the day!
Earlier in the day, I tried multiple times to get a nurse to help me get on the "throne" (I.E. potty chair).  I did manage to hop on to the chair, and hop off.  Tried several times to get help. but I guess the nurses were busy with other patients.  Even so, very annoying. 
I was told at 7:00 this morning, that my procedure would be at 11:00.  I was caught off guard when the transport team came at 8:00 and wheeled me to the procedure room.  I was put into the CAT SCAN machine.  After I was numbed, the doctor put a needle in the back of the knee.  After the needle stick, I was given the bad news... the area behind my knee is inflamed and the liquid isn't - it is more gelatinous - Hair gel comes to mind.  Procedure ends, unsucessfully.

So, I am back in my room - disappointed and frankly depressed.  My nurse told me that I might have to go home and WAIT for the liquid to go somewhere else in my body.  Seriously, THAT doesn't sound like much of an option to me.  I've already been dealing with this for a month.  Going home in the same condition as I was when I cam to the hospital simply does NOT feel like a reasonable solution.

Someone came in and suggested going to rehab - I declined.  I told him that I saw NO reason to go there if my foot issue unresolved.  Physical Therapy came by today.  By using the therapist's foot under mine, I was able, for a short time to bear weight on my right foot.  Rehab was again discussed.  I agreed reluctantly to talk to Jeff about rehab, but I am VERY homesick and depressed.

(the hand written page stops)

Typists comments:
I spoke with Patti's doctor - and while I realize she is trying, does NOT have the best patient communications skills.  About like trying to talk to a dog, (sometimes - cocks her head) is the only response.  I specifically explained - now 10 days, and the condition is NO better at all.  The doc did explain, that the real issue belongs to Orthopedics - so I specifically asked her to ramp up and keep the pressure on the Orthopedics team, to "think outside the box" - look for answers, because - "WAIT THIS TAKES TIME" - simply ISN'T GONNA CUT IT!!!!  Basically there is little or no actual TREATMENT happening to actually TREAT this condition.  TIME - well... HOW LONG DO WE WAIT DOC?  (sometimes these things take MANY MONTHS she says)

Patti is extremely frustrated, and depressed.  It certainly appears that NO PROGRESS has occurred and while they want to be conservitive, we need to be a bit more aggressive.


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Remote Blog via Guest typist

5/30/17 7:18PM

Jeff here again - just returned from a visit with Patti at Hopkins.
She provided me with a hand written blog (WARNING LONG) - that I am supposed to post..... I am not the best typist, I do try to get the spelling errors to go away when using spell check.  I will type this as close as I can to what she has written.   - J-

Cuzilu here - remotely. 
I am sure that Jeff has been doing a great job as guest blogger. 

It is Friday and I am running out of food options!  Nobody ever gives award to hospitals for the food they serve.  I have my breakfast food down and now order the same thing every day.  Frosty Flakes, peach slices, bread of some sort, and coffee.  Lunch and dinner continue to be a crap shoot.  The only thing that is positive!  Who doesn't like chocolate brownies?  Jeff simply doesn't crave chocolate, and frankly, I don't understand :-)

I had several groups of doctors visit me yesterday.  Ortho, Neuro, Psychiatric nurse, and the "vampires" from the basement.

My body, actually my right leg, has been poked and prodded.  I think I might be making progress.  A test that is likely to happen tomorrow (typist insert - remember, this was written on Fri 5/26 - and this STILL has not happened - latest update is this is scheduled for tomorrow 5/31) an attempt to drain the fluid from my right calf.  Will it make a difference to the pain in my calf and/or the numbness in my right foot? THIS is $64,000 question. (editor note - Two doctors have already been by to try and set expectations - that this **may** fail, due to the distinct possibility that the fluid is too thick to aspirate from her leg - THIS is causing MUCH anguish and fear for Patti)

My care if very good and the nurses take really good care of me.  No reason to complain.

I miss not being home.  I miss the "girls" and likely on some level they miss me too.  I am supposed to have liquid removed from my leg, and I'm pretty sure that some amount of pain will be involved.  My goal is to be able to walk out of the hospital.  Today is Friday and I am supposed to have an ultra sound test today.  I don't know what they will find during the test, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that the doctors find something/anything - I am truly that desperate...

I am trying very hared to imagine a time, hopefully in the near future, when I'll be able to actually walk again.  Notice, I am not asking for something ridiculously out of reach, like becoming thinner overnight! :-)

When you can't get around, it the little things you miss: your bed, showering, clean hair and teeth, and a change of clothes. 

It's a three day weekend, which means that Jeff will get to sleep in a bit instead of getting up at "o dark thirty", and he''ll be able to stay in bed until the girls wake up, which is normally 7:00 or so.

Yesterday, I had an ultra scan of my knee and leg.  Results: Fluid on my knee and in my calf.  Solution?  On Tuesday, Yes, you read that right, my leg's fluid will be drained.  It's too early to know whether I'll be "cured" after the procedure. (editors note - this DID NOT happen today - now, rescheduled for tomorrow).  It's Saturday and there is a holiday vibe among the staffers.  Requests for blankets or help to go to the bathroom are slow.

I was waken at 6:30AM so they could weigh me (huh?) First, I was fast asleep and when I became fully awake, I asked the $1000 question... WHY am I being weighed? Then they realized it was for a different patient.  Next, they wanted me to use the "potty chair" Now, I know that when I use it, it makes less work for them, but for me, it more like torture.  I know I only have to hop one time to get to the chair.  I will say that my "dismount" is a perfect 10.

