Thursday, April 29, 2021



Good morning everybody.

Today, I'm going to write about books. I read, and likely you do as well. But, when I say I read, I mean that, whenever possible, I'm never without a book. 

When reading a book, you can become anybody, anywhere, rich or poor, beautiful or not so much.

As a teenager, every time we moved, which was a lot, since Dad was in the Air Force. When shopping was done in the PX, while my parents went in one direction. Me? Oh, that's easy - books!

I don't actually remember, but I'd like to think that there was a library of some sort on every base, where Dad was assigned. 

As a teenager, I was in trouble more than once, while telling Mom, that I would come and do "x" chore, as soon as I finished the chapter. Oh, and then the next.....

And, then before I knew it, I was an adult. I now had control of what and how many books to read. Our spare room, has books on three shelves. I do not want to ever run out of books.

At the assisted living facility, where I live now, the local library has an "Outreach" program. They come on the first Friday of the month. You can return the books you've read, and pick up new books also.

Here's the thing. I have 15 books in my room at the present. But, what I don't have, is all of the series. I need book one, or three, etc.

The book that I finished yesterday, somebody had the nerve, in my opinion, to write things on more than one page. Why, would you do that? I don't write anything in the books that I own. And, I don't know why people feel the right or need to underline, and/or write in the margins of books that belong to the library. Obviously, it doesn't take anything away from the story. But still, why mark up a book that doesn't belong to you? It's not likely that you'll read the book again. The markings in a book, I have to read. One of the problems is, what to make sense of the writings. Give me a clue. I read and reread a page with markings, several times. I don't see the reason for either the markings, or the underlining. My thought is: you don't own this book, so I believe you have no right to do your "own thing" to the pages. Of course, this may just be the ranting of an old woman - me!

The library bus comes next Friday. While I've got lots of books to read, I'm expecting to receive books that complete a series. I can't read book two, if I haven't read book one! That just makes sense to me.

It's about time for exercise class. After my physical therapy sessions yesterday, I have a stiff and sore back. I also had a memory session, and it went better than last time, but still not at 100%. I'll work hard, but hope in the weeks to come, that I'll make progress with each new session. One of the OCD strategies, that the therapist has given me, is to write down on a piece of paper, where things are in my room. Things like: glasses in cup on my desk, puzzle books in top drawer of the dresser. Stuff like that. She has even made me a small list of things that I can check off one time, rather than checking multiple times. The list is primarily for me to check off, that I know I already have, glasses, mask, my wallet, etc. The deal is, that when I have checked off each box, then I'm not supposed to go back through my purse. I know what I have with me. I hope this works. I'll let you know how this works. 

Have to close, time for exercise class.

See you tomorrow.


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

What Is It About Wednesday?


It's Wednesday, big deal. But, if you are still working, and most of the time, I'm glad I don't any longer. Wednesday is the dividing part of the week. Monday and Tuesday have gone by. But when, Wednesday, rolls around, working people sigh with relief. Two days down, Wednesday doesn't count, and you "slide" through Thursday and Friday.

Here in a "retirement" community, there ae things that occur during the day, that you can count on. What time the meals are served? What time is the morning exercise class, and then, I always look forward to an afternoon activity. I think water color painting is fast becoming my favorite. Yesterday, we did water coloring, and then while our paints were wet, we sprinkled salt on top, and then a few drips of rubbing alcohol. The end product usually looks pretty good, even for me. I had one painting that I thought was worthy of putting in an envelope and sending to Stacey. I hope she likes it.

I may have said it yesterday, and likely I did, but the box of paints, etc., from Jeff is something that I'm going to enjoy very much. Thank you very much Jeff.

The new company, who is taking over from Atria, has already shown up and making changes. First arm to be cut off, was the director. Her last day is Monday. If anybody's out there, please, please don't let them cut Sandy. Sandy is our life engaging director. She leads us in morning exercise, and then our afternoon activities. We all love her, and we'd be lost without her. Fingers crossed, that she gets to stay. Some of the residents who participate in her "art" classes, she shows a lot of support and compassion with everyone. We all love her - a lot. 

