Thursday, April 30, 2020

Winnie Poo Day


Today, in my neighborhood, it is definitely a "Winnie Poo" day. But, today, Winnie would need a rain coat and hat! We're supposed to get a lot of rain today, which is good for the grass, but not much else. It's also a breezy day, which makes this a good day to stay indoors. Which, of course, we're supposed to be doing anyway. Truth? I never thought staying at home could be this boring! When I was working, I always looked forward to a three day weekend. I don't remember when we were told to "shelter in place", but I know for sure, it was at least March. Perhaps longer, but my brain, frankly can't remember. I guess in the long run, it doesn't much matter how long we've been in the house. It just feels like forever.

At least, Jeff is working upstairs. He is, and always has been, a good solid worker. Jeff works longer than he gets paid for. But, his customers love him.

Today's mission? The basement. It needs to be cleaned, but it's one of my least favorite things to do. For this chore, I will wear clothes that I won't mind if they get a bit dirty. Some people's basements,have been finished, there is furniture, etc. Ours? Not so much. Unless, you like the look of computer "stuff". I can't even begin to tell you what's down there. Most of what's down there, belongs mostly to Scott, and/or Jeff. I believe, and I could be wrong, but, I believe that I have only a few things down there, like beach towels.

Going to close, so that I can get this chore done, and go on to more favorable things - like reading!

Stay safe.


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Just Wednesday


What can be said about Wednesday? Middle of the week I presume. And, here at home, recycling day. 

And, as usual, I ate my breakfast while watching CNN. I like to get my reality check early in the morning. You know, the numbers. It's true, that the statistics aren't remaining the same. Nope, those numbers are going up, and each morning, I am saddened to see the rise of deaths. Morbid, for sure, but it is what the whole world is talking about.

As I learned this morning, that animals can get sick too. I didn't know that "fluffy" or "fido" can have the virus too. I may have to monitor the amount of face washing I get from Daisy!

Stacey (DIL) is in the face mask business. She is super creative, and I'm not. I don't need to be super creative, and I know that at my age, that boat has already shipped.

What I can do, and have done, is find very pretty (for women) fabric, and classy navy fabric for the guys. As always, her final products turn out very well.

Since there is some talk about the virus sticking around longer, or coming back in the fall, Jeff and I don't want to come up short for needed supplies. If it returns, we have the masks, gloves, thermometer, etc., already to be called to active duty, if the need arises. And, please cross your fingers that when the virus is mostly on the downturn, it just fades away.

I don't know how many more days and/or weeks, before cities begin the slow process of getting back to normal. And, when I say normal, I mean the new normal. I have no idea what that will look like, but we'll eventually be told.

I am reclusive, and my family and friends know this about me. But, even for a recluse, I'd like the opportunity or choice to go out. No destination in mind, just get out of the house.
I know by now, cabin fever's not looking so good.

I found this beautiful picture. I hope that you get a peaceful feeling when you look at it.

 beautiful sight | sue_m2006 | Flickr




Monday, April 27, 2020

Hair Day


There are many things you can do while you "shelter in place". Books, television, back to books, laundry and dishes (they don't really count as a recreational activity.

I have had a hate relationship with my hair probably ever sense I was a teenager. When I was younger, I had curly hair, and I hated it. It seemed as if everybody around me had, what I considered to be, perfect hair. And, what does perfect hair look like? Long and straight. A look I could never pull off.

I remember the night before the senior pictures, I had my hair done by a neighbor, and so as not to mess up my "do", I literally slept with my head over the edge of the bed. What some people will do for a hair do. 

As an adult (okay, a young adult), I went somewhat regularly to a beauty shop to have my hair styled. When I look back, all the salons I went to, always gave me, when I look back on it, "old lady" styles. I was only 18.

Through the years, I have gone through perms, long hair, short hair, and everything else in between.

