Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Endless, But Necessary, Talking


Well, it's the day after THE DAY. Jeff and I stayed up quite late last night. Once I found myself nodding off, it was Jeff's recommendation that I go to bed. He told me, and rightly so, that there wasn't going to be a definitive winner. 

Eating my breakfast today, with Daisy on my lap, always looking for crumbs. I'm not sure if Daisy loves me, because I'm me - or she loves me for the crumbs left on my clothes.

While I ate, and I didn't get indigestion (much indigestion!), I listened to the talking heads, and looked at chart after chart. I'm in my office now, so I muted the television. When I go back to the den at lunch time, I know that the numbers will have changed.

Since I don't talk politics, I won't tell you who I'm rooting for. But, I will say this, that this year's election has captured our attention, big time.

In past year's elections, we watched as the numbers rolled in. What we weren't, was super excited, enough to stay up until midnight. This year, was interesting from the start. And, at least, we're not a house divided. I know after watching interviews that some couples have differing opinions on which candidate should win.

I'm off to take care of business (Elvis anyone?). I muted the television, because I didn't want to hear the drone of the newscasters. 

I have so much to do, but just don't seem to have the zest, to work on projects. And, I have many projects to do, but their all boring. I mean how excited can you get from putting clothes in the washer. And, yes I can say, from my view point, this is a ho-hum activity. You ladies may feel the same way.

One of the "tasks" my doctor wanted me to do this week, was to put my list on Amazon. I absolutely have no trouble coming up with gifts for the family. Not having much luck, with my list. I find something, and add it to the list. Then I go back, and delete said item, generally because of the price. The surprise of a gift is absolutely wonderful for me. And, it could be anything - truly!

The list I have for the family, is long and ever changing. I have always thought of myself as a "good gift giver". Since I'm not working, and have no children to take care of, I've got time, lots of it actually, to roam around the internet, looking at possible gifts. To be fair, I'm happier when someone opens a gift, and is very excited and happy. And, this makes me very happy.

I'm trying to limit the gifts this year for the family. I need to think about buying less gifts. And, the ones that Jeff and I give, are more meaningful, as well as useful!

If I'm unable to finish "hooking" all my kits for Christmas, I'll have Jeff take a picture, which I can give as a future present. One that I can finish, oh I don't know - may be by 2025!!!

I'll not watch the numbers until I eat lunch. The numbers are changing every few minutes. I really don't need to watch the election numbers come in, 24/7. As they say, it is what it is. Very true.

The sun is shining bright today, after several days of doom and gloom. While it's cold, by my standards, I'm going to try and walk several loops around the circle on our street.

Have a wonderful day, and I hope the weather is good wherever you are. For me? I'd actually like to see a rainbow.




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