Sunday, May 7, 2017

Saturday In Review


It's Sunday and Jeff is sleeping in.  The girls woke up around 6:00 this morning and once they're awake, things start to either disappear or go into disrepair.  Rather than fight it, I got up, fed the girls and then they came back upstairs and settled down while I did some reading/sleeping!

Yesterday, while Jeff was gone, I went into the bowels of the house (basement) and scrubbed the floor again, and took the shop vac and sucked up some dirt, hair and other loose bits.  Took my cellphone with me, just in case.  After accomplishing all of that, I came upstairs and was beat.  I cleaned up my kitchen, did some reading and then signed on to mturk to accept some new "tasks".  So far, I've earned over $60.00 doing these little tasks.  The money I make won't set the world on fire, but performing the tasks, gives me a feeling of accomplishment.

Scott was having a sort of birthday celebration for himself yesterday.  Jeff went and took the dessert I made, which I understand was a big hit.  There was lots of food and good company.  Since the company consisted of computer folks, I was glad that I stayed home.

I did a bit of reading, a bit of laundry and a bit of napping - not necessarily in that order.  Before Jeff left, he put a new battery in Daisy's anti-bark collar, which does work wonders as far as barking goes.  We wouldn't need the collar, if Daisy would go outside and bark once or twice and come in.  Nope, that's not what she does.  Daisy goes outside and once she starts barking, it's hard to make her stop.  And, unlike Bella, she won't come in when she's called.  So the collar it is.

I went out to the backyard yesterday, which I absolutely hate to do.  It had rained, so it was muddy and I found one of my brand new walking shoes outside that had been lovingly chewed.  Now I have one new shoe and one a bit worn down at the heel.  The shoe is wearable for around the house, but when I go out, appearance does matter to me.  I've ordered a new pair, which I guess I'll have to keep under lock and key.  (Sigh).

The holly bush that I ordered from Amazon, using my "earnings" from my little tasks has arrived and it's in good shape.  I'm keeping it damp for now.  Next Saturday, the boys are coming out, perhaps under duress.  There are a number of yard chores, including digging holes and planting plants.  Stacey and Benjamin are coming to see me on Thursday, and we're going to Lowe's.  I want to plant a number of holly bushes on one fence line.  I'm still thinking about what to plant on the back fence.  Two of our trees are dead and need to be cut down, leaving two big empty spots.  My kitchen window faces the neighbors' kitchen window.  I hate standing at the sink and having my neighbor weigh at me.  Not good, definitely not good.  I do miss the 6' fence we had in California.  A wall that size makes for very good neighbors.

The a/c man is supposed to come out this week to fix the upstairs unit.  I have some chicken wire (though I don't think that's actually what they call it these days) that we will cut and use to put over the a/c pipes to prevent future damage.  Fingers crossed on this.  It's not been very hot yet, but I like the bedroom to be ice cold when it's hot outside, so repairs need to be done sooner than later.

This afternoon, Jeff will make the usual Costco/WalMart run.  I'm not going to go.  My knee is still painful and it wasn't helped, when Bella jumped up on my lap yesterday and landed squarely on my knee.  Scale of 1 to 10?  12.

It hadn't occurred to me when I decided to have a "work for us" day, but the 14th is Mother's Day.  I'm giving myself a much wanted and needed yard overhaul.  My cost?  Only the cost of the food we're cooking.  Seems like a good trade-off to me.

Happy Sunday.



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