Thursday, October 8, 2020

Getting Off To A Slow Start


Apologies for being late this morning. Excuse? Making lists. A list for upcoming television shows, adding to my list of foods I eat now, and foods to avoid in the future. 

When I see in black & white the number of calories in certain foods, I have two choices: eat less of that particular food, or don't eat the food item again. 

Doing some checking again today, and the lowly hot dog has 151 calories! Each morning, after I weigh, and hoping for a new number to appear, I am now allowing myself 1200 calories each day. Based on the numbers, women, such as myself, who don't get much or any exercise, can eat 1600 calories per day. I tried the 1600 calories, but the scale just wasn't moving.

I'm so into trying to lose more weight, I weigh twice a day, on two scales. Overkill? You bet. But seeing the numbers start to go down, gives me incentive to keep going. One day, I had calorie overload. Fast food (yum), with ice cream and chocolate sauce - gave me a very bad day of counting calories. But, all things in moderation, and a cheat day once in awhile. I personally believe that in the big picture, one calorie laden day is not the end of the world. After a day of pure indulgence, I'm not expecting the scale to show me numbers that I like. So, back to the trenches I go.

Jeff and I watched the debate last night, and it wasn't nearly as interesting as the first debate between Biden and Trump. Senator Harris remained very cool, and seemed to know her facts. Mind you, I wouldn't know a political fact if it bit me on my ass! Just saying.

Needless to say, we stayed up to the bitter end. I know that the girls kept looking at us, as if to say, "hey, are we ever going to bed tonight"? We are keeping two bedrooms open a bit. Since the windows are open, and the dogs, particularly Bella, will bark at pretty much anything, it's not always easy to go and stay asleep. For Jeff and I, when we're sleeping, the sound of Bella's barking gets you wide awake in a second.  

Project this morning. Go through all my tv guides in the last few days, looking for shows to watch and/or record. Because there is a part of me, that can't leave my business life behind me, I make a list. And, I know you're thinking, of course you do.

I also have a spread sheet in which I add the date of a doctor visit, or a test of any kind. Having this kind of data, is useful when you see a new doctor, and they want your medical history. A simple print-out, hand it to the nurse, and then we're done. Just try to remember, who you saw, why you were there, and what procedures you have had.

If, there was a way to somehow pull up all of this history, from some kind of internal chip. Reminds me of that old television show
"Twilight". That show, at that time, was scary, but now looking back, that show pales in comparison to what people are watching today.

Nice day outside. Will probably be able to do a few laps around the circle, with my rollator. I know it's a crutch of some kind, but, at this moment in time, I need that crutch. I've asked around at the gym, of sorts, if they know of anybody that might be interested in owning a rollator.

I think you should have a goal for every day. My goal today, is to go to the hall closet upstairs. There are a number of clean towels, that I tossed to the floor, when I was looking for something. At the moment, I have no idea what I was looking for, that was worth rummaging around in the closet!

If you're retired, and now spend most of your time inside the house, it's very easy to let some things go, because there is always tomorrow, or, even the ............

You all know the drill by now. The same thing I write every day. So, today to be different, I'll just say ditto.

I hope it's nice where you are. It's so beautiful here, that I will get my shoes on this morning and do my daily exercise.

Be well.



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