Since, we cannot at the moment, go to a barber or beauty shop, I took things into my own hands. And, this is scary. At this point in my life, besides wearing elastic clothing and velcro shoes, I don't want to futz with my hair. I've never been very good at "styling", and it seems as if, in Maryland, anyway, those beauty and barber shops may not open for sometime. Don't ask me why, but I cut my own hair yesterday. Okay, it's not perfect, but I wanted my hair short, and now it is. Parts of my hair look like I chopped at it. I didn't do that exactly, but I did grab up parts of my hair, and used scissors! I'll give you that it is short. but I have always been a shampoo, comb kind of gal. It's not like anybody is coming over, and we're not going anywhere (WalMart isn't a "real" store), in my opinion. So what better time to experiment. 

I watch reality shows, like you don't already know. I like to watch the Gold Rush episodes. Right now, the cast and crew are in Australia. The temperature there is well over 100 degrees. All of the cast, have long hair. And, I can't figure out why they didn't or don't, go for short hair. Everybody is sweaty and their hair simply gets in their way. Imagine if you were sporting a buzz cut of sorts, I would think these guys wouldn't have to constantly do something with their hair. 

When the boys were growing up, as we approached summer, they were given two choices. Option 1 - wash, dry and comb their hair everyday. Or, Option 2 - go to the barber shop and have their hair cut short. They always went for option 2, and by the time school started, their hair had mostly grown back in.

Years ago, we had a Labrador, and while they're a great dog, they can have a lot of hair. So, during the summer, Jeff would give our dog, a hair cut. It wasn't fashionable, but it was cooler for the dog.

So, there you have it. It really doesn't much matter, how my hair looks, because in the big picture, after all is said and done, it's just hair!


Thursday, April 23, 2020

Clean House


It's Thursday, but who cares. Since we're all staying home for the most part, one day just blends into another.

The house was cleaned yesterday, and I appreciate Ada a whole lot. She really doesn't have to clean much at the house. Our bedroom, two bathrooms, den and kitchen. Jeff's office is off limits, and my office only requires a bit of vacuuming. Pretty good deal for her.

During breakfast, I watched CNN to get the current news, as well as how many people have died. For the most part, Jeff and I stay in the house, where I, have no get up and go. I have a "ton" of books I could read, but don't. I have started, but actually don't want to do, tidy up the spare bedrooms. I get in the room, and somebody calls "squirrel", I lose my "mojo" and can't get it back until the next day. 

There's paper (lots) in Jeff's office that need attention. What I've been trying to do, is clean up our paid bills for this year. My rationale is, that if the "x" company hasn't complained that we've missed a payment. I believe there is no reason to keep the paid bills. In doing this, causes a large shredding session.Ugh. When the shredder is full, then you empty the bucket. The rules are, that you have to put things like shredding, in a recycle bag. I find it much easier to empty the contents into a plastic bag, and then I can easily put them in the designated yard bag. If Jeff and I weren't a little bit paranoid of somebody getting our address, seeing who we paid a bill too, etc., you could just toss the contents of the shredder into the paper recycle bin. But, we all know what the results would be  - yup - lots and lots of shredding in the street!

I've been watching the reality shows - Deadly Catch, Gold Rush and Oak Island. As far, as the Oak Island show goes, Jeff and I are both rooting for the team to find treasure. Of course, if they did, that would pretty much be the end of the show. My biggest problem is trying to stay awake, and this means that Jeff has to watch the same show twice!

One of my biggest problems is boredom. You/I have lots of things we could do - but, it's hard to get motivated to do so.

 Tell Me Something Funny Siri! - YouTube


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Benjamin's Birthday


 Today is Benjamin's 12th birthday. Benjamin, came into our life when Jeff and I were 59 years old. Our parenting skills, by today's standards were a little rusty. But, it didn't take long before we became "pros"!

Before we took him out of the hospital, the nurse wanted to give us a few tips! We dutifully listened, and then went about raising Benjamin for 2 years, our way. The nurse said that babies needed to sleep on their back. We thought that was, in our opinion, (no hate mail please), silly. If a baby sleeps on it's back, they tend to wake up, with their arms flawing about. Once Benjamin was home, he slept on his tummy, and just like with our boys, slept better. 

Wendy and I scoured books on what the best car seat was out there. We looked for the safest one out there. We landed on a Britax car seat. I've occasionally noticed that some of the "royals" are seen with Britax seats in their cars. Jeff and I believed, and still do, that with Benjamin in his seat, he was well protected. And, I believe it's so even today.

