Monday, May 8, 2017

MishMash of Things


It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  Perhaps later this afternoon I will resume my trimming on the boxwood plants in the front of the house.  They were planted years ago, and are really past their prime.  Some of the damage was caused by Sam (old terrier) who peed on one bush every day for all the years we had him.  After that much peeing, there's no fixing a dying/dead plant.  Fear not, I have a plan.

I saw on Facebook, that Trump supporters are asking CBS to fire Stephen Colbert.  I sent a message to CBS telling them how great Jeff and I think he is.  We look forward to his show every night.  Colbert can't help that he is given so much ammunition for his monologue.  I don't "do" politics on my blog, but this once, I feel compelled to say that you voted Trump in!  'Nuff said.

Yesterday afternoon, Jeff took himself out to Costco and WalMart.  I opted to stay home.  My knee and leg are quite painful and I hope that the scan I'm having today will provide some answers.  Mind you, I may not like the answer, but since I've suffered since February, feel that something isn't right.  I only hope that an "itis" isn't the source of my pain.  Fingers crossed.

I read an interesting article in the paper about the world's habits of dining out.  In Asia/Pacific, 10% eat out at least once a day, while 28% of the folks eat out once or twice a week.  Somehow our weekly Taco Bell run pales in comparison.  Clearly, Jeff and I don't fit the norm!  We will go out and satisfy our craving for meat (steak), once in a blue moon.

In Europe, the numbers are very different.  Only 4% of the people eat out once or more a day, while 42% only eat out once or twice a month.  I won't bore you with more details, except for the eating habits of Americans.  Eleven percent of people eat out at least once a day, while 31% eat out once or twice a week, followed by 30% who eat out 1 to 3 times per month.  

I will also need to go into the backyard and rake up the bits and pieces of torn objects.  One of Jeff's hats is out there, along with a shopping bag and a padded envelope.  Please don't think for a moment that the girls don't have appropriate chewy things, because they do.  We even have a laundry basket in the den where I chuck all the antlers and hoofs in after I get tired of stepping on them!

I would really like to take all the gates down that keep the girls from going into the kitchen, the living room and upstairs.  But, every time I try this, I end up losing something - throw pillows, the odd shoe, and paper plates for example.  When the girls are bad, they are really bad - but when they're good, they are very good.

They woke me up at 6:30 this morning, because I could hear the sound of movement, which isn't a good thing.  I know that if I remain asleep, then they will get into all sorts of trouble and start chewing up everything in sight. (insert smiley face here)

Gotta get up and 'attem.  Have a good day.


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