Monday, April 27, 2020

Hair Day


There are many things you can do while you "shelter in place". Books, television, back to books, laundry and dishes (they don't really count as a recreational activity.

I have had a hate relationship with my hair probably ever sense I was a teenager. When I was younger, I had curly hair, and I hated it. It seemed as if everybody around me had, what I considered to be, perfect hair. And, what does perfect hair look like? Long and straight. A look I could never pull off.

I remember the night before the senior pictures, I had my hair done by a neighbor, and so as not to mess up my "do", I literally slept with my head over the edge of the bed. What some people will do for a hair do. 

As an adult (okay, a young adult), I went somewhat regularly to a beauty shop to have my hair styled. When I look back, all the salons I went to, always gave me, when I look back on it, "old lady" styles. I was only 18.

Through the years, I have gone through perms, long hair, short hair, and everything else in between.

Since, we cannot at the moment, go to a barber or beauty shop, I took things into my own hands. And, this is scary. At this point in my life, besides wearing elastic clothing and velcro shoes, I don't want to futz with my hair. I've never been very good at "styling", and it seems as if, in Maryland, anyway, those beauty and barber shops may not open for sometime. Don't ask me why, but I cut my own hair yesterday. Okay, it's not perfect, but I wanted my hair short, and now it is. Parts of my hair look like I chopped at it. I didn't do that exactly, but I did grab up parts of my hair, and used scissors! I'll give you that it is short. but I have always been a shampoo, comb kind of gal. It's not like anybody is coming over, and we're not going anywhere (WalMart isn't a "real" store), in my opinion. So what better time to experiment. 

I watch reality shows, like you don't already know. I like to watch the Gold Rush episodes. Right now, the cast and crew are in Australia. The temperature there is well over 100 degrees. All of the cast, have long hair. And, I can't figure out why they didn't or don't, go for short hair. Everybody is sweaty and their hair simply gets in their way. Imagine if you were sporting a buzz cut of sorts, I would think these guys wouldn't have to constantly do something with their hair. 

When the boys were growing up, as we approached summer, they were given two choices. Option 1 - wash, dry and comb their hair everyday. Or, Option 2 - go to the barber shop and have their hair cut short. They always went for option 2, and by the time school started, their hair had mostly grown back in.

Years ago, we had a Labrador, and while they're a great dog, they can have a lot of hair. So, during the summer, Jeff would give our dog, a hair cut. It wasn't fashionable, but it was cooler for the dog.

So, there you have it. It really doesn't much matter, how my hair looks, because in the big picture, after all is said and done, it's just hair!


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