Tuesday: May 30th
I encouraged Jeff to stay home over the weekend.  He really needs to take the time for himself.  I was lonely,  I'll admit that, but thankfully I found enough cheesy television to watch. The show "street outlaws" which is about men who basically race down the street.  And, these are the men that spend thousands of dollars on their race cars, and they also bet big money on the outcome of the races.  I am talking about bets that sometimes start at $1000.  Notice that I said "START"!  The show is addicting and I am not quite sure why I like it so much, but I do.

(editors note - the hand written note ends)

I hope my editing/typing skills are acceptable - difficult for me...

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Continued GUEST blogger 5/25/17

Jeff here - continuing as the GUEST at the request of my lovely bride.

I spent a couple of hours at the hospital in Baltimore (Johns Hopkins) with Patti yesterday afternoon/evening.  I did meet two of the docs - floor or "provider" docs.

For those of you that are not aware, Johns Hopkins is a teaching hospital, and as such, you get to meet new docs/nurses in training - under supervision of the resident and instructor.

Our primary care doctor, is a Professor in the School of Medicine - and of course, still has a few regular patients.  She is simply a wonderful doc, and provider - while it is a bit of a hike to Baltimore for us, (about 50 miles) - the care has always been wonderful.

The current discussions have moved from rehab - now to home care... with Medicare providing some assistance with nursing, Physical Therapy, bathing, etc.  They are even talking about providing a rental hospital bed for some period, since she really can't go up the stairs... and they don't really want her sitting in the recliner 24x7.

Patti was fretting - because during these discussions - the word DISCHARGE was tossed about, and I spoke to our primary care doc, that she did not seem READY - yet - and she explained that the discussions by some of the floor personal were premature - we are just PLANNING HERE...DON'T FRET..

Clearly, it does take some time to get authorizations, and make arrangements, so all these discussions are simply in the preliminary - what CAN we do, order to make reasonable and rational decisions.  However, to this fellow, and Patti as well, it simply feels like the ol' "push 'em out"  routine. 

Current status - as of late yesterday afternoon, just before dinner, the knee is getting better, less swollen, less pain.  The right calf/foot still bad.  There is still a need to drain/absorb the fluid that has pooled from the ruptured cyst, and determine if there is a "impinged nerve" - Orthopedics, and even Neurology will probably be more involved.  Apparently, the normal treatment for a Baker's cyst is elevate the affected leg, cold (ice) packs, rest, and time..followed by Physical Therapy. 

The nursing staff has been great! Patti is still struggling and frustrated, because this is taking so long, and we are being told - THIS CONDITION TAKES TIME.... (so, HOW LONG is reasonable?) the unanswered question.

I kinda suspect, that Patti will be discharged tomorrow - or Fri - before the holiday weekend.

We will see....

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Still Guest blogger - 5/24/17

Jeff here again - still as guest.

It has been officially determined that Patti's issue is GOUT of the KNEE.  Gout you say - that is of course for the Rich and over-indulgent.  Well, I promise you - Patti and I are neither of those.

Patti is still in alot of pain, and her right foot and leg are still extremely painful.

There was talk, of sending her to a rehabilitation facility instead of the hospital, since, the current word is wait for the fluid to drain or be absorbed and she will get better.

I questioned the Doc this morning - how long do we wait for - the "be patient - it takes time" diagnosis to make things better.

Additionally, Patti has what is called a Baker's cyst (so named by Dr. Baker that first documented this), which is a cyst that develops behind the knee.  At some point, one of the dogs, jumped up on the bed, and landed on Patti's leg.  She heard and felt a "POP" - and apparently this was the cyst rupturing.  Now, all the fluid in that cyst, has gone down into her calf and foot.  And, this is causing additional issues.  We are told, that we have to wait for this fluid to be re-absorbed within the tissue.

Meanwhile, Patti is unable to put any weight or pressure on her right leg/foot without excruciating pain.  Sitting, and being totally inactive does nothing to help make it better... ahh, the ol' Catch-22.

I am hopeful that we can get some better resolution other than - wait... wait... wait... (so how long is reasonable? - this already has been a couple of weeks)

Patti is becoming increasingly frustrated and depressed, and we KNOW that is not a good thing. 

I will head to Hopkins again this afternoon - we will see what I learn.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Guest Blog today 5/22/17 - Patti update

Jeff here - as the GUEST blogger today.

Patti is currently in Johns Hopkins Hospital - with a horrible right knee and leg.  She is unable to walk or put any weight on her right leg.

On Friday, after much drama, only a small part documented here due to the level involved, Patti was seen in a followup to the Wed visit at the local orthopedist.  His comment was - hmmm, your knee seems better - (not as far as Patti was concerned) -

When asked about the pain, possible nerve inflammation due to the Baker's Cyst, he simply said, you will need to see someone else - Neurosurgeon or Neurologist for nerves.   The lab results were not complete, and the preliminary results showed some concerns, and additional blood work was ordered.
To add insult to injury, it appeared that because she was a Medicare patient, her chart was  

On Sat morning, the decision was to head to Hopkins for pain control, and a better diagnosis.