Many new things had come along since Andrew was born. Now, to take Benjamin for a walk, we had to take him in a stroller, and since I didn't understand how to adequately secure him, while I walked, I kept a death grip on the seat (or whatever it's called).

I took a 6 week maternity leave, And, during that time had to find an adequate daycare for him. I did find someone, who seemed to tick off all of the boxes. If I picked him up, and a bottle hadn't been used, this did give me pause. 

Eventually, he was able to go to daycare at Marriott. Once I parked, I had to get the stroller out of the back of car, and set it up. One of my friends saw that I was really struggling, and came to help. Thank you very much. Once the stroller business was done, then I had to remove the car seat to put into the stroller. For an "old" woman, this was a bit of a task! I did eventually get the hang of things.

Benjamin called, and still does today, we are Mom Mom and Pop Pop. Benjamin and I always tell each other that we love each other to the moon and back. 

Obviously, when Benjamin was young, we both fit into my recliner. And, no longer do. Benjamin tries to get in the recliner, but I tell him to scoot over, because he's too big. He disagrees, and tells me to get "smaller". This is a running joke with both of us. 

Because of this stupid virus, I haven't been able to hug him in a long while. Hugs from a distance just isn't working for me. And, not being able to hug him, makes me very sad.

The "talking heads" say that the virus will likely come back later this year, and conditions will be worse.  

I don't know about you, but both sheltering in place and maintaining the recommended distance, while wearing our masks, is getting a little old.

Jeff and I are following all the guidelines. However, when you go to a store, and people aren't wearing a mask, I have the strong urge to "mask shame" them! I wouldn't in a thousand years, do this, it's just something that I think about, and I avoid confrontation whenever possible.

I'm hoping for a picture of Benjamin and our gift soon. I actually have forgotten what I bought for him, so it will be a surprise for both Jeff and I.

Notice the time people. I am blogging before noon!

Stay safe, stay well.


Monday, April 20, 2020

Still Here!


I'm late as usual. The thing is, after breakfast, I take a snooze. Daisy likes the snooze too!

Yesterday, I was hard at work, searching for elastic for Stacey's mask. As usual, you can find anything on Amazon. I bought both pink and white elastic for her.

As you know, I'm all about the hunt. Stacey wanted more masculine fabrics, and I was able to find a variety of navy blue fabric. Some of these patterns, could also work for a woman.

I also bought Stacey, a variety of some pink fabric.  But for me? Definitely something pink. I am a "girl" after all! Okay, you can all stop laughing now.

Every morning, while eating my toast, I watch CNN. Most of their stories are about doom and gloom. Can't blame them, these are the stories that are happening right now. To take my mind off current events, I go to YouTube and find some comic to watch. You don't want to become "Debby Downer". The weather today, is gray and gloomy. Have no idea when spring or summer will start. But, I'm pretty sure that we'll be caught by surprise one day. I actually hate being hot, and that is why everybody uses an air conditioner. 

On Etsy, you can buy "ear safers. They're many choices on Etsy. The deal with these are, is that the elastic goes under your ear and then is buttoned on the buttons. I thought that this was the coolest thing ever. The last time I wore my mask I was constantly pulling my mask every which way, to make the elastic more comfortable. Lots of people are making different patterns, or just plain colors. I always wonder how do people come up with something like that? It's true that I don't have a creative bone in my body, unless it's writing.

Ear Savers for Face Masks Set of 3 Ear Protectors for Medical image 3

So that's my tip for the day. Enjoy and stay safe.


Friday, April 17, 2020

I'm Back


It's me - truly. I am hoping that you missed me, during my little vacation. Over my forced shelter-in-place, and my computer was on spring vacation, I had lots of things on my mind. Now, that I'm "fixed", I actually can't think of anything! And, that's the way it goes. 

I will tell you that "forced vacation", isn't to my mind at least, much fun. If you were at the beach, let's say, there would be a lot to do. Alas, that's not where we are.

I make no excuses about being a recluse. Normally, this works for me really well. But, now that I can't just get up and go, makes me a bit more "mentaler" (nope, that's not a word, but you get the idea!