Supposed to be in the 80's today, but I keep my room cool, if not cold, and generally don't venture outside very often. I don't need a tan, who's going to look at me anyway?

Our last trip to the Bahamas, Jeff and I sat on the beach under an umbrella. But, as we discovered, not every part of our body was protected. Or, so I thought. Turned out, that my right arm was not under the umbrella, and you know what comes next. Yup, sunburn, which is a completely different ballgame, than a suntan. As a teenager, because we didn't know any better, we sunbathed using a combination of iodine and baby oil. Did you get a suntan? Oh, you betcha you did. 

Now that I'm older, and supposed to be smarter, I now notice different spots on my arms and hands, for example. I guess that's the cost of being a "sun kissed teenager!!

Happy Wednesday everybody.


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Let's Play Ball!


Strange subject for me, I know. But, here's why I'm writing about it. It's the only sport game that I understand. I don't even have to have the sound on!

Basically, there is a batter, pitcher and catcher. The batter either hits the ball, or he doesn't. He runs the bases, or he doesn't. He is called out, and then it's back to the dugout.

Simple really. My brain now, and even before, never understood football. There's a marker, there's a marker ..... Foul play, and other stuff like that.

At night, when I'm in for the evening, I find a baseball game. I don't care who's playing, but I obviously prefer to watch the Nationals or the Oriels. If I had to pick my number one team, it would be the Nationals, because of Max the pitcher, and Juan, who does an outstanding job of hitting the ball.

Now, I've noticed, and maybe you have as well, that a lot of the players are they are going to run the bases, are wearing what looks like an oven mitt. Why? Because, if their "oven mitt" gets on the base, before the rest of the body does, then they're safe. A cool idea, and I don't know when the mitt thing became a mitt thing. 

Then there's the uniforms. The players all have a certain uniform. Long pants, short pants with "leggings" (I know that's not what it's called, but you get the idea). One arm with a long sleeve, the other arm not. 

I know there is a reason and probably personal preference to how each player wears his uniform. Who knows, it could be that they have lucky socks, and don't want them to be washed. I suppose a bunch of men, wouldn't even think twice about a little foot odor. And, then, I'm pretty sure, that some players have a ritual they go through before the game. What piece of the uniform they put on first, and they always put that piece on first. I called it a ritual, but when I think about it, it's more of a routine. Everybody has routines. In the morning, some people have to drink coffee, and then eat, stuff like that. For most of my adult life, my breakfast has always been coffee, and either toast or a bagel. Seldom changes. 

Even where I'm living now, there is a routine to the day. What time the meals arrive. What time does the "x" activity begin. Important stuff like that. I'm not ancient yet, but even so, I like being in a rut, sort of. This doesn't make for an exciting life, but this works for me. I know this way of life isn't for every one, or anyone, but helps me reduce my anxiety level. And, that's very important.

I'm sure I will know something else tomorrow. But what topic, I have no idea.


Sunday, April 25, 2021

 I’m going to be away tomorrow, so I’m going to blog today, so that you guys don’t think I’ve fallen through the cracks or anything.

Everybody touts the need to save and/or preserve our natural resources, water for instance.  And, I’m on board. We recycle what we can, you know, bottles, paper, etc.

I'm living in an Assisted Living facility. You’ll see where I’m going with this in a minute. My “apartment” has one of those new low flow or whatever they call it, toilet. And, it's supposed to be environmentally friendly. I'm here to tell you, that eventually, there won't be any "real" toilets. And, that will be sad. I feel like everybody should buy a real toilet now!

With this low flow toilet, because we're saving water, I don't think we are. If you flush anything liquid, works pretty well. But, if it's something beside pee, then you are in trouble! Seriously. I have had to flush the toilet four or five times before the mission is finished. I'm really having trouble understanding when I do this, we're saving water. Right? Somehow, I don't think so. But, hey what do I know. Understanding why we have new toilets, is beyond my pay range. 

