Tuesday, November 3, 2020

It's Finally Here!!!


After months of listening to not only the "talking heads", but the candidates as well, we've finally reached Election Day. But, wait,it's not really over till the fat lady sings - or something like that. It will be a long day for the candidates (and, no I'm not going to say who I voted for), who are still out on the trail, even as I write this.

Starting around 4:00 this afternoon, the the news will be all about the election. I guess a perfect time for a snooze this afternoon, so you can stay up until your eyeballs fall back into your head!

Assignment: Truly. I have been asked or tasked with putting some of my true life stories out there. That means, you my friends, will have to follow along too.

First Story: Aunt Ruby's Attic

Many years ago, Jeff, myself and the boys headed to Arkansas for a family reunion. If my memory is straight, before our trip, we traded in our car, for a newer version of what we had previously owned. That doesn't make much sense now that I think about what we did.

Of course, we had the luxury of a new car smell. This is a scent that goes away much too quickly. The three boys were all given time in the front seat. Me? I was in the back with the other boys. This trip was before movies were in the car, no laptops, cell phones, etc. Nope, this was old school - reading, seeing how many different license plates you see. And, an old game, "I Spy". 

The trip to Arkansas was in the middle of summer, and the boys complained that there wasn't enough air conditioning. Nobody was satisfied - including your truly, because I was mostly in the back seat, trying to entertain the boys, and not lose my sanity on the trip.

Once we arrived at Aunt Ruby's house, and Jeff remembered where it was, and though the trip had taken only one day, if my memory serves me right. We were exhausted and crabby by the time we arrived at Aunt Ruby's house.

Jeff's mother and father had already arrived, and they stayed in the guest room. Aunt Ruby told us not to worry, she had a spare room in the attic. There were two beds and a sleeping bag for the boys, and a double bed for Jeff and I.

Aunt Ruby pointed out that there was a fan circa probably the 40's. It was a fan that had no guard, just blades. And, the best part was that there was no bathroom in our "suite". Ah, but she had an answer for that - wait for it - a chamber pot. Some of you may not know what a chamber pot is, but you use it, if there was no other suggestion. As Aunt Ruby left us for the night, she reminded us that said chamber pot had a slight crack, so please be careful. About that time, I knew I was in seven degrees of hell. We'd get the boys settled, and then one of them would complain that the fan wasn't placing in their direction. A correction was made, but for the most part, the grumbling went on, until they finally fell asleep.

Jeff and I were in the little bed.  He looked at me with that look. My answer was, are you kidding right now?

Then, one of the boys needed to use the bathroom. And, there were only two choices. Go down the stairs to a "real" bathroom, or  get cozy with the pot. Eventually, needs took over the general reluctance, to use the chamber pot that had a small crack. The boys found it fun, and if I hadn't been so darn hot, I could have found their experience with the chamber pot funny. Looking back it was funny, but certainly wasn't at the time. When Jeff unfortunately needed the chamber pot, it was as usual, an easy task for a man/boy. Me? Not so much. Never forgetting about the stupid crack, I gingerly tried to not really sit on this pot, but more of a squat and hope that you (I) was going to be able to take care of business. Happy to say that none of us made the crack bigger! If my memory serves me right, the next night, we opted to go a hotel/motel. And, this was a very good move on our part. The room had air conditioning, a bathroom, and probably more important was there was two beds.  And, yes somebody would have to once again sleep in a sleeping bag. 

The next morning, we weary travelers made it downstairs. We asked Aunt Ruby were the bathroom was. Oh, I remember her pointing down the hall. The five of us followed her finger. And, yes there was a toilet, and a shower in the same space! When I think about it, it was really handy. Do your business and take a shower - how handy is that? I'll tell you how handy it was. By my lowest standards, there was no way I was going to take a shower and sit on my royal a.., all at the same.

The boys are hungry. Once we were on the first floor, that had glorious air conditioning, she pointed to a pound cake for breakfast. I raised a small fuss about the boys eating cake for breakfast. Aunt Ruby told me that it was perfectly fine for breakfast. After all, she said it was just flour, sugar, etc. It didn't even begin to be a food group at all. I'll admit that the cake was delicious. When the cake is baking, you end up with a crusty top. I have made it several times, but it's the kind of food you don't want there to be any 'overs', if you are a sugar nut. Guilty, as charged - love sugar. It couldn't happen, but my idea of being taken to Hershey Park, and literally be dunked in said tank. Before I ran out of air, I thought that dying in chocolate wasn't such a bad way to go. in my dreams, this was a perfect way to go. Of course, I would have been pulled out of the tank, and covered in chocolate. And, I would have ruined the large vat. But when you're dreaming, you don't think of these things. Because it's just a dream. 

After a real breakfast, Aunt Ruby told us that there was a store not far from her home. It was a WalMart, and we had never heard of it, so it was time for all of us to get into the car. And, this time I, called shotgun (do mother's really do that?) Answer - yes we do. 

I decided as a woman and mother, that it should be me in the front seat. The boys didn't agree, so there was a lot of whining, pushing, and taking one of the other boys' book, etc.

I remember when I traveled with my parents, it was in the era, where there was a large bump in the backseat. And, horrors nothing electronic to do. If, back then, we would have the gadgets have now, the trip would have said gadgets to keep the boys engaged.  slightly But, her solution to fussing, etc., was the flyswatter that she kept in the front seat. None of us kids, wanted to be swatted, so we tried to play nice!! And, that wasn't easy.

One trip in particular, was to drive to Texas, and hook up with their friends from France. If, you have never driven through Texas, let's just a really big state. Periodically, one of us would ask where we were. Each time, the answer was Texas! Really? Believe me, I actually don't see myself, driving through Texas again, even with modern gadgets in a car.

Okay, boys and girls, that's part of Jeff's Aunt Ruby's story. It's all true, at least the way I remember things. I may or maybe not, have gotten all my everything right, as far as my brain is concerned. And, we all know what my memory is like - limited!

If you're completely bored by now, I apologize. There is more to this story. If, you would like me to continue this story, please leave me a comment, as to whether I should stop my story here, or go on.

Have a good day, if you can. Perhaps, a nap this afternoon may be needed. And, Daisy loves to nap on a lap!

Be safe everyone, wear your mask properly. I see many people who don't cover their nose, which is the proper way to wear a mask.

I'll chat with you tomorrow.



  1. Yes, please, more stories. We could really relate to the car trip and visiting relatives when we were younger..so true, no a/c, "she's on my side", (fighting for space) in the backseat. Funny now, but not then.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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