Monday, November 16, 2020

How Sick Are We?


As I look out my window this morning, I see a bright, sunshiny day. Perhaps filled with endless possibilities. 

But, on the other hand, the world, including all of us, is going through a shit show (sorry about the wording, but nothing else came to mind). 

Every time I watch the news in the morning, because I know that I need to know about the spreading virus. The virus is on everybody's mind, and why wouldn't it be? When a reporter tells us how many people have the virus, and how many people have died in the last week. The numbers are staggering, and almost out of my comprehension. Where are all these people who are getting sick? I know my world is very small, basically I go twice a week for training. And, not every time Jeff goes out for the weekly shop do I go along. 

When I am out in the real world, I haven't run across anybody, who isn't wearing a mask. What I do see, is the number of people who aren't wearing their mask correctly. How hard is this people? Cover your nose. Don't go out and about with your mask hanging off of just one ear, or around your neck. Are you wearing a mask? Technically, I suppose they are, or at least they think they are. And, the rest of us have to assume that these people aren't sick, or who have just decided to take a stand against wearing a mask.

Perhaps, it's because my personal world is very, very small. I don't drive now, because the family has decided, and rightfully so, that I'm not safe to drive. Even knowing that they have good intentions, doesn't make it easier for me to swallow. 

If I want to go somewhere, Jeff has to take me. He has a real job, the one that helps pay the bills. And, if that wasn't enough, he also has to deal with the likes of me 24/7. Being together 24/7 is not always a good thing. I tend to get crabby, and 99 percent of the time, it's not Jeff's fault. It's the spin I put on everything. 

When Jeff came home last night, after shopping, he had bought real cranberries and something else for our Thanksgiving dinner, which I've totally forgotten. It's really a blow your diet kind of day, and it's a mere 10 days away. It feels strange that we're going to eat alone. We can use zoom to check in with the families. And, while I think zoom is better than nothing, when it comes to seeing people. it cannot take the place of being with your family, and hugging one another. 

Perhaps, for Christmas, Jeff and I can put all the presents wrapped, and I guess using duct tape on a gift, doesn't scream wrapping! Oh, back to my original thought, we could, I suppose, if we have to, is take the presents out to Scott and Andrew's houses, and leave them on the porch or something.

If we have to have a zoom Christmas, it will really suck. But, to keep all of us safe, during these trying times, we'll all do what we need to do. Picture Christmas on zoom - I'll hold up my gifts, one at a time, and then you show me yours. How exciting does that sound?

I need to get dressed, and get on with my day. I'm closing in on finishing one of my kits for Christmas. Frankly, I'm having a lot of trouble getting my groove back, if you will. And, this has slowed my progress. 

Happy Monday everybody. I hope it's a bright day where you are.



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