Jeff is picking me up this afternoon, to go and celebrate Benjamin's 13th birthday! I'm supposed to grow old. Knowing how special Benjamin is, I'd like to keep him little, as long as I can! And, yes I know, that's not going to happen. He's already taller than me. Keeping in mind, that I'm a "bit" older then he is, and if I shrink, as time goes by. Well, at just 5 1/2 feet tall, I really can't afford to get shorter!!

On Friday, the Outreach librarian came personally to deliver books to me. I now have 15m and I've already read two! Because, it's me, I have several books that are a series. And, yours truly, didn't pay attention to that!! You can't read the other books in a series, if you haven't read the first one!!

I lost in Bingo again for the second time. Boo. My "rival" is an old lady named Doris. She is in her 90's. Her body has failed her, but her brain is working just fun. On Bingo day, she and I have to exchange "smack" talk with each other. It's a lot of fun, and I love this woman. I don't tell her that, because I don't want her ego to start growing! There are so many people here, that are older than me. Duh. Having a conversation with some people here, isn't easy. Many of the seniors here are "low talkers". They speak, you can't hear them, and they can't hear me. I do a lot of head bobbing, as if I understand what they're saying. It's the best I can do. I don't want to hurt their feelings, just because I can't hear them. Who knows, at some point in my life, it might be hard for people to hear me, is what I'm saying. 

Time for lunch. Talk to you on Tuesday.

Stay well.



Thursday, April 22, 2021



Sorry about yesterday. Around noon yesterday, Jeff picked me up to go to the dentist (my favorite person - not), to have a look at my broken in half tooth. Remind me, should I forget, not to eat nuts. The first tooth I broke sometime back, I was eating an almond. Then this time, I was eating a walnut. I'm swearing off nuts, which is too bad, because I really like them. 

I am one of those revolving kind of patients that are in the dentist chair often. This is not a good thing. He did some work on the new hole in my head, and it will, of course, need to have work done by an oral surgeon!!! $$$$$. There goes my diamonds as a Christmas present.

We had some time to kill before the actual appointment. We went home. I felt like a stranger, I've been gone so long. My little dog, Daisy, is an anxiety peerer (is that a word), and true to her nature, peeded on the kitchen floor. I guess she was happy to see me!

Jeff had nicely recorded the funeral of Prince Phillip. We have a Tivo at home, which means you can fast forward through commercials, etc. So in the 20 minutes I had left, before the appointment, Daisy and I were able to watch the events of the funeral.

And, if I thought coming home was odd, then leaving it was even odder. I haven't been gone that long, but it feet as if I didn't belong there anymore.

I'm excited about tomorrow! The Outreach Librarian, which comes here once a month, is taking time away from her day, to bring me books - what else? I think I'm getting 15 books, and since I love books, I'm very excited. 

When I ordered my first set of books, I didn't realize that I had ordered volumes 2 or 3 from a series. Argh. Tomorrow, I'll get the first volumes, and I can't wait. Not much happening around here on the weekend, but that doesn't matter to me, just gives me more time to enjoy a book(s)!!!

Jeff is picking me up on Sunday, so that we can participate in Benjamin's 13th birthday. Since we have early appointments at Hopkins, I'm going to stay over at our house. And, that will really seem strange. At the moment, I have 4 books to give to Stacey, so she can give them to her mother. I read a book, and then I'm done. There has only been one book, that I've read and read over again, "Ladies of the Club". Don't bother to order it. Why? It's a very thick book, and everybody who has ever borrowed it, returns it back to me within a day or two. You might have one or two books, that you don't intend to give away, like ever. Well, the "ladies" is that book for me.