I mean how much crappy television can a person watch in a day - before falling into a comma-like state. I have books to read, but I'm not in the mood to read. Even though I enjoy a daily nap, and Daisy is always eager to participate as well, kind of messes with my regular sleep. 

Hopefully, the weather will start warming up soon. I need to be outside soaking up the vitamin D, but I only have a plastic chair. This is the mate to the one that broke on me last year. So, I have absolutely no confidence sitting in this chair. It's been sitting outside in the backyard, soaking up the sun rays. This does not make a plastic chair a reliable choice.

Jeff is going to the stores I think today. And, yes, he has something to cover up his face. So, a quick search at WalMart, indicates that they have a variety of outdoor rocking chairs. Maybe, Jeff will bring one home for me. 

Years ago, my sister and I were exchanging "sister boxes". And, it was a lot of fun. You never knew what was inside the box, and opening up the box, was almost better than Christmas.

This week, my sister sent me a sister box. It was filled with all sorts of goodies. Apparently, Marilee has become somewhat of an artist. She sent me several beautiful pictures, and I have already found a frame for one. Talk about efficiency.

So, here's my problem. If, I go shopping with Jeff, he's not a searcher - and I am. I get out of the house so infrequently, that once I'm inside a store (this includes WalMart), I want to browse. Touch stuff, find some new things in clothing, etc. Well, you get the idea. Most of the time, it's easier to just stay home. And, sometimes when he comes home, he brings me something extra, and I love surprises!

Can't go to get my hair cut at the moment. Problem? Nope, armed with just a comb and small scissors, I've done a pretty good job of cutting the front and sides of my hair. The back? I'm not exactly sure how to do that. Since I'm always at home, and the dogs don't seem to mind, I guess it doesn't really matter what my hair looks like! But, even though I stay at home, I dress every day, and "fuss" with my hair, so that if I am outside, I won't scare anybody away!

Two of the most important things on Jeff's list is milk and eggs. Both of these items, can sometimes hard to get. And, of course, the other usual food items, he buys every week. But, we've got the toilet paper situation covered. Jeff does not hoard once inside a store, such as buying up all the cartons of eggs and/or bottles of milk. The last time I was shopping with Jeff, I was amazed at how much bottled water people were buying. Seriously? I don't know about where you live, but here at home, the water is really very good. We do have a small supply of water in the garage. Once I bought the Contigo (sp) bottle, I carry it everywhere. You put ice in first, and then fill the rest with water. You can drink the water the next day, and it's still cold. Besides, all those plastic water bottles aren't good for the environment. And, here's a sad fact: it takes - brace yourself, 450 years. Just think about that. Oh, and plastic bags, take 10-20 years to decompose. And, I doubt that very many of us, yours truly included, wash out those plastic bags for re-use.

Stay safe and stay inside as much as you can.


Want To Know How To Be Happy? Take This 30 Day Happiness Challenge ...


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Guest Blogger today

Hi all, hope this finds you healthy and safe in these crazy times.

Not bad enough that we have to stay inside and hide from the world.  We have had some issues with the computer and hence, Patti has been OFFLINE for a few days.

We are all fine - however, tired of all the ongoing BREAKING NEWS that announces more death - uck!

I am posting this - to validate we have things working again for your FAVORITE BLOGGER...

We skipped groceries last week per the guidelines - however, we will need a short trip for the basics like milk, eggs, and a few other short lived items - we still have plenty of food in the freezer and will be fine.  We even have plenty of toilet paper -

Please be safe - hang in there....


Friday, April 10, 2020



Had my morning after breakfast nap, which I enjoy very much. Problem is I don't get around to blogging until quite late.

Yesterday, I watched a YouTube video, or whatever they call it, about charter pilots. Okay, this tweaked my interest. I wanted to know how much charter pilots make? Is it by the job, the hour, etc.?

I learned that private pilots earn on average $74,950. But, the range is $64,000 to $84,211. While in their "down" time, there are free to do contract work, and they then earn about $1,000 day! That's not too bad.

Most private pilots are given a "schedule" of sorts, but generally are only given a four hour notice. One client, only uses his plane three times a year! His crew has a lot of time down, and can do corporate work, or if money isn't a problem, stay at the beach, or wherever the client goes. Every 12 months, the pilot(s) have to pass certain standards, one being needing to pass the medical test. 

