Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Important Work Today!


Unlike most days, I gave myself an assignment this morning. And the assignment was? Selecting television and movies to watch over the next "x" weeks. 

I only buy one TV Guide a year. And, it's the Fall Preview Guide. I have the responsibility to select the shows/movies that I think Jeff and I will like. Also, recording shows that I know Scott also enjoys, Deadliest Catch among other exciting and action packed shows. 

But, since the old Tivo needs a repair, I am now working for scratch. All the shows that I had on our "Season Pass", are now gone. But, have no fear, because I'm here to save the day! I read every page, and this is not a joke, to find shows, etc., that I am pretty sure we will all like. But, only time will tell.

Checking things out on Facebook's Market-place. I searched for books, and unfortunately for Jeff, I found many sellers offering books that I enjoy the most - romance, or a light mystery, where the death has occurred, but there is no blood or anything. These kinds of books, are what I call "gentle mysteries". There is obviously a hunt for the killer, but for the reader it's a pleasant read. And, boy do we need some pleasant things for each other right about now. Jeff has always known, for the past 46 years, my love and/or need to have books, preferably a lot of books, to choose from. The ones that I've read, I will put in a pile, that one day, I will leave on the porch, for somebody else to enjoy the books.

Mind you, I don't need (don't tell Jeff) any more books, I have plenty. One seller is selling 12 Danielle Steel paper backs for $8.00.  You can't beat that. There are also several sellers on Facebook, that are offering a variety of "lady" books also. In my world, which is fairly small, books take my imagination to some place else. Also, when I'm imagining this other world - I'm always beautiful!! What more can you ask from a book?

Jeff does, and always has, known that books, are very important to me. Confession: I don't always read every word. Sometimes, there will pages, that are interesting, and then I do read every word. 

I have a list on Amazon, where I add things that I would like to have for my birthday or Christmas. I have a few books on my list, but will add more. The author, who wrote, the Handmaid's Tale, has another book out, following along the same lines. Going to add that book to my list. Nobody, can go wrong when it comes to books. I don't care if they are used, have markings or bent spines. It's the story that counts - at least to me.

Everybody says that it's difficult to buy for me. I disagree. I like a lot of things, glass pieces is a sure win for me. I don't need more glass, but a new piece now and then never hurts. A friend has told me that my house is like going into a grandma's house. I see no problem with that. Do I have a lot of things sitting on buffets, tables (not a dining room one), etc., then the answer is yes. Do I care what you think? Nope.

I've told the boys that most, if not all, of my various glass pieces (birds, clowns, etc.) should not be just given away. They were worth something when I bought them off of Ebay so many years ago. It's very likely, that somebody in the future, will like them too.

I have a shelf in the bedroom, where my broken clowns sit. Think CDS (clowns damaged, somehow). I am only thinking about taking my damaged clowns, who are beyond repair, put them in a paper bag and break, okay crush, the clowns. Then with the help of a little cement, I could put those broken pieces into the cement and create a very unique stepping stone, if you will. Nobody will want or miss (that would be me) these damaged pieces. That's why they are on the special shelf. When Ada, who cleans the house, accidentally broke a clown, I assured her that it wasn't that big of a deal. I had plenty other clowns, and worse case, could go back to Ebay, and get a replacement clown.

While Jeff thinks this is dumb, I have to do some tidying up before Ada comes. I have assured him, that I believe that all women do this. Or, in some cases, very little tidying up is necessary. Unfortunately, our house is not that kind of house!

People, be sure to wear a mask when you're outside. When I see people walking around without a mask, I have the urge to "wake" them up, and tell them to get a mask. Of course, I would never do this, I'm gutless, but wish that somebody would.

I noticed at the debate, Melanie for instance, wore a mask into the hall, and then promptly took it off. I know that they're an annoyance to everybody, but if we all wore masks, when we're away from home, the medical people say that this one thing alone, could help many people from getting sick.

Signing off now. But I'm thinking about all of you, so please stay well.


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