So, we checked in at 4:00P on Sat afternoon.  When I went to visit yesterday, she had already several tests, including more fluid from her knee, x-rays, a CT scan and IV antibiotics.   She still in a lot of pain, and unable to stand or walk.  Already this morning (Monday Morning) the official diagnosis is Gout of the knee and foot.

It is not yet clear what the treatment will be. We are awaiting input from the Orthopedic team for the next set of treatments. but at least - at Hopkins, our doctor is managing this, and we will get proper diagnosis and treatment - they very seldom use the "I don't know" at Johns Hopkins.  

I assume that since we now have an actual diagnosis, Hopkins will develop a treatment plan, and we can put this incident behind us... whew.

That is all that is fit to print for today.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Another Day, More Drama .......


Yesterday, Jeff took me for an ultrasound of my calf.  I went in believing that there could/would be absolutely nothing wrong, because that's the way it turns out for me.  Mind you, I don't want there to be "something" hugely wrong, but would like to know why my calf hurts so much.  Turns out, I have a teeeeny blood clot in my leg.  When we got home last night, Jeff pulled up one of those so attractive white support hose over my leg.  From a fashion statement, my look is now complete - I'm a complete mess.  

Tomorrow, Stacey and Benjamin are coming to take me back to see the ortho doctor and we'll see what he has to say.  Pretty tired of parking my sore, old body into my recliner hour after hour.  Me complain?  To that I say "nah"!  Here's what I do know: when you can't do something, you want to do it so very much.  Showering (that would be lovely), having clean hair (also lovely).  When Stacey is here she washes my hair, which makes me look a "tad" bit less like a crazy woman.  Not, that I particularly care at this point.

I "walked" away from my new recliner desk area earlier this morning, and when I returned, there was no surprise that the girls had gotten to the table and upended my glass of water.  Since I wanted to do a few things at the computer, I put the big gate up, which will keep my space free and clear of nosy noses.

This is short, because my time for sitting in this chair is up.  Back I go to my recliner.

Later, P

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Here I am Again


"Freed from my recliner prison", I'll spent a few minutes writing a blog, which I'm sure will be short.  I feel an obligation - a good obligation - to the people who follow my blogs on a regular basis.  Therefore, when days go by and you guys don't hear from me, you may "wander" off to another blog.  And, we can't have that, can we!

I'm having another test done today to see if there is a physical problem with my calf.  Likely there isn't, but I guess it never hurts to check things out.  Jeff will have to take time off from work again, to take me.  Stacey and Benjamin are going to take me to my Friday appointment.  

The a/c man has just reached out to me.  Our upstairs unit, which was installed last year, has stopped working.  We believe that the source of the problem is with the girls and chewing on insulation and/or pipes.  The temperate is rising this week, so it will be good to get it fixed.  I've even bought some chicken wire that Jeff can cut and stake down around all the piping.  

Hope it's a beautiful day in your neck of the woods.  More later.


Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday All Day


You may have noticed my absence and that's due to this painful knee.  For one week from tomorrow, my "residence" has been my recliner, except for potty runs (or more precisely dragging myself around in my walker.  

I saw an ortho doctor last Thursday, who was useless.  How come I always get the "B" team? He agreed that the knee looked bad, gave me a cortisone shot (not sure why) and sent me on my way.  Stacey made me an appointment for the 23rd with a different doctor.  But, on Friday, I was in so much pain, that I called the doctor's office again.  I pleaded my case and have an appointment tomorrow!  Imagine that.

Saturday was a lousy day for yard work.  The boys showed up.  Scott with chain saw in hand and the truck to put the cut branches in.  Andy worked on my boxwood hedges in front of the porch and they look great.  Unfortunately, Stacey wheeled me out to the front porch one time, but the pain was too much for me.

I'm going to keep this short, because I just have to get back to my chair.  Keep your fingers crossed that tomorrow I'll see a doctor who can actually do something for me.


Friday, May 12, 2017

Same Chapter, Different Verse


The drama: the right knee.  The scenario: visit to a new doctor.  Result: Absolutely nothing. He found no liquid forming around the knee, (but the results from the test on Monday, showed the liquid) and finally said he wasn't the doctor I should be seeing!  What the "f".  He finally offered me a cortisone shot, which I knew wasn't going to do me any good, but for the cost what he was probably going to charge Medicare, I thought he should do something.  At the end of a fairly short visit, he told me that I should really be seeing either "Dr. X" or "Dr Y" in the practice.  Again, what the "f".  I told them at the front desk when I made the appointment that I had a KNEE problem, so why do I always seem to get the B team?  I don't want to be told that I have a bit of swelling of my knee.  Yep, I knew that when I limped in.  

And the drama and effort it takes for me to get in and out of a car is the stuff of comedic movies.  I try to get both feet on the sideboard (or whatever you call it), Stacey is on the other side of the car, and with my fanny "mostly" perched on the edge of the seat, she hauls me in like a bleached whale (my words, assuredly not hers).  Once sitting upright, then with the help of Benjamin, my feet have to get inside.  My left foot is a non-issue, but the right foot has to be maneuvered gently inside.  Because of the amount of time that Stacey and Benjamin spent with me on Wednesday and yesterday, I bought us milkshakes and french fries, from where else Mc'Donalds.  So the day wasn't a complete waste, the shake and fries were yummy.