I looked at the news on line yesterday. I only looked at one or two current events, and then I was sad and discouraged. I really don't know what's going on, except the police officer who killed George Floyd, is going to prison. Hurrah for justice. Do you suppose that he thought he might be found not guilty? Myself, and a lot of other people, were happy that justice was served.

Jeff brought his car yesterday, but it was fairly cold outside, and sprinkling. So, top up. When we bought his car, we did so in January, and test drove it with the top down! Okay, sounds stupid, but we didn't mind the weather, and the price was reasonable. I love it, when we can ride with the top down, it's so much fun. Hint? Always bring a comb!! Unless, you're bald like Jeff. At the first part of this ugly virus, I went to the barber and had my hair cut down to mere inches from my scalp. We couldn't go out anywhere, so it made no difference to me, to have a buzz cut. The virus continued on, so I repeated this process one more time. And, then I stopped. My hair has now grown in, and it's at a very nice length for me. I don't know about you, but it takes a very long time for my hair to grow!!

Hate to run, but it's time for exercise. And, I don't ever miss exercise.

Happy Thursday. Talk to you tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Beautiful Day Here


Mother Nature has done it again. First, it was a little chilly outside. But, today I'm wearing my "shorty" pants, which means, at least for me, pants that reach my ankles. I don't know where the clothes' manufactures find their "small" people, but the inseam measurement of pants, is ridiculous. I'm short, so an inseam on "petite" pants is generally somewhere around 30 or 32. Personally, and for safety reasons, I don't want any pants to cover my shoes. That's just waiting for a fall. Nope, inseams more like size 27, fit me perfectly. 

When I watch the Oscars, for example, I see all of these beautiful women, whose dresses appear to cover their shoes entirely. When they walk, it looks like their gliding across the floor. If, I wore pants or dresses that covered my feet, it wouldn't like I was floating, it would probably be a trip hazard. Ah, the joys of being short. Tall people tell me that it's much easier to be short - clothes can be altered to fit people like me. Unlike tall people, their clothes can't be altered to make them tall enough. Oh, the problems we short and tall people have. 

When I take clothes that don't fit and need to be altered, I go to the same place. As soon as I walk in, the lady says "too long"? She knows what I need as soon as I walk through the door. At that point, you know you're a regular!!

Exercise class this morning. I have to tell you that I get more of a workout during that 30 minutes, than I do with my physical therapy. Last week, my therapy consisted of walking one loop around the parking lot. Really? I know that Medicare pays for these services, but just walking in the parking lot? I wonder how much they charge for that short walk? Probably more than they should. I guess that's just part of the system!!

This afternoon, I'm going to a painting class. We did this last week, and it was a lot of fun. Memory therapy this afternoon - that should be exciting. I do know that I have a big time problem with my memory. I don't know how this kind of therapy is going to help me.

Running behind. I'll see you tomorrow.


Monday, April 19, 2021

It's Monday

 Good morning. And, if you think that I don't see your eyes rolling around in your head, you're wrong! Mind you, when I was working, I felt the same way.

Yesterday, being Sunday, there were no activities. I got in some serious reading time. I'm still working on a humorous poem, that Stacey wants to enter in a contest. You know you're funny, at least you think you are. Okay, now put it to the test, just jot down a poem. It's easy I swear!! Not. I do love to write, and I'm making some progress, but it's slow.

Last night for entertaining I watched a ball game between a team of blue shirts versus a team of white shirts. If the Nats are playing, I pay more attention. I love watching Max and Juan at work, or perhaps at play!

It's been a fairly long time since I watched any news. Yesterday, I went on line and every bit of news seemed to be about shootings, and other awful news. After just a few minutes, I had enough, so I just stopped watching. Jeff will tell me if there is something really big going on.

I'm reading another book, that I'm really enjoying. I have this fear that I'll run out of books, and then I remember that I have a plastic tower thing with 3 drawers, and each drawer is completely full. Basically, I can't put another book inside, even if I tried! 

