Friday, May 5, 2017

Happy Anniversary Jeff


Today is the anniversary 43 years ago of our first date.  A blind date mind you.  My dad and Jeff's sister, who worked together, decided that we were both lonely (and we were) and they set us up.  I was told that this guy would call for a date and I would say yes.  And across town, Jeff was told that I would accept his invitation for a date.  And, the rest you could say is history.

From the very first moment I met him, I was sure that Jeff was a keeper.  And, he proved me right early on in our relationship, as well as all the years that followed.  Jeff took me grocery shopping while we were dating, and I was on a verrrrrrry limited budget.  Think day old bread, stuff like that.  Jeff was filling his cart, while mine remained virtually empty.  When we got to the cashier, Jeff said he was paying for both carts!  The food in his cart was used to fill up the cupboard and refrigerator in my tiny little apartment.  

When you're very young and dating, women want and/or feel the need for flowers, fancy dates, candy, stuff like that.  I wasn't very old, but while flowers are nice, they don't last.  Food in your cupboards do.  I had a dress on layaway and because my mom told Jeff about it, he went and paid the balance on the dress.  See a pattern here?

We weren't engaged a long time.  May 5th to September 21st.  My grandmother gave me sage advice, when she said that a long engagement doesn't necessarily mean that the marriage will work out.   I heard what she had to say and took it to heart.

On our wedding day, I was antsy before entering the church.  My dad took my arm and told me that everything was going to be alright, that Jeff was a good man.  Dad was right, Jeff is a good man.  On our brief honeymoon to San Francisco, Jeff told me that any money we didn't spend, could be used to buy a washer and a dryer.  Now, this wouldn't excite many women, but it did for me.  Remember, I used a wringer washing machine and/or a laundromat.  My own appliances?  Heaven I tell you.

We've had some really fun times.  Unclaimed storage auction, where the unit we bought was hideous. The buying and near restoration of a 1942 Weapons Carrier.  Jeff giving my Dad and I three weeks in England, Scotland and Wales - very good memories of that trip.  Have two sons, and one grandson.  Traveled to Hawaii and the Bahamas twice.  

Jeff bought me my very first new car, which was has been followed by a number of new cars.  I don't much care for driving, but I do appreciate the new and extra features (back-up camera anyone?) on the cars that we buy.  Last January, we bought Jeff a 2013 Mercedes convertible.  The car is sexy as hell.  When the price was right, I sold my Marriott stock and we paid off the car in a matter of months.

We bought a plane and because we were the first owners, were able to pick out our tail number.  The tail number we picked is "N874T".  We could have had "N974T", but Jeff didn't want to have to say "niner" every time he talked to traffic controllers.  

Remember the vows, for better or worse?  In our years together, it hasn't always been a bed of roses.  We've suffered the loss of Benjamin's mother.  All of our parents are now gone, and since they all lived in California, there is little reason for us to return.  I'm not a visit the grave site kind of person.

One of our biggest challenges, was 2013.  I was suffering from deep depression, and you all know the rest of the story.  I was basically "locked" up from February until September in different hospitals and treatment facilities.  I was given Social Security benefits due to my inability to work in an office again.  It seems likely that I will be depressed, slightly or a lot, going forward.  While some think it's a "pull yourself up by your boot straps", it isn't as easy as all that.

The presents I receive from Jeff, are useful and just what I want.  A big screen television and power recliners for the den.  Fabulous.  He's never bought me a vacuum!  

I have short term memory issues, and Jeff is understanding.  My problem is that I can't really wrap my head around the fact that I suffer from this issue.  So, while I'm gold who to call and why, sometimes (more frequently than Jeff would like), I forget and call up a completely different company, for example.  I know this frustrating for Jeff as well as myself.  I can recall with clarity things that happened 30 or 50 years ago, but can now turn around in the house, and forget completely what I was either doing or supposed to be doing.

Jeff is my partner and my best friend.  I love you Jeff and wish for many more years together.

Love P

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