Friday, October 30, 2020

Rain and Christmas - Odd Combition


We have had several days of rain. There are "some" benefits to be had, when we get rain. Obviously, both the grass and weeds grow faster. I'm okay with the grass, but not a fan of  pulling out weeds. Okay, that does sound a little bit lazy as it pertains to me. 

On a happier subject, yours truly, has really gotten into the Christmas spirit. And, I'm making a list, and to be sure I will check it twice. 

Both girls, and the grandchildren, have provided me with lists to start with. I've checked out the lists, and it definitely is helpful. But, everybody knows that I go rouge (sp) when selecting gifts for the family.

I'm not sure if the family understands how much time and effort, I put into buying the right gifts, for the right person. And, boy do I love the search. There are so many unique products out there, all you have to do is "pick and buy". The "wrapping", if you can call it that, is something that I never want to do. I think duct tape was invented just for people like myself.

Stacey has asked me to provide a list of what I want. That should be easy, right? Nope, it's exactly the opposite in fact. When searching for the family, I come across many things that I think, or know, I would like. But, I'm aware of  prices, so my list, is very short at the moment.

I guess I could put large print books on my list. If books are large print, then they are very easy for me to read. There was a very long stretch, when I didn't read any of Danielee (however you spell it) books. If you have read of her books, they all go this way - handsome man, beautiful woman - and some kind of obstacle (always fixed by the end of the book) that makes for a very good easy read.

Well friends, my time is almost up. I try to get my blog in before noon and I only have "x" amounts of time left.

Please do the simple, but safest things, while we all struggle with this virus.


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