Friday, April 17, 2020

I'm Back


It's me - truly. I am hoping that you missed me, during my little vacation. Over my forced shelter-in-place, and my computer was on spring vacation, I had lots of things on my mind. Now, that I'm "fixed", I actually can't think of anything! And, that's the way it goes. 

I will tell you that "forced vacation", isn't to my mind at least, much fun. If you were at the beach, let's say, there would be a lot to do. Alas, that's not where we are.

I make no excuses about being a recluse. Normally, this works for me really well. But, now that I can't just get up and go, makes me a bit more "mentaler" (nope, that's not a word, but you get the idea!

I mean how much crappy television can a person watch in a day - before falling into a comma-like state. I have books to read, but I'm not in the mood to read. Even though I enjoy a daily nap, and Daisy is always eager to participate as well, kind of messes with my regular sleep. 

Hopefully, the weather will start warming up soon. I need to be outside soaking up the vitamin D, but I only have a plastic chair. This is the mate to the one that broke on me last year. So, I have absolutely no confidence sitting in this chair. It's been sitting outside in the backyard, soaking up the sun rays. This does not make a plastic chair a reliable choice.

Jeff is going to the stores I think today. And, yes, he has something to cover up his face. So, a quick search at WalMart, indicates that they have a variety of outdoor rocking chairs. Maybe, Jeff will bring one home for me. 

Years ago, my sister and I were exchanging "sister boxes". And, it was a lot of fun. You never knew what was inside the box, and opening up the box, was almost better than Christmas.

This week, my sister sent me a sister box. It was filled with all sorts of goodies. Apparently, Marilee has become somewhat of an artist. She sent me several beautiful pictures, and I have already found a frame for one. Talk about efficiency.

So, here's my problem. If, I go shopping with Jeff, he's not a searcher - and I am. I get out of the house so infrequently, that once I'm inside a store (this includes WalMart), I want to browse. Touch stuff, find some new things in clothing, etc. Well, you get the idea. Most of the time, it's easier to just stay home. And, sometimes when he comes home, he brings me something extra, and I love surprises!

Can't go to get my hair cut at the moment. Problem? Nope, armed with just a comb and small scissors, I've done a pretty good job of cutting the front and sides of my hair. The back? I'm not exactly sure how to do that. Since I'm always at home, and the dogs don't seem to mind, I guess it doesn't really matter what my hair looks like! But, even though I stay at home, I dress every day, and "fuss" with my hair, so that if I am outside, I won't scare anybody away!

Two of the most important things on Jeff's list is milk and eggs. Both of these items, can sometimes hard to get. And, of course, the other usual food items, he buys every week. But, we've got the toilet paper situation covered. Jeff does not hoard once inside a store, such as buying up all the cartons of eggs and/or bottles of milk. The last time I was shopping with Jeff, I was amazed at how much bottled water people were buying. Seriously? I don't know about where you live, but here at home, the water is really very good. We do have a small supply of water in the garage. Once I bought the Contigo (sp) bottle, I carry it everywhere. You put ice in first, and then fill the rest with water. You can drink the water the next day, and it's still cold. Besides, all those plastic water bottles aren't good for the environment. And, here's a sad fact: it takes - brace yourself, 450 years. Just think about that. Oh, and plastic bags, take 10-20 years to decompose. And, I doubt that very many of us, yours truly included, wash out those plastic bags for re-use.

Stay safe and stay inside as much as you can.


Want To Know How To Be Happy? Take This 30 Day Happiness Challenge ...



  1. Surprise!!! I have been painting for a year...Thanks for liking them. I love you and I will send a letter next week.


  2. You're welcome. The paintings are wonderful, and you're so creative. Question: do you a mask? I asked Stacey (DIL) to make you a pink mask. I just bought her a lot of pink fabrics, and they are all very pretty. Love you, P


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