Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Zoom Call for Grandparent's Day


In a matter of days, just about everybody, will be eating their Thanksgiving Dinner. And, unfortunately, most of us, Jeff and I included, won't be celebrating with family or friends. Nope, it'll just be us. One of the things that we've done in the past, is to go into a store on Black Friday. And, everybody should do this once. We're not there to buy anything, simply to watch the madness in the stores. Particularly, for big ticket items, televisions, etc., people will almost literally bend over the item that they're buying. Grabbing, and holding on, is very important. Given the opportunity, people will, at least those on the greedy side, will take said item away from you. And, you wonder why a lot of people, such as myself, use Amazon or the like.

Jeff went to the store over the weekend, and picked up the usual ingredients, for making stuffing, gravy and cranberries. No pie, because I'm really working on my calorie count, and at this particular moment, pie doesn't seem to show up as a good food item for me. Bummer. But, there is some hope - peppermint ice cream has, in the big picture, relatively few calories!

Our family, through the weaving of electronics and wires, have a way to see movies or hear music. In anticipation of the long weekend, I gave Andrew a list of movies that I thought Jeff and I would like to see. Turns out, those movies were already there. But in my defense (and I always need one), I wouldn't have probably been able to find them on our family movie-sharing system.

If we didn't have movies to watch, we would have been forced to take a nap; and/or watch a football game. If we watched a game, we could probably close our eyes for a minute or two! Either way, I'm pretty sure that a nap is in the future! And, the "girls" love naps, particularly when they are on our laps. What a nice rhyme!!

I write, and I write. My writer, but from time to time, I can come up with one or two sentence poems. I believe that if all the stars were aligned just right, then I believe my destiny would be to write. Oh, and not just write, but get paid to write. That would be wonderful. In the big picture, if I ever earned more than a dime or two, I would definitely buy Jeff a new plane. He deserves it. If, for no other reason, than he has to put up with me 24/7!!

Since this is a short work week for most of you, I will also take a break starting on Thursday.

Be well.



1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving!!! We are taking the boat tomorrow and are heading over to Catalina Island for the long weekend. The island is pretty much closed but we should have everything we need. I shipped your sister box last week...did you get it? Love You, M


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