If you don't pass the medical test, it's simple. You don't fly. Jeff and I have a plane, not a jet, and there is a difference I can assure you. I forget when but Jeff didn't pass his medical because of an AFib issue, which can cause a person's heart to beat irregularly. Jeff has been tested by his doctors, and other than the AFib issue, has been given the "green light" by his doctors. Once you lose your medical, you have to gather all required documents, and send them back to the FAA, and keep your fingers crossed!

As the owner of the plane, he doesn't get "paid". But, what he does get, is the ability to fly around in circles, if he wants. Or, to a destination, we have flown to the Bahamas twice and those were really good trips. As far, as Jeff is concerned, there are no bad flights, or destinations, as long as you fly safe.

Okay, you know me, I have to research my subject to death. So I wondered what does a "regular" airline pilot make each year. A pilot that flies a large jet earns about $121,408. A pilot of a smaller jet, earns only $104,000. Based on a lot of people's incomes right now, pilots make a great deal of money.

Stay safe.



Thursday, April 9, 2020

Bits and Pieces


Most of you know what "bits and pieces" mean. It means I don't have anything in particular on my mind. Unless, you count boredom! Yesterday, I forced myself to go into one of the spare bedrooms. Yuck. 

How does one person (me) allow the spare rooms, gather up some much stuff. It's a tough assignment, but somebody has to do it. 

Do you have a thermometer? Thermometers are as rare as chicken lips. It's not in the same category as toilet paper, but close. I couldn't find anything reasonably priced, so I returned to my old hunting ground.

Lucky me, I was able to find a no contact thermometer for a ridiculous price on Ebay. Based on the price, I'm positive I'm not getting a high quality thermometer. But, if it works, then what do I have to lose? The price is $12.33 (see what I mean about quality). We don't have a thermometer in the house, but feel the need to have one now. Once the virus is gone, then you should be able to get a better (higher price) thermometer all over town.

And, then you have to buy masks to wear in public. Apparently, this isn't a request. Last week when we went shopping, I used a very large scarf to cover my nose and mouth. Not the best thing to use going forward, but I have a few masks at the moment. Mostly, the only place Jeff and I go, is to Costco, and WalMart. A thermometer at WalMart lowest price is $62.88. Masks, now mandatory, the lowest price at WalMart is $30.99. Oh, and several of the masks are not available? You think?

Stacey and her friends are making masks, but I know this is a big project and time consuming. To be safe, I have ordered a few masks to use in the meantime. Better to be prepared, than sorry. I was a good girl scout! Be prepared. Nobody is going to get these things for you. I guess if you never leave the house, you might not even need a mask. But, on the other hand, if you never leave your house for weeks on end, there likely will be a bed waiting for you in the mental health department! And, I've been in that ward before.

Time is ticking, but you will notice that I'm done before noon.

Stay safe everyone.


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Look At The Time!!!


Friends, I'm starting my blog today BEFORE noon. I did have to make a sacrifice, such as foregoing my after breakfast nap, and that's
a really big deal!

The problem (and it isn't much of a problem), is getting your body moving. Frankly, it's just so easy to put off some chore, like cleaning  the spare bedrooms until another day. If we were expecting company, I would absolutely have to get my rear in gear. Alas, no guests in the immediate future, unless it's Benjamin. And, he doesn't matter what the room looks like, as long as the bed is loaded with stuffed animals, and items that produce light - like a snow globe.

I listened to the "talking heads" this morning, until I couldn't stand the chatter any longer. They basically talk about cases and deaths. This is not a good way to start your day. The cure for all the negative things happening in the world, is going to YouTube. There, I've discovered, you can watch comedians, documentaries, and pretty much anything else that might alter your mood. I know it's working for me.

Jeff and I watch a reality show called "Gold Rush". The investors and their team are looking to keep boring holes into the "money shaft". Their dream, as well as ours, would be to discover gold and jewels.To be sure, they have found bits and pieces that were interesting and enticing. But, the BIG treasure, if it's on the island, has yet to be found. I figure if they find gold, then the series would end. What would Jeff and I watch then?
And, of course, if treasure was found, what would the brothers do next?

