Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Yesterday and Today


It's gorgeous outside today.  The sky is blue and while the temperature is a bit on the cooler side, it's not so cool that working outside would be a problem.  No, my only problem is a knee that is not moving - well truthfully, not moving very well.  In fact, I've dragged out my cane.  If I am reduced to using the cane, I'm not in good shape.  Today, I will go upstairs to get dressed and come back down.  That will be the extent to which I'm willing to do stairs today.

While I dreaded yesterday's procedure, the scan and then an injection into the knee, the doctor was very good and I left the office with an adequately numbed knee.  I stopped at Lowe's on my way home.  It's never a good sign when all of the handicapped places are taken.  I ended up having to park farther away from the store, which wasn't much of a hardship, because I couldn't feel anything in my right knee!

The garden section was madness.  Why are these people not working?  I don't bother to shop on the weekends, so why are they cluttering up the store today?  Moving through the aisles wouldn't have been so bad, but people would just abandon their cart (filled with plants) to wander through another aisle.  My theory is, don't leave your cart in the middle of a very narrow aisle.  That is just simply rude.  You start down an aisle, it's blocked, reverse and take your cart down the aisle from the "free" (i.e., unblocked) part.  I can only imagine what kind of madness there must be on the weekend.  Luckily for me, I'll never have to find out!

The garden "help" consisted of two fairly young men, who were completely inept.  I asked where the azalea plants were and received basically "I dunno know".  One of the fellows told me that all kinds of people were asking about these plants, and my mental answer was "duh".  It's a popular plant.  I picked out a couple of plants that Stacey can help me plant on Thursday when she comes over.  On my way back to my car, I noticed the huge assortment of plants in part of the parking lot.  In my heart, I knew that the azaleas were probably in there, but I was tired, so didn't bother to look.  

Jeff had bought "bully sticks" at Costco on Sunday.  The sticks were very long, so he took them and cut them into thirds on the band saw.  Last night, when I came to bed, and Jeff and the girls had gone upstairs before me, I put two sticks on the floor in the "sitting" room (sounds fancy doesn't it?), trust me it's not.  I knew that the sticks would amuse the girls for a bit of time and when I heard the rustling of one of their stuffed animals, I knew it was time to get up. 


Image result for picture of flowers

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