Tomorrow, the boys are coming to supposedly cut down branches and/or small trees, dig holes for new plants, stuff like that.  The weather isn't looking great for tomorrow - of course not - I planned it! I was going to make potato salad, a fabulous dessert and of course the country style ribs (no bones)!  Unless I get some "oof" in my step later today, I'm afraid the boys might not be getting some of the dishes I've promised.

So that's my story: sad but true.  I'm climbing off my rant box now and will be returning to my original position, reclining in the recliner, sadly.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Bad Knee


Yesterday morning I was in so much pain, that I checked to see if Stacey and Benjamin could come to the house.  When they arrived, I told Stacey it was probably better to just take me to the Emergency Room, where "hopefully" somebody could do something about my knee.  Stacey and I tried to get me out of the house, but the pain was so bad, that we called an ambulance.  Overkill?  Perhaps, but I could see no other way for me to get to the hospital.  The men who showed up were all very nice and even through pain-filled eyes, could see why firefighters and EMT's rate their own calendar!  Just saying.  

Once in the hospital, I was seen rather quickly.  The attending physician agreed that my right knee didn't look good.  Really?  That's why I came in with my knee.  Now what can you do for me? I was a boring patient - no blood - no broken bones and not having a heart attack.   Turns out not too much.  After a quick exam, I was wheeled off into another room where the three of us would sit for over 5 hours.  I was promised a Percot and finally got that pill just as I was being released.  Jeff came to the hospital when he got off work.  I opted to ride home in Stacey's car because it is an SUV and I thought I would have a much easier time getting in.  I was partially right.  Stacey got on the other side of the car and pulled me into the seat.  Then a nurse and a physical therapist worked to get my right leg into the car.  Never used the word "f..." so much in my life.  

Once we got home, Jeff and Stacey hauled me out of the car and I managed to get inside.  Jeff put me in my recliner, with ice on my right knee and a number of pillows to elevate that leg.  I hadn't eaten all day, so while I wasn't hungry, knew I should eat something.  I had two frozen waffles (defrosted of course), which I ate but not with any enthusiasm.  

After Stacey and Benjamin left, Jeff gave me the remotes, I leaned back in the chair, and eventually the pill took over and I feel asleep during a show.  So for the second night in a row I slept in my recliner.  The thought of going up and down stairs, gives me the shiffers (may or may not actually be a word).  

So today, Stacey and Benjamin are coming back to the house to take me to see an orthopedic doctor, who had better be able to actually do something about the knee.  One of the nurses said that she had a similar problem with fluid built up around the knee.  Apparently, once it's drained, I will feel much better.  Fingers crossed.

Under normal circumstances, Jeff would take the day off to take care of me, but he's the only one in the office, so staying home isn't an option.  But, I know he would if he could.

I've managed with some effort to get from the recliner to the bathroom and fixed myself a waffle for breakfast, which I actually didn't want.  I had such good plans for this week and Saturday in particular.  

The last two days, the girls have circled me like a wolf does a wagon train!  I know that dogs can tell when something is wrong or different. 

It's raining and very gloomy outside.  I've been up some this morning, and think that with a bit of effort, I'll be able to get in Stacey's car this afternoon. 

I'm truly grateful to have such a wonderful daughter-in-law.  


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Blank Page


I'm not going to be able to write a blog today.  Due to an intense amount of pain, from that stupid right knee, I'm checking in and then finding the nearest chair.  Thanks.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Yesterday and Today


It's gorgeous outside today.  The sky is blue and while the temperature is a bit on the cooler side, it's not so cool that working outside would be a problem.  No, my only problem is a knee that is not moving - well truthfully, not moving very well.  In fact, I've dragged out my cane.  If I am reduced to using the cane, I'm not in good shape.  Today, I will go upstairs to get dressed and come back down.  That will be the extent to which I'm willing to do stairs today.

While I dreaded yesterday's procedure, the scan and then an injection into the knee, the doctor was very good and I left the office with an adequately numbed knee.  I stopped at Lowe's on my way home.  It's never a good sign when all of the handicapped places are taken.  I ended up having to park farther away from the store, which wasn't much of a hardship, because I couldn't feel anything in my right knee!

The garden section was madness.  Why are these people not working?  I don't bother to shop on the weekends, so why are they cluttering up the store today?  Moving through the aisles wouldn't have been so bad, but people would just abandon their cart (filled with plants) to wander through another aisle.  My theory is, don't leave your cart in the middle of a very narrow aisle.  That is just simply rude.  You start down an aisle, it's blocked, reverse and take your cart down the aisle from the "free" (i.e., unblocked) part.  I can only imagine what kind of madness there must be on the weekend.  Luckily for me, I'll never have to find out!

The garden "help" consisted of two fairly young men, who were completely inept.  I asked where the azalea plants were and received basically "I dunno know".  One of the fellows told me that all kinds of people were asking about these plants, and my mental answer was "duh".  It's a popular plant.  I picked out a couple of plants that Stacey can help me plant on Thursday when she comes over.  On my way back to my car, I noticed the huge assortment of plants in part of the parking lot.  In my heart, I knew that the azaleas were probably in there, but I was tired, so didn't bother to look.  

Jeff had bought "bully sticks" at Costco on Sunday.  The sticks were very long, so he took them and cut them into thirds on the band saw.  Last night, when I came to bed, and Jeff and the girls had gone upstairs before me, I put two sticks on the floor in the "sitting" room (sounds fancy doesn't it?), trust me it's not.  I knew that the sticks would amuse the girls for a bit of time and when I heard the rustling of one of their stuffed animals, I knew it was time to get up. 


