Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Benjamin's Birthday


 Today is Benjamin's 12th birthday. Benjamin, came into our life when Jeff and I were 59 years old. Our parenting skills, by today's standards were a little rusty. But, it didn't take long before we became "pros"!

Before we took him out of the hospital, the nurse wanted to give us a few tips! We dutifully listened, and then went about raising Benjamin for 2 years, our way. The nurse said that babies needed to sleep on their back. We thought that was, in our opinion, (no hate mail please), silly. If a baby sleeps on it's back, they tend to wake up, with their arms flawing about. Once Benjamin was home, he slept on his tummy, and just like with our boys, slept better. 

Wendy and I scoured books on what the best car seat was out there. We looked for the safest one out there. We landed on a Britax car seat. I've occasionally noticed that some of the "royals" are seen with Britax seats in their cars. Jeff and I believed, and still do, that with Benjamin in his seat, he was well protected. And, I believe it's so even today.

Many new things had come along since Andrew was born. Now, to take Benjamin for a walk, we had to take him in a stroller, and since I didn't understand how to adequately secure him, while I walked, I kept a death grip on the seat (or whatever it's called).

I took a 6 week maternity leave, And, during that time had to find an adequate daycare for him. I did find someone, who seemed to tick off all of the boxes. If I picked him up, and a bottle hadn't been used, this did give me pause. 

Eventually, he was able to go to daycare at Marriott. Once I parked, I had to get the stroller out of the back of car, and set it up. One of my friends saw that I was really struggling, and came to help. Thank you very much. Once the stroller business was done, then I had to remove the car seat to put into the stroller. For an "old" woman, this was a bit of a task! I did eventually get the hang of things.

Benjamin called, and still does today, we are Mom Mom and Pop Pop. Benjamin and I always tell each other that we love each other to the moon and back. 

Obviously, when Benjamin was young, we both fit into my recliner. And, no longer do. Benjamin tries to get in the recliner, but I tell him to scoot over, because he's too big. He disagrees, and tells me to get "smaller". This is a running joke with both of us. 

Because of this stupid virus, I haven't been able to hug him in a long while. Hugs from a distance just isn't working for me. And, not being able to hug him, makes me very sad.

The "talking heads" say that the virus will likely come back later this year, and conditions will be worse.  

I don't know about you, but both sheltering in place and maintaining the recommended distance, while wearing our masks, is getting a little old.

Jeff and I are following all the guidelines. However, when you go to a store, and people aren't wearing a mask, I have the strong urge to "mask shame" them! I wouldn't in a thousand years, do this, it's just something that I think about, and I avoid confrontation whenever possible.

I'm hoping for a picture of Benjamin and our gift soon. I actually have forgotten what I bought for him, so it will be a surprise for both Jeff and I.

Notice the time people. I am blogging before noon!

Stay safe, stay well.


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