Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Nose Knows!

Early on in our marriage I was tasked with just two things: Take care of paperwork, which I'm still doing. But to be fair, what started out in 1974, was just a few bills. This made filing super esy.
One of my "chores" if you will, was to be the "Bassett Nose". I know you're giddy with this particular knowledge. Being the "nose" of the family, makes me a vip when it comes to smelling things.
For instance, with merely a sniff, I know when potatoes are, for the most part, dead and/or decaying. For sure, I could still use these potatoes, but I would have to remove so much of the skin, that it doesn't make sense, to try and use them. Unless, you just want french fries!
Did you know, that if you leave frozen scallops and put their bag inside a pantry, the results were very clear to me. Yup, the scallops became unfrozen, and then started to smell. I'm not talking about a lightly smell - nope far from it. When I opened the pantry, I could find the scallops in a bag, that I had forgotten about. Guess what, we've never bought scallops again! I don't have to be knocked in the head, to pretty much, never buy scallops again. In some areas, I have the delight, I guess you could say that, I'm the official "sniffer". This is a honor bestowed on few people, Since my last name is Bassett, perhaps in a different life, I was a bassett hound. That would make sense.
Long before the pod coffee makers, coffee was brewed on the stove, in a metal container. Eventually, people moved on, and began to use plugged in coffee pots.
When we visited Grandma, she and my mother would get up really early in the morning, to have a mother/daughter talk. While still in bed, I do remember the aroma of coffee. Probably used, Maxwell (good to the last drop) or Folgers. 
After writing about coffee, I did some research (duh), to see what, in the past, created the most memories. Here's a few:
Crayons. I distinctly remember opening up a new box, and immediately used them. I'm happy to report, that I still, at my age, still get very excited, with those crayons.
Burning of leaves. This is a smell that I, at least, can still smell. In the "old" days, Grandma had a metal barrel in her backyard, and once she started a fire, she rid herself of documents.
Chalk dust. Again, an aroma, that I will never forget.
Bubble Gum Cards. Back a long time ago, and perhaps they still do it today, but the bubble gum cane in a flat package, which held the game card inside. If my memory is correct, the boys' cards are in the basement.

Ah, the new car smell. We haven't bought a new car for sometime. But, when we did have a new car, you just want to sit in the car, and inhale. Unfortunately, this smell doesn't last.
Telephone Book. Research did show the history of the phone books:
When did phone books first come out? This week marks the anniversary of the first phone directory, issued in New Haven, Connecticut, on February 21, 1878. Sadly, most of us old folks, miss getting a new phone book every year to your home. In the middle of the book, there was always an advertisement of the different kinds of phones you could buy. 
I know that as a teenager, I wanted a Princess phone. And, that was a big mistake. That particular phone was very light, and when putting in a phone number, the Princess phone, would move around. Hence, I only had one Princess phone. There were plenty of different phones to choose from. I can't remember if you had to buy a new phone or buy one? That part I don't remember - shocker.
The scent of a newly mowed yard. Not only does the yard look good, but if you go outdoors right away, you can get that freshly mowed scent.

When we went to Hawaii, I bought a bottle of a hand lotion called "Island Essence" - which is the scent of Tropical Vanilla. When I use this hand cream, I am instantly back in Hawaii.             
Outdoor fires in pits, always takes me back to my girl scout days, when toasting s'mores was fun. Today, the smell of roasted 'mallows" just doesn't seem to be the same as it was when I was a little girl.  

Actually, in retrospect I am, to write down something that I am grateful for.  So, for today, as well as all the tomorrows, I am grateful for the love and support I receive from family and friends. 

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