Image result for picture of flowers

Monday, May 8, 2017

MishMash of Things


It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  Perhaps later this afternoon I will resume my trimming on the boxwood plants in the front of the house.  They were planted years ago, and are really past their prime.  Some of the damage was caused by Sam (old terrier) who peed on one bush every day for all the years we had him.  After that much peeing, there's no fixing a dying/dead plant.  Fear not, I have a plan.

I saw on Facebook, that Trump supporters are asking CBS to fire Stephen Colbert.  I sent a message to CBS telling them how great Jeff and I think he is.  We look forward to his show every night.  Colbert can't help that he is given so much ammunition for his monologue.  I don't "do" politics on my blog, but this once, I feel compelled to say that you voted Trump in!  'Nuff said.

Yesterday afternoon, Jeff took himself out to Costco and WalMart.  I opted to stay home.  My knee and leg are quite painful and I hope that the scan I'm having today will provide some answers.  Mind you, I may not like the answer, but since I've suffered since February, feel that something isn't right.  I only hope that an "itis" isn't the source of my pain.  Fingers crossed.

I read an interesting article in the paper about the world's habits of dining out.  In Asia/Pacific, 10% eat out at least once a day, while 28% of the folks eat out once or twice a week.  Somehow our weekly Taco Bell run pales in comparison.  Clearly, Jeff and I don't fit the norm!  We will go out and satisfy our craving for meat (steak), once in a blue moon.

In Europe, the numbers are very different.  Only 4% of the people eat out once or more a day, while 42% only eat out once or twice a month.  I won't bore you with more details, except for the eating habits of Americans.  Eleven percent of people eat out at least once a day, while 31% eat out once or twice a week, followed by 30% who eat out 1 to 3 times per month.  

I will also need to go into the backyard and rake up the bits and pieces of torn objects.  One of Jeff's hats is out there, along with a shopping bag and a padded envelope.  Please don't think for a moment that the girls don't have appropriate chewy things, because they do.  We even have a laundry basket in the den where I chuck all the antlers and hoofs in after I get tired of stepping on them!

I would really like to take all the gates down that keep the girls from going into the kitchen, the living room and upstairs.  But, every time I try this, I end up losing something - throw pillows, the odd shoe, and paper plates for example.  When the girls are bad, they are really bad - but when they're good, they are very good.

They woke me up at 6:30 this morning, because I could hear the sound of movement, which isn't a good thing.  I know that if I remain asleep, then they will get into all sorts of trouble and start chewing up everything in sight. (insert smiley face here)

Gotta get up and 'attem.  Have a good day.


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Saturday In Review


It's Sunday and Jeff is sleeping in.  The girls woke up around 6:00 this morning and once they're awake, things start to either disappear or go into disrepair.  Rather than fight it, I got up, fed the girls and then they came back upstairs and settled down while I did some reading/sleeping!

Yesterday, while Jeff was gone, I went into the bowels of the house (basement) and scrubbed the floor again, and took the shop vac and sucked up some dirt, hair and other loose bits.  Took my cellphone with me, just in case.  After accomplishing all of that, I came upstairs and was beat.  I cleaned up my kitchen, did some reading and then signed on to mturk to accept some new "tasks".  So far, I've earned over $60.00 doing these little tasks.  The money I make won't set the world on fire, but performing the tasks, gives me a feeling of accomplishment.

Scott was having a sort of birthday celebration for himself yesterday.  Jeff went and took the dessert I made, which I understand was a big hit.  There was lots of food and good company.  Since the company consisted of computer folks, I was glad that I stayed home.

I did a bit of reading, a bit of laundry and a bit of napping - not necessarily in that order.  Before Jeff left, he put a new battery in Daisy's anti-bark collar, which does work wonders as far as barking goes.  We wouldn't need the collar, if Daisy would go outside and bark once or twice and come in.  Nope, that's not what she does.  Daisy goes outside and once she starts barking, it's hard to make her stop.  And, unlike Bella, she won't come in when she's called.  So the collar it is.

I went out to the backyard yesterday, which I absolutely hate to do.  It had rained, so it was muddy and I found one of my brand new walking shoes outside that had been lovingly chewed.  Now I have one new shoe and one a bit worn down at the heel.  The shoe is wearable for around the house, but when I go out, appearance does matter to me.  I've ordered a new pair, which I guess I'll have to keep under lock and key.  (Sigh).

The holly bush that I ordered from Amazon, using my "earnings" from my little tasks has arrived and it's in good shape.  I'm keeping it damp for now.  Next Saturday, the boys are coming out, perhaps under duress.  There are a number of yard chores, including digging holes and planting plants.  Stacey and Benjamin are coming to see me on Thursday, and we're going to Lowe's.  I want to plant a number of holly bushes on one fence line.  I'm still thinking about what to plant on the back fence.  Two of our trees are dead and need to be cut down, leaving two big empty spots.  My kitchen window faces the neighbors' kitchen window.  I hate standing at the sink and having my neighbor weigh at me.  Not good, definitely not good.  I do miss the 6' fence we had in California.  A wall that size makes for very good neighbors.

The a/c man is supposed to come out this week to fix the upstairs unit.  I have some chicken wire (though I don't think that's actually what they call it these days) that we will cut and use to put over the a/c pipes to prevent future damage.  Fingers crossed on this.  It's not been very hot yet, but I like the bedroom to be ice cold when it's hot outside, so repairs need to be done sooner than later.

