Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Remote Blog via Guest typist

5/30/17 7:18PM

Jeff here again - just returned from a visit with Patti at Hopkins.
She provided me with a hand written blog (WARNING LONG) - that I am supposed to post..... I am not the best typist, I do try to get the spelling errors to go away when using spell check.  I will type this as close as I can to what she has written.   - J-

Cuzilu here - remotely. 
I am sure that Jeff has been doing a great job as guest blogger. 

It is Friday and I am running out of food options!  Nobody ever gives award to hospitals for the food they serve.  I have my breakfast food down and now order the same thing every day.  Frosty Flakes, peach slices, bread of some sort, and coffee.  Lunch and dinner continue to be a crap shoot.  The only thing that is positive!  Who doesn't like chocolate brownies?  Jeff simply doesn't crave chocolate, and frankly, I don't understand :-)

I had several groups of doctors visit me yesterday.  Ortho, Neuro, Psychiatric nurse, and the "vampires" from the basement.

My body, actually my right leg, has been poked and prodded.  I think I might be making progress.  A test that is likely to happen tomorrow (typist insert - remember, this was written on Fri 5/26 - and this STILL has not happened - latest update is this is scheduled for tomorrow 5/31) an attempt to drain the fluid from my right calf.  Will it make a difference to the pain in my calf and/or the numbness in my right foot? THIS is $64,000 question. (editor note - Two doctors have already been by to try and set expectations - that this **may** fail, due to the distinct possibility that the fluid is too thick to aspirate from her leg - THIS is causing MUCH anguish and fear for Patti)

My care if very good and the nurses take really good care of me.  No reason to complain.

I miss not being home.  I miss the "girls" and likely on some level they miss me too.  I am supposed to have liquid removed from my leg, and I'm pretty sure that some amount of pain will be involved.  My goal is to be able to walk out of the hospital.  Today is Friday and I am supposed to have an ultra sound test today.  I don't know what they will find during the test, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that the doctors find something/anything - I am truly that desperate...

I am trying very hared to imagine a time, hopefully in the near future, when I'll be able to actually walk again.  Notice, I am not asking for something ridiculously out of reach, like becoming thinner overnight! :-)

When you can't get around, it the little things you miss: your bed, showering, clean hair and teeth, and a change of clothes. 

It's a three day weekend, which means that Jeff will get to sleep in a bit instead of getting up at "o dark thirty", and he''ll be able to stay in bed until the girls wake up, which is normally 7:00 or so.

Yesterday, I had an ultra scan of my knee and leg.  Results: Fluid on my knee and in my calf.  Solution?  On Tuesday, Yes, you read that right, my leg's fluid will be drained.  It's too early to know whether I'll be "cured" after the procedure. (editors note - this DID NOT happen today - now, rescheduled for tomorrow).  It's Saturday and there is a holiday vibe among the staffers.  Requests for blankets or help to go to the bathroom are slow.

I was waken at 6:30AM so they could weigh me (huh?) First, I was fast asleep and when I became fully awake, I asked the $1000 question... WHY am I being weighed? Then they realized it was for a different patient.  Next, they wanted me to use the "potty chair" Now, I know that when I use it, it makes less work for them, but for me, it more like torture.  I know I only have to hop one time to get to the chair.  I will say that my "dismount" is a perfect 10.

Tuesday: May 30th
I encouraged Jeff to stay home over the weekend.  He really needs to take the time for himself.  I was lonely,  I'll admit that, but thankfully I found enough cheesy television to watch. The show "street outlaws" which is about men who basically race down the street.  And, these are the men that spend thousands of dollars on their race cars, and they also bet big money on the outcome of the races.  I am talking about bets that sometimes start at $1000.  Notice that I said "START"!  The show is addicting and I am not quite sure why I like it so much, but I do.

(editors note - the hand written note ends)

I hope my editing/typing skills are acceptable - difficult for me...

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I have been keeping up with you through Patti's (& Jeff's) blog, so sorry to hear about all you have been through. We are praying that there is a good resolution soon. Sending hugs and love, Ruthie


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