I think that some of our favorite shows are coming to their season finale. What does that mean? Why does that matter? It matters because then Jeff and I would be forced to TALK to each other! Horrors. When you've been married as long as we have, there is for the most part, very little new things to talk about.

And, since I no longer can seem to remember what show I watched, or what I ate for lunch, I ask Jeff the same question over and over again. I hear the answer, but it doesn't stick, hence the back and forth. I assure Jeff that I really DON'T remember these things, and others like it. This makes both of us sad, because we don't know what's ahead of us.

It's a sunny day, and I should, and probably will, walk around the circle 3 or 4 laps. That's about all I can do. But, from where I started with my personal trainer, I have made great progress. Most people don't have trouble putting socks on, I did. After weeks of training, I can put socks on with no difficulty. I have no idea when the physical therapy office will open.

Here's a picture of happiness. Stay safe.


balloon on sky




Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Jeff's Birthday


It doesn't seem possible that Jeff is now 71. I met him when he was 25, and I was 24. Boy, have the years gone by quickly.

In the early years, some of the things we did:
Bought our first house, which was small and had a copper (and yes, I do mean copper) oven - try cleaning an oven like that! Nearly impossible.The house was small, with a flat roof. In California, a flat roof works because it doesn't snow. 

Early days, when we had "young person brain ideas" we bought a 1942 WEAPONS CARRIER! After we bought it, we had to get out of the buyer's yard and tow it back to our house. Dad "drove" the vehicle while being towed along by Jeff. It didn't have an engine, or much of anything. Jeff, had great plans, along with a friend, to fix it up and have it become a beach buggy. This never happened, and had he been successful, the WC would have collapsed sand dunes, etc. But, it was Jeff's dream. And, everyone should have one.

Trips to Carlsbad Caverns, which is truly breathtaking. If you stay, as we did, into the evening, all the bats flew out of the cave. A great sight, but BATS!

Trip to White Sands of New Mexico. Here's a picture, so you imagine being there. And, it's quiet there.

HD wallpaper: 463105 White Sands, New Mexico, desert photograph ... 

Camped at Yosemite, using Jeff's parents truck and trailer. There is something about camping, that brings people out in the evening to chat. We loved that trip. At that time,you could drive your car through a Sequoia tree. This famous tree fell down in 1969. Glad we were visiting while you could still go "through" the tree.

Hawaii, on one of Jeff's business trip. One of your first stops has to be at Hilo Hatties, which has been in business for 50 years! You can buy your mumu there, and get the hem altered while you wait! As well, as Hawaiin shirts for men. Hawaiian shirt fabric typically has the design printed on one side. The colors on the printed side look just like the designer intended when creating the graphics on computer. But the colors on the inside of the shirt is a faded reverse print Hawaiian Shirt. Called an Aloha Shirt. Most of the men in Hawaii wear this kind of shirt, even when working.

We did take more trips, but these are the ones I remember clearly.

So, back to the future. Jeff has been my best friend and protector for 46 years. I now have, what can be called, shrinkage of the brain, or MCI - mild cognitive impairment. While Jeff has a full time job, he also has another job, that pays nothing. Taking care of me, which is a full time job. And, frankly at this point in my life, I don't remember what I watched on television the night before. Or what I ate at lunch. Little stuff like that. My diagnosis of MCI can, and likely will, become dementia or Alzheimer's. 

Jeff has taken his wedding vows seriously. For better or worse. Well, I believe right now we're in the worst part of our marriage. There can be, both physical and mental problems.

Happy birthday my dear. We won't have cake, but perhaps we could drive through McDonald's and buy ice cream cones. They truly have very good ice cream. Even Bella, who can sometimes be a bit of a pig, likes ice cream too!

It's a bright sunny day outside. I will be outside after I finish my necessary chores: dishes and laundry! 

Have a great day. Stay safe.



Monday, April 6, 2020

Sunny at Last


Happy Monday everybody. After several days of gloom and doom, which we absolutely didn't need, and now there is sunshine! It's almost like Mother Nature decided we needed a break - and yes we do.

