Wednesday, November 11, 2020

I didn't Forget You, I promise

 11/10/2020 - UPDATE 11/11/2020

I'm a "tad" late today. Technical issues, actually my technical issues. While I would be lost without the computer, if anything, major or minor, changes to my computer, I become really confused. I don't want to put all of my troubles onto my memory issues, but pretty much have to.

I "force" myself to watching one loop of news while I have breakfast. More than that, I'd be having trouble with that concept - cup half full or cup half empty. Not feeling very optimistic these days. We've got the virus, still pretty much out of control. Then there is the election nonsense going on. Thanksgiving? Most of us, at least Jeff and I, will be staying home and cooking a turkey dinner for the two of us. Sounds pathetic I know, but this is our new normal reality. And it sucks!

It's raining today, and if I remember correctly, will for a few more days this week. Great for the yard, but gray weather is a "Debby Downer" for me. And, yes I'm sitting in front of my light box. When we went looking for a light box, there were plenty of choices. I knew that I needed a bigger light box, we bought it, and I use it every day. Does it help? On days like today, all doom and gloom, yes it does. It gives me sunshine, if you will.

Today, back to the plastic surgeon to have the stitches removed from where the skin cancer spots were removed last week. Now I wonder, if after the stitches are out, will my new name be, scar face. I'll know later today. 

Talking to my psychiatrist today. Last week she challenged me to put a Christmas list on Amazon, for the family, when it comes to shopping for me. Jeff says that I'm very difficult to buy for, but I disagree. I like everything, truly I do. And, when it comes to opening presents, my reward is when somebody is genuinely happy. That's when I know "I done good".

We are letting the girls out in the front yard, several times a day. They don't go far, pretty much one loop around the nearby houses, and back. Our backyard isn't big enough for Daisy (the terrier) to really run. When she's in the front yard, she runs like her life depends on it. 

I'm not sure that Bella feels the need for speed, as much as Daisy does. But, here's what I do know - when they come back from their "run about", they are both ready for water and a nap.

Here's a test for you gals out there. A week ago, I opened up our two junk drawers. And, I started taking things out, and putting them in a plastic bag, which I've dated. I didn't take out anything that obviously was in the necessary column. But, everything else was fair game. I want to see how long, if ever, Jeff or myself needs the things I've put away. My answer is I doubt that we'll not miss anything.  It's just way too easy, to stash something into the junk drawers. After a bit of time, they really do become junk drawers. I certainly don't want to open up said drawers, but when you almost can't fit anything else into the drawers, something has to be done. My thought is: out of sight, out of mind. 

Since my life is now, and likely will always be, rather small, I sometimes have difficulty in knowing what I want to "talk" about. Um, today is one of those days.

I hope all of you my friends, are staying safe. Jeff's theory, and it's a correct one, that if I stay home, then I'm definitely safe. So my ventures outside of the house are limited. When a vaccine becomes available, with my doctor's opinion, Jeff and I want to be first in line.

Happy Wednesday.



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