Friday, November 6, 2020

Stuff On My Mind!


Bear with me today everyone. I, like sometimes in the past, don't really have a "to go" topic of the day. This is called brain block, at least that's what I call it. There may be a more "scientific" word, but block works for me.

I've watched one round of news. I leave the tv on during the day, on mute. I don't know about you, but watching the "heads", hour after hour, is not productive. Of course, even if I don't watch the "heads", I can still be non-productive.

Of course, if you go research on the Internet, and everybody knows how reliable that can be, they give out election result numbers for each state. 

Okay, that's enough about that. Big news, but not perhaps the most current news. A maid and an assistant have both quit their jobs working for the royals - William and Kate. Perhaps, the jobs of these two women, were more of a 24/7 job, with little time off. I suspect that the pay was good, but everybody needs time away from their jobs.

Clothing dilemma: I have bought person "x" a fun t-shirt for Christmas. I think "x" will like, perhaps even love, the shirt. So what's the dilemma you ask? When buying an article of clothing, you have to ask yourself, or perhaps it's just me, but what size do you order? I definitely don't want to offend anybody, by buying something too small, or too big. See the problem? Unless, it's a perfect fit, which seldom happens, you stand the chance of having to return clothing. And returning, while Amazon makes it very easy, in the end, it's just a pain in the rear. That's why you always buy a present with a gift receipt! With a gift receipt, the person in question, can return your gift, and buy something else, if they choose. 

By the next time, I get my head "shrunk", I am supposed to be able to give her my Christmas list. I can't remember when I last put a list of possibilities out there on Amazon. But, I've started, but seem to spend sometime every day, tweaking the list. After a review, I decide that this or that on my list, is too expensive. I don't know this for sure, but to err on the side of caution, I remove these items. You see why I'm a better gift giver, which is my favorite thing to do. And I think about possible gifts pretty much all year long. What do I want? Ack. This is pressure. One of things on my list is bright purple pot holders, they're not expensive. But, the sweaters which I put on the list, I have sense removed because of the cost. I do like everything, contrary to belief, but I don't want to break the bank, over a gift, for heavens sake.

I have, and perhaps you do as well, have a side table beside your favorite chair. I actually looked at what's on my table this morning. I have an abundance of pens, which I've put in a small crock, to keep them organized, or something like that. Hand lotion - check. TV remote - check. Remote for fireplace - check. My weather and time clock, I guess you can call it that, is also on the table. Generally, there are several catalogs on the table.  I, generally don't order from them, but occasionally they give me inspiration.

Calendar quote for the day: Encourage anyone who is trying to improve mentally, physically, or spiritually. I don't actually know anybody in my little circle of friends and family, who couldn't use some help now and then.

Have a hopefully sunny day. Please wear your masks. I love all of you, and don't want to see you get sick.



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