This afternoon, Jeff will make the usual Costco/WalMart run.  I'm not going to go.  My knee is still painful and it wasn't helped, when Bella jumped up on my lap yesterday and landed squarely on my knee.  Scale of 1 to 10?  12.

It hadn't occurred to me when I decided to have a "work for us" day, but the 14th is Mother's Day.  I'm giving myself a much wanted and needed yard overhaul.  My cost?  Only the cost of the food we're cooking.  Seems like a good trade-off to me.

Happy Sunday.



Saturday, May 6, 2017

It's Saturday - Yipee!


It's Saturday and even the gloomy weather outside, can dampen a person's spirit.  On Saturdays and Sundays, Jeff lets me sleep in, while he manages the dogs, which first thing in the morning is feed them.  Once their fed, they now have a tendency to take a nap.  This quiet time allows Jeff to rest/sleep in his recliner.  Since he gets up so early during the week, naps on the weekends are a necessity for him.

Today, Jeff is going to Scott's house for a birthday celebration.  I've opted to stay home with the girls.  The food will be delicious and plentiful, but most of the people invited are computer people, and since I'm not a computer geek, bring very little to the party.   Instead, I'll clean up the kitchen and tackle the basement floor - AGAIN!  

Went for a cat scan yesterday of my knee.  I waited and waited for my appointment and finally a doctor came out and said that I couldn't have the test.  Apparently, I am supposed to have a scan with the injection of dye into the knee.  Now that will be fun.  I'm doing that on Monday and hopefully, that test will provide answers as to why my knee is still bothering me.  I fell in February, so in my mind, the knee should no longer be bothering me. You can see that thinking positive hasn't and isn't working on my knee.  

I've started taking chewy things up to the bedroom at night.  Last night I put two bully sticks under my pillow.  When I heard the beginnings of rustling around, I tossed out the sticks and the girls were quiet for a moment.  I need bigger sticks.

Through the magic of the shots I take weekly, and/or my reduction of food intake, I'm happy to say that the numbers on the scale are moving to the left (lower) than the right (higher).  My tummy rumbles through the day, but I pay no attention to those sounds.  In my mind, when my tummy rumbles, I would normally go and eat something and now I don't.  I still eat, obviously, but not as often and not as much.  I have a goal in mind and I'm working hard to get there.

Hope the sun is out where you are.  Enjoy your day.


Friday, May 5, 2017

Happy Anniversary Jeff


Today is the anniversary 43 years ago of our first date.  A blind date mind you.  My dad and Jeff's sister, who worked together, decided that we were both lonely (and we were) and they set us up.  I was told that this guy would call for a date and I would say yes.  And across town, Jeff was told that I would accept his invitation for a date.  And, the rest you could say is history.

From the very first moment I met him, I was sure that Jeff was a keeper.  And, he proved me right early on in our relationship, as well as all the years that followed.  Jeff took me grocery shopping while we were dating, and I was on a verrrrrrry limited budget.  Think day old bread, stuff like that.  Jeff was filling his cart, while mine remained virtually empty.  When we got to the cashier, Jeff said he was paying for both carts!  The food in his cart was used to fill up the cupboard and refrigerator in my tiny little apartment.  

When you're very young and dating, women want and/or feel the need for flowers, fancy dates, candy, stuff like that.  I wasn't very old, but while flowers are nice, they don't last.  Food in your cupboards do.  I had a dress on layaway and because my mom told Jeff about it, he went and paid the balance on the dress.  See a pattern here?

We weren't engaged a long time.  May 5th to September 21st.  My grandmother gave me sage advice, when she said that a long engagement doesn't necessarily mean that the marriage will work out.   I heard what she had to say and took it to heart.

On our wedding day, I was antsy before entering the church.  My dad took my arm and told me that everything was going to be alright, that Jeff was a good man.  Dad was right, Jeff is a good man.  On our brief honeymoon to San Francisco, Jeff told me that any money we didn't spend, could be used to buy a washer and a dryer.  Now, this wouldn't excite many women, but it did for me.  Remember, I used a wringer washing machine and/or a laundromat.  My own appliances?  Heaven I tell you.

We've had some really fun times.  Unclaimed storage auction, where the unit we bought was hideous. The buying and near restoration of a 1942 Weapons Carrier.  Jeff giving my Dad and I three weeks in England, Scotland and Wales - very good memories of that trip.  Have two sons, and one grandson.  Traveled to Hawaii and the Bahamas twice.  

Jeff bought me my very first new car, which was has been followed by a number of new cars.  I don't much care for driving, but I do appreciate the new and extra features (back-up camera anyone?) on the cars that we buy.  Last January, we bought Jeff a 2013 Mercedes convertible.  The car is sexy as hell.  When the price was right, I sold my Marriott stock and we paid off the car in a matter of months.

We bought a plane and because we were the first owners, were able to pick out our tail number.  The tail number we picked is "N874T".  We could have had "N974T", but Jeff didn't want to have to say "niner" every time he talked to traffic controllers.  

Remember the vows, for better or worse?  In our years together, it hasn't always been a bed of roses.  We've suffered the loss of Benjamin's mother.  All of our parents are now gone, and since they all lived in California, there is little reason for us to return.  I'm not a visit the grave site kind of person.

