Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Losing Friends


Don't panic everyone. The "friends" that Jeff and I lost last night, was television show, Schitt's Creek. On Netflix I believe.

Three people in the cast are related to each other. There was Dad, Daniel (son) and Twila (sister).

For the final episode that we watched last night, required tissues, to wipe the tears. For many weeks, our evening always ended up watching this show. It's fun, it's quirky, and when it comes to Catherine O'Hara's outfits, they were nothing short of amazing. A wardrobe for her,that was mostly black and white.

I am now tasked with finding another show that is worthy of binge watching. With all the negative news swirling around every day, we need a funny show to watch.

I'll do some research, and you all know that I'm all about research, I'll be looking for a show that Jeff and I can binge watch together. We could even have popcorn, but won't. I'm watching my calorie count very closely. I'm allowing myself about 1100 calories in a day. And. my goal is to always have enough calories left, so that I can have dessert! I'm not fussy, as long as it's sweet.

I made 7 loops around the circle yesterday. Today, I'm hoping to do 8. Stacey has ridden 20 miles on her bike. And, my best effort is 20 feet (kidding - I can actually walk more than 20 feet. I am now able to walk at WalMart without the aid of that annoying cart. When you go in reverse, you get this beep beep noise, and I don't like it. I guess people just have to stare at you, when you're going backwards.On the plus side when riding in a cart, my body fortunately doesn't spill over the side.

Tonight is game 1 of the Super Bowl and Jeff and I will be rooting for the Dodgers. We lived in Southern California, and actually went to a few of their games. And, if you are in the stands watching the game, you can almost smell the hot dogs cooking.

I've been tasked, by my doctor to find something I'm grateful for.

Today, I'm grateful that the pee pads in our bedroom, were CLEAN this morning. This has never happened before, I can assure you. I hope last night wasn't just a one off. But, I'll take this morning as a win-win for me.

I'm also very grateful, that neither I nor Jeff, have caught the virus. Basically, we get out of the house once a week. And, while the only store where we shop, is WalMart, but it's still an outing for me.

Time to "tidy" up the kitchen. Ada comes today. Jeff doesn't understand this, but it's just the way we women are wired.

Please everyone stay safe. And, don't forget your mask.




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