But, just because I have a lot of books, doesn't mean that I'm anxious to read them. It's a lot like clothes, you have many to choose from, but from time to time, you may not want to wear what's in your closet. Don't worry fellas, it's a girl thing, and don't worry, our clothes thing, isn't likely to rub off onto you! Just saying.

I'm up really early today. My watch says it's 8:10 AM. Already showered, dressed and made my bed (sort of). Oh, and I'm blogging too. I'm so proud of myself. 

I'm pretty sure that's all the news, that I can remember, which isn't saying too much.

Happy Monday.

Quote for the day: take time to do what makes your soul happy. For me, that is reading. I'm half-way into a book, and hope I don't get disturbed, until it's time to exercise.

Talk to you tomorrow.


Friday, April 16, 2021

I Think I Skipped A Day


I forgot to check in with all of you yesterday. Apologies. I have activities that I participate in. Today, we're playing Bingo, and I like that activity a lot. There is a very old woman who plays Bingo also, and she won last time! I told this morning, that I was coming after her, and  she said bring it on! I enjoy her company very much.

Exercise class this morning. The number of participants is beginning to dwindle down, generally there are only 7 of us, all of whom are regulars. It's a nice group, and I know everybody by name. This is big for me, to remember any names. There was a discussion of having somebody to come in and work with us on Yoga. Cost -$70.00. I told Sandy, while the others might, I would sit out on yoga days,

I just had physical therapy, which consisted of one lap around the parking lot. After the one lap, I was done. I'll start again next week.

I may have mentioned, and likely I did, that the local library comes on the first Friday of the month, to pick up and drop off books. I have been in regular contact with the librarian. She told me that she could see that I was a reader, and hadn't put a hold on enough books for the month. Here's how nice she is. She is coming next Friday, to bring the books I have on hold, and several other books that she recommends. I wasn't expecting for her to come and deliver books. But, as she told me, there are people who read, and then there are people who are readers! Pretty sure by now, that she knows I fall into the second group. For me, reading has been a life has been a habit, but one in which you don't need to go to a hospital, trying to make you better.

Tonight is a ball game, which I have on more or less for white noise. And, if I remember correctly, the Nats and the Oriels both have games scheduled for tonight. Watch the game with one eye, and read with the other!

Have a good weekend everybody.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Happy Wednesday


Good morning friends. I've just finished my 30 minutes of exercise class. I do this every day, but I'm not quite ready to send a demo video to The Rockettes!! Or, for that matter, fit into a bikini - boy that would be a sight. Please don't even let that image go into your head!!

Yesterday afternoon, we did paint and splatter, and it was a lot of fun. Using watercolors, you painted a picture, obviously. Once our art work was finished, then we dipped our brush into water and basically splattered water on the picture. Once we were done with that, all of us took our pictures and moved them up and down, and side to side. Result? A very pretty picture. Even mine, looked real good, if I say so myself. Big pat on the back.

I've found myself with several things that I need and/or should do. First, of course, was writing to all of you. I have put on hold with the library, more books than even I can't read in 30 days.

After picking up my books last time, it never occurred to me, that these books could be, and turns out they are, part of a series! Well, fool be me. What I have left to read, is the second or third book in a series. I'm correcting this today. When I found a book, that looked interesting, I just wasn't paying attention to see if the book was part of a series. Sadly, I have a bag of volumes 2 and/or 3 in a series. Poo. I'm fixing that particular problem today. I will go back to my library account, add some books, and remove some books. My theory has always been, that you're never alone, if you've got a book. 

I just looked at the calendar, and tomorrow is tax day. I think a lot of people take extensions, but technical tomorrow is the day. Yippee. Some of you may remember the days where you took all of the needed papers to a tax accountant. I even remember that if you produce sales receipts, that used to be a deduction. At that point in time, I wasn't too proud to take receipts that had been tossed to the floor. You know, when we're talking taxes, every penny counts.

I'll chat with you guys tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The News From My Corner


Weather wise here, it's neither particularly cold or particularly