One of our biggest challenges, was 2013.  I was suffering from deep depression, and you all know the rest of the story.  I was basically "locked" up from February until September in different hospitals and treatment facilities.  I was given Social Security benefits due to my inability to work in an office again.  It seems likely that I will be depressed, slightly or a lot, going forward.  While some think it's a "pull yourself up by your boot straps", it isn't as easy as all that.

The presents I receive from Jeff, are useful and just what I want.  A big screen television and power recliners for the den.  Fabulous.  He's never bought me a vacuum!  

I have short term memory issues, and Jeff is understanding.  My problem is that I can't really wrap my head around the fact that I suffer from this issue.  So, while I'm gold who to call and why, sometimes (more frequently than Jeff would like), I forget and call up a completely different company, for example.  I know this frustrating for Jeff as well as myself.  I can recall with clarity things that happened 30 or 50 years ago, but can now turn around in the house, and forget completely what I was either doing or supposed to be doing.

Jeff is my partner and my best friend.  I love you Jeff and wish for many more years together.

Love P

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Carpet Day


Some people fill their calendars with boring stuff like: dinners, parties, movies, etc.  Me?  I fill my calendar with appointments with Stanley Steemer.  If airlines give out points for being frequent flyers, then I should be getting "points" of some kind for carpet cleaning!  In case you're wondering, they do an amazing job.  The carpet looks brand new - for a moment.  Then, in a lapse of judgment or perhaps laziness, we allow the girls to have access to the upstairs hall before bedtime.  The rest well you can guess for yourselves.  I tell myself that the girls are getting better, and I guess in some small way they are, but the progress has/is veeeeeeeeeeeery slow. I'm a patient person, but even I have my limits!

Yesterday, armed with clippers and a grass recyclable bag, I went to the front yard, and began much needed work on the boxwoods.  For all the years that Sam was alive, he peed on the same boxwood each and every time he was allowed out front.  Result?  You guessed it, that plant has sustained a lot of damage.  The boxwood hedge is old, was planted years ago, and for the most part is still thriving.  I took a lawn chair out so that I could sit, when I was either: (a) tired; or (b) cutting out branches that I could reach while sitting down.  Perfect.  Today, I will probably continue my task as well as getting a rake to pull out all the accumulated leaves on the ground.  I could, I suppose, have left the hedge clipping/cleaning to the boys on the 13th, when they are coming to help out in the yard.  But, leaving this for them, seems like a waste of their time, when I need them to do other stuff, like cut down dead tree branches and dead trees.  It's hard to imagine, but we have lived in this house for 30 years and our plantings - hedge and trees are also 30 years (give a year or two) old.  The cost for having the boys come to work - food: ribs, potato salad, dessert, cinnamon rolls for the morning.  Stuff like that.  Nothing new, just old time favorites of ours.

The battery on Daisy's anti-bark/shock collar has died.  I have ordered new batteries, but they aren't here, which means that she is free to go outside and bark until her vocal cords hurt.  They doesn't make me happy and I know it doesn't make the neighbors happy either.  If she would come inside when I call her, that would be great.  Nope, she stands outside and essentially gives me the paw equivalent of the middle finger (just kidding, but you get the idea)!  Heck no, I'm not coming inside.  I know you, once I get into the house you'll close the basement door.  Hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

This morning, when I woke up, I discovered that the girls had found a stash, probably under the couch, of CPAP supplies, some of which are not usable now.  I think I should just get up with Jeff gets up, feed them and let them settle down, while I "rest" in my chair!  If I was in need of recycling of any kind, the girls are certainly up to the challenge.  Now, if they'd only chew on appropriate stuff.  And, to answer your question, there are appropriate things for them to chew - even a fat pink pig!

Cup is nearly empty.  Upstairs to shower and get dressed and to pick up any random pieces of paper or plastic that has been spread across the floor in the bedroom.


Our boxwoods have started to die from the ground up, but you get the idea.

Image result for picture of dying boxwoods

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Ah In The Name Of Style.....


I don't know about other old(er) women, but I now have developed a "frankly, Scarlett I don't give a damn" attitude.  You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that clothing manufacturers don't consider us seniors as their target audience.  And, I'm actually okay with that.  

In this week's Washington Post's Magazine, there were several pages of the latest trends.  And, if you buy any of these trendy bits, be prepared to pay a lot!  It's summer time (mostly) and women are getting regular pedicures so that their toes are polished and looking good.  

Time to drag out the sandals ladies.  One of the ads in the magazine, was for slides, you know the kind of shoe that you probably own one or two pairs.  Who wouldn't?  They are super comfy and come in all sorts of colors and styles. My go-to slide is a pair of Birkenstocks.  Initially, when you are breaking in a new pair, it pretty much feels like you're wearing a shoe box, but over time, you and the sole of the shoe, become one.  Eventually, when you want to wear them, your foot just slides easily into the shoe.

I found pictures of slides in the magazine, and the cost of these suckers is not for the faint of heart.  A Givenchy slide is $395.00; Ferragomo $475.00; Prada $395; Chanel $700.00, and another designer that I've never heard of $420.00.  Can you picture taking yourself and your designer shoes to the pool and/or the beach?  I doubt it.  If I had a three digit price tag on my feet, I doubt that I'd ever wear them outside of the house.  The advertisement says that the above slides are "cute without being too precious and still comfy enough for a trip to the grocery store".  Who are we kidding?  Let's face it, one you put your foot in said designer slide, how will anybody in the grocery store know that your shoes are so expensive, they should be insured?  Mind you, these high end slides are very pretty, but you can get a lower priced version of these slides, pretty much anywhere.  

And, then there's sunglasses.  I am in envy of women who don't need prescription glasses.  They can buy a complete assortment of sunglasses, all meant for show and style.  Just like the slides, the glasses in the magazine are high end; but, again who's going to know?  So for a mere $500, you can have Dior; Boucheron (whoever the heck he is) $800; Christopher Kane $401 (really? why aren't they priced $399 or $400.  What's the deal with the one dollar tacked on to the price? And last, but certainly not least is Fendi at $520.  Like the slides, who is actually going to know that your sunglasses didn't come from KMart?  And after looking at the pictures of these sunglasses, I don't find any of them attractive at all.  Or is my rationale for not liking them, biased because of the prices? Could be, we'll never know.

Most clothing designers aren't making clothes for either: (a) an older woman; and, or a bigger woman.  If the designers actually cared about who was wearing their clothes, then they would stop making those stupid tunics that come down across the rear end.  Unlike, Jennifer Lopez, I try to keep my end of things not covered.  I want t-shirts that come to the top of my hips, and horrors never the bottom of my hips.  There are just some things that people don't need to see.  Oh, you'd look okay in the front, but the backside is a completely different story.  Perhaps, manufacturers think that making tunics is a neat way for women to "camouflage" their "assets".  I think the opposite in fact.  When you have a piece of clothing stretched across a, let's face it, a wide(r) body, it's just not a good look. And, these longer pieces of clothing don't fool anybody, particular the person who's wearing them!  Just saying.

There was a time, a long time ago, when I did look for and bought certain labels for my clothes.  But, I was working then, and could afford to do that.  I would search on Ebay for clothes made by Christopher Banks (love his stuff), Karen Scott (not high end pieces, but fit and looked well); and, Alfred Dunner for example.  

Now that I'm retired, I am looking for "comfy" clothes.  I know that when I cross a street now, the people watching me aren't ogling me for my looks.  Nope, they're wondering how long does it take for an old woman to cross the street?    Nine-nine percent of the time, I stay home and the puppies really don't care what I wear or don't wear.  They just want breakfast and they want it now.  I favor elastic waists, which are not stylish, but comfortable.  I do own a pair of "dressy" pants, but because of the relaxed attitude toward clothing, seldom have an opportunity to wear them.

Climbing off my soap box now.  Hope you have a great day.


Image result for picture of designer sunglasses

Monday, May 1, 2017

Happy Birthday Scott


I just wrote a wonderful blog for Scott.  I must have clicked a few keys too fast, or something and have lost what I wrote.  Madness.

Scott is our middle child, who is sometimes maligned.  I was a middle child also.  Neither the oldest or the youngest.  But, I think middle children get the short end of the stick.  I don't think parents ignore these children, but they will never be the "first" child or the "baby" of the family.

Scott is 37 today and I have no idea where the time has gone.  It seems like yesterday when he was a little boy.  Scott was born with dyslexia, but while that may have defined him as a child, it no longer does.  Reading and writing were difficult for Scott, and I am pretty sure he has never read a book just for pleasure.  Scott has a very successful career and has a good number of clients for the computer company that he and Andrew started 19 years ago!

Scott is tall and lean and reminds me of my Dad in many ways.  He has a receding hairline and straight, thin hair like Dad.  Scott keeps his yard beautifully maintained, and he loves the patterns of a freshly mowed lawn.  Dad did as well, but the difference is that Dad had a normal-sized yard that could be mowed with a push mower.  Scott lives on acreage, and uses a tractor for his lawn.

From an early age, Scott developed what has turned out to be a life-long love of Christmas lights.  As a child, he found large (and I do mean large) nails and pounded them into the walls of his bedroom.  After they were in the wall, he strung lights around the room.  The nails left holes obviously, but we decided that once the holes were made, there was no need to repair the walls, unless and until we were selling the house.  We have a picture of Scott standing on a stool as a young boy decorating a very small tree in our front yard.  When we came to Maryland, Scott was dismayed at the lack of lights in our neighborhood.  We were friends with a family down the street.  Scott offered to hang lights on their house, if they would buy the lights.  They did and he did!  When Scott lived at home, our house was ablaze with lights and I'm pretty sure that planes flying overhead could see them!

Scott's other passion is trains.  And steam locomotive 1218 is his favorite.  If I knew the reason why, I actually don't remember.  We have taken a few short rides on steam trains, and he absolutely loves doing that.  Years ago, and I know I won't get the facts straight (so no need to edit this part Jeff), but Jeff took Scott somewhere where there was a train that rain on a short track.  Scott was able to "drive" the train that day, and I know that is a good memory for him.  To this day, Scott always has a train that runs around his Christmas tree.  

As a young boy, he somehow connected with a group of men, who like him, were all in love with trains.  He went to these meetings, wearing the traditional garb of train men - stripped bibbers!  

Through watching Jeff, over the years, Scott can and does do electrical, plumbing, hang drywall, put in wood floors, and paints like a pro.  Jeff learned all of his skills from his Grandfather, and Jeff in turn passed along these skills to Scott.  

So on this year special day Scott, I want to wish you a happy birthday and I hope you eat cake.

Love you always, Mom and Dad.

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...