Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Jeff's Birthday


It doesn't seem possible that Jeff is now 71. I met him when he was 25, and I was 24. Boy, have the years gone by quickly.

In the early years, some of the things we did:
Bought our first house, which was small and had a copper (and yes, I do mean copper) oven - try cleaning an oven like that! Nearly impossible.The house was small, with a flat roof. In California, a flat roof works because it doesn't snow. 

Early days, when we had "young person brain ideas" we bought a 1942 WEAPONS CARRIER! After we bought it, we had to get out of the buyer's yard and tow it back to our house. Dad "drove" the vehicle while being towed along by Jeff. It didn't have an engine, or much of anything. Jeff, had great plans, along with a friend, to fix it up and have it become a beach buggy. This never happened, and had he been successful, the WC would have collapsed sand dunes, etc. But, it was Jeff's dream. And, everyone should have one.

Trips to Carlsbad Caverns, which is truly breathtaking. If you stay, as we did, into the evening, all the bats flew out of the cave. A great sight, but BATS!

Trip to White Sands of New Mexico. Here's a picture, so you imagine being there. And, it's quiet there.

HD wallpaper: 463105 White Sands, New Mexico, desert photograph ... 

Camped at Yosemite, using Jeff's parents truck and trailer. There is something about camping, that brings people out in the evening to chat. We loved that trip. At that time,you could drive your car through a Sequoia tree. This famous tree fell down in 1969. Glad we were visiting while you could still go "through" the tree.

Hawaii, on one of Jeff's business trip. One of your first stops has to be at Hilo Hatties, which has been in business for 50 years! You can buy your mumu there, and get the hem altered while you wait! As well, as Hawaiin shirts for men. Hawaiian shirt fabric typically has the design printed on one side. The colors on the printed side look just like the designer intended when creating the graphics on computer. But the colors on the inside of the shirt is a faded reverse print Hawaiian Shirt. Called an Aloha Shirt. Most of the men in Hawaii wear this kind of shirt, even when working.

We did take more trips, but these are the ones I remember clearly.

So, back to the future. Jeff has been my best friend and protector for 46 years. I now have, what can be called, shrinkage of the brain, or MCI - mild cognitive impairment. While Jeff has a full time job, he also has another job, that pays nothing. Taking care of me, which is a full time job. And, frankly at this point in my life, I don't remember what I watched on television the night before. Or what I ate at lunch. Little stuff like that. My diagnosis of MCI can, and likely will, become dementia or Alzheimer's. 

Jeff has taken his wedding vows seriously. For better or worse. Well, I believe right now we're in the worst part of our marriage. There can be, both physical and mental problems.

Happy birthday my dear. We won't have cake, but perhaps we could drive through McDonald's and buy ice cream cones. They truly have very good ice cream. Even Bella, who can sometimes be a bit of a pig, likes ice cream too!

It's a bright sunny day outside. I will be outside after I finish my necessary chores: dishes and laundry! 

Have a great day. Stay safe.



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