Thursday, November 5, 2020

Searching, Searching, Searching


For those of you who know me well, then you already know what I'm searching for. Christmas presents! Too early for some, but never too early for me.

I think of myself as Santa's Little Helper. I always have so much fun, looking at this, and looking at that. And, when the recipient seems to like and/or love my gift, my reward is knowing that I did good!!

Everybody, with the exclusion of Jeff, puts out their list on Amazon. I use their list, as a guide. And, I'll buy things from their list, of course, but then I go rouge (right spelling?) and shop for other things. Jeff and I don't always agree with my decision, but I know that for most of those years, I think I've hit it out of the ballpark!

On my to do list, is to order the 2021 4A calendar magnets. I have some cards from last year, that were not needed. In those cases, I just have to remove the calendars. I'm going to have to get from Scott or Jeff, the number of cards and calendars for this year.

My handwriting is now so poor, shaky actually, that I prefer that the company print out both the return address on the envelope, and the signature on the actual card. At that point, I just have to stuff and seal, and then I'm done for another year.

While I'm on line, I keep checking the election results. The numbers that I saw this morning, pleases me. No hate mail please.

I did some loops around the circle yesterday. I will loop again today, and try to add one extra loop today. Won't be joining a marathon race ever, but for an old gal, such as myself, 7 or 8 loops is just about the all the exercise I can do. When I'm feeling very spry, I can go out later, and loop again! I think it's a bit funny, that I do loops, and some will say that it's appropriate, because I'm somewhat loopy!

When I see the mounting number of cases and death tolls every day, it makes me sad. Jeff and I must not travel in the right areas, because when we venture out, everybody is wearing a mask.

I used to really look forward to the holidays. But, this year, not so much. I just don't believe that zooming the holidays with the family, will not be as exciting as actually be with them. We have to do, what we have to do. I'm hoping that next year, will be better, because frankly, just my opinion now, this year has sucked big time.

You know the drill: wash, mask, stay apart. Those are not things that are complicated, nor unreasonable. Annoying - a resounding yes.

Have a great day.


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