Monday, November 2, 2020

It's That Time of the Year


And, what time of the year, am I referring to? If you know me, then you know it's gearing up for Christmas time.

We were at the store, you know the only one that excites (not sure I spelled that right) yesterday. On the candy aisle, as well as any other reference to Halloween is gone. Oh, how much candy I would love to buy, but didn't because I'm trying to show my doctor that I can actually lose weight. I have a notebook, that I write down the amount of calories I consume every day. I eat breakfast, the same things I have eaten for years. Some kind of toast, muffin or bagel with my coffee. Not too much in a rut, ya think?

Because I know you're all really busy, and I'm not, I went ahead and counted for you, or at least for women, and the total comes to 21 wonderful shows! I put them on my list, but to be fair to Jeff, I only watch them when he's working. See how nice I am?

And, of course, as soon as Halloween has passed, and practically nobody puts up decorations for Thanksgiving. Christmas decorations are already up, and we're a long way until Black Thursday and Friday.

That means Christmas is coming, in a mere and there are only 53 days to be exact. That means, that I'm like a busy bee, looking for, and buying for people on my shopping list. And, I love the search, and always has.  I have multiple "lists"on Amazon. Some aWe all know that there is really no other place to shop. Jeff controls my spending on Amazon, and while I don't like it, it allows me to check my list, and make a decision whether to keep "x" on my list, or have changed my mind. It is a revolving list! 

I was caught off guard, when Stacey asked me what was on my list? Frankly, I can't remember when somebody asked for my list. So, while I can think and mostly buy, for other people, my list is pretty small. It's really strange that I can't pick out something, and put it in my list. This is trua difficult thing for me. 

Last Christmas, I went out and bought my own presents. No surprise there, but no returns either. Buying for myself, gave Jeff an easy pass. But, this year will be different. I will not buy anything for myself. When people say, I'm hard to shop for, I disagree. From a pair of socks, to the rather expensive Murano presents that Scott gives me each year, are equally loved. Even potholders are exciting! Pretty much, I love everything.

I think Jeff believes in, does the "x" product do anything useful. My answer is always the same, generally no. Some of the things that I would love to have, have no purpose at all, other than collecting dust. When I look around the house, I realize that I just have too many things. Mind you, I love all of these things, but know that I really shouldn't bring anything else into the house. But, I can't help myself, I'm sentimental, and I see no reason to apologize for that. 

While my short term memory is failing, and my OCD is ramping up, I still have memories. Mind you, my memories are from a long time ago. And, nobody can take them away. My hope chest is full, and other than my ability to keep sliding cards (properly dated) inside, I know I should either (a) get rid of stuff (never going to happen) or (b) buy another chest. Option B makes the most sense to me. I also know, that when I'm gone, the boys will likely just take everything out of the chest, and throw everything away. While this saddens me, I also know that the boys will have no desire to keep my things around, nor should they.

I have been asked multiple times, and it does make sense, to put a little sticker underneath each item, so they will have an idea of an asking price! Sounds morbid, but in reality, I should try and help the boys, as much as I can.

We have a fake tree, that we put up sometimes, but since nobody, including the boys, will ever see it, I'm not sure why putting up a tree makes good sense. Do you know when Christmas was exciting? Years ago, when Scott and Andrew were young, and they would get so excited before Christmas. While it wouldn't be the practice at other people's houses, we have always allowed them to shuffle the presents around. Everybody wants the sweet spot, in front of the tree. 

I can shop and buy for everybody, but please don't ask me to wrap. I am completely useless, at making pretty presents. For the boys, I generally put their gift in a box sealed with tape, and put their name on the top of the box. When it's time to open gifts, Jeff and I get a lot of joy, watching he boys (men) open up their gifts. Giving, rather then receiving, is part of what the season is for me.

Kindness! Yes, it still excites. This has nothing whatsoever about Christmas. It is about an angel (I know she was somehow), sent an elderly woman who walked me to my car. Once inside the car, she asked the store employee, if she could find Jeff and Bella.This has nothing to do with Christmas, I just want to express my most loving thoughts to this woman. I have never really believed in angels, but I'm a believer now. I don't know who sent her to help me, and I never will. Perhaps, my Dad had something to do with this. I'll never be sure, but I do believe that she was with me, at exactly the right time, and knew exactly what I needed. The best thank you I can give this woman, is to pay it forward.

Having nothing to do with Christmas, I want to share with you, a woman, who I'm convinced, that she really was an angel, sent to help me. She went out of her way, to get me getting into the car. help me walk to the car yesterday. I was walking very unsteady, and had gotten so hot in the store, I thought I would pass out. As I was leaving the store, I asked one of those door greeters, if they could me get to the car. Their answer was just a stony stare. Obviously, they had no interest in helping me. I kept a grip on the cart, as I very slowly walked to the car. This complete stranger, knew I was in distress. She was trying to keep me up straight, until I could get inside the car. This elderly woman, who didn't have to help me, but went out of her way to help me get in the car, wouldn't leave until Jeff and Bella came out of the store.  There is only one word that would describe to  her assistance. As I said before, an angel. Reminds me that there is still good in the world. She didn't have to help me, but she did. Remember, that stony WalMart employee, she actually came out of the store to help this angel, who came to help her. I have never given much thought to the actuality of angels being all around us, but I'm now convinced that they do exist. They just leave their wings in heaven. I don't know her name, so the best thing I can do to honor her, is to pay it forward. 

Have to run for an appointment. 


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