Friday, October 2, 2020

After the rain, you get a beautiful day


Sunny day outside. Probably should go out and smell the "roses", if I had any! Today, I will take my rollator, and do the loops around the circle. Last time, I could do four loops. Can I do five loops today? We'll have to see.

Personal training yesterday, but the trainer took it easy on me, since I was, and still am, sore from falling earlier in the week. As soon as I know I'm going down, I call Jeff's name, rather than using my whistle. I guess it's just easier to call out, and Jeff, from his office, can hear the "thud" sound of me falling. 

When I do my loops, I would like to take Daisy out with me. But, she hasn't been on a leash very much, and that she will pull, and then, well you know the rest of the story......

My face, is still healing, but I do have a dandy assortment of colors on my face at the moment. At this point, I really can't tell if my very ugly, large "spot" under my eye is gone. 

Yesterday, I had a very nice surprise. A neighbor, who has lived in their house 32 years, brought me a very nice assortment of flowers, pinks and whites from their yard. I was caught off guard, by her kindness. What it did for me, was to definitely put a happier spin on life. A serendipity moment.

Jeff has created a "Patti List" on Amazon. When something catches my eye, I add it to the list, for him to buy, or not, depending on need and prices. Having a list, makes it very easy for people to see my wants! It is also to Jeff.

I think a lot, and suffer from "busy brain". I research things, look for unique things to buy (after all, Christmas is just around the corner for me). This year, I'm going to do something new (which I can't write about), which will add some fun into the day.

My car, just sits in the driveway, with wet leaves sticking to the hood. She is a beautiful car, and has low mileage. My thought, which I shared with Jeff, was to have the car cleaned, and then put a "good" (i.e., more on the expensive side) car cover over her. My car makes for a very comfortable ride. If we have a bad winter, then my car will be put into service. I can't think of anybody who would want to drive a convertible, top up of course, in snow or ice.

I checked out the prices of a cover from Mercedes. Guess what? The covers are really costly. I don't want to put a down payment on a house, just want to protect my car. I had put a car cover on the "list", and Jeff agrees that it would be a good idea to cover the car, against the elements. And, agrees that she should be washed and probably waxed before going "under cover"!!!

I had my ears pierced, oh a hundred year ago, in a department store. Okay, fast forward to today, and I have one ear that has some kind of a thing that makes wearing earrings very painful. Interesting, I checked out several dermatologist sites, and they all seem to agree that the safest and cleanest place for piercing is a tattoo parlor. Who would have thought that?

Signing off for the week. Have a great weekend, and I hope it's sunny where you are.



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