Yesterday, Jeff and I went to the only two stores on the planet (Costco and WalMart), to do Jeff's weekly shop. I went along and put a scarf around my face. Not the best, but at least I was trying. I now have masks for both of us. I did notice that while most people were wearing masks, there was a whole bunch of people that weren't. Seemed like to me, that only one person in a relationship was wearing a mask. Maybe, they trade off. You know, it's my time to wear the mask, and so on.

When Jeff was in Costco, he did buy toilet paper. Don't need it at the moment, but who knows how long we will have to shelter in place. 

WalMart was, for the most part, had recently been stocked. There were things, such as eggs, that were not available. But, if you go to a regular grocery store, it's likely that you could buy eggs. I literally haven't been out of the house except to ride along when Jeff is ordering take-out. Otherwise, you can find me in the house with great plans of things to do. But, gravity keeps sucking me down in the recliner, which accomplishes nothing!

Stacey, asked us to buy milk, if there was any. We did buy the milk, and I bought Benjamin, two little Lindt (however you spell it) bunnies in a little basket. When we got to Stacey's house, Benjamin had drawn a line on the driveway, and he wrote stop! Away from each other, we had a short conversation. It was very nice to see all of them, and we had to send "virtual" hugs and kisses to them.

Once we got home, we washed our hands after we brought the groceries inside.

While having my breakfast, I listened to the talking heads. I shouldn't do that. It is a bad way to start a day. After you watch the news, with it's chilling reminder of how many people have died here at home, you definitely need to watch a happy show. One of those shows, is the Great British Baking Show.


Spring Flowers for your Wedding - Blooms By The Box

Friday, April 3, 2020

I Confess....


to the fact that I'm having trouble letting go. Letting go? For 40+ plus years, I have been in charge. I, am the mother of sons, a sister and a daughter.

As the boys were growing up, many holiday meals were cooked by yours truly, and I also had the "joy" of cleaning up too. And, now I don't.

I am now the matriarch of the family. And, for no reason that I can think of, makes me feel like the lead elephant in a parade. Until the boys married, I pretty much controlled things. And, while I didn't see it as being powerful, I guess, in some ways, I was.

We used to spend 2 weeks at the beach, I organized the meals that I would prepare for the two weeks. I did give the boys an opportunity to give me some feedback, which they never did. But, everybody ate everything I cooked, so I guess my menu was acceptable.

The boys got married, and they have given me two wonderful daughters-in-law! Plus, two grand-children - one blue and one pink! Best in the world!

Now, at 70, I no longer plan dinners - birthdays and holidays, or anything else for that matter. I know it's time for me to take a "back seat" in running the show. But, this is a "bit" difficult for me. Perhaps, mothers out there, will understand how I feel.

When family occasions come around, I wait until I'm told where to go, what time and what, if anything, to bring. 

We have a great time when all of us get together, and the food and company is wonderful. Scott, Andrew, Stacey, Wendy, Benjamin and Elly all get along, and enjoy everybody's company. I can't imagine what it would feel or look like, if some-how the family became divided. 

When we lived in California, Jeff and I, for the most part, thought holidays were tricky. Do we spend Thanksgiving with Jeff's parents? What do we do about Christmas? We wanted to be fair, to both set of parents, but that wasn't always possible. 

Oh, back to family gatherings. I am no longer in charge, of anything. I suppose I should just let the girls take over. But, as some of you know, this proves to be hard. While, I'm tired and no longer cook or back anything (back to starting a fire in the microwave), just puts Jeff off!

So, while I'm still the matriarch, simply because I'm the oldest woman in the family, it is difficult to let go of the things I used to do. I know that I am somewhat physically and mentally handicapped. This means things, like food preparation, is now Jeff's job. And, taking care of me, is almost a full-time job, and I'm truly sorry about that.

Jeff's birthday is next week. But, since we are all sheltering in place, there will be no party for him. He's not particularly sentimental, like yours truly, who almost can't close my hope chest! If restaurants were open, both of us would opt for steak. But, picking up your diner to take home, just isn't the same.

I guess I've whined long enough. It's Friday, and one of these days, it will be warm enough to ride in Jeff's car.

Enjoy your weekend, and stay safe. You can see me leading the rest of the crew.

Image result for picture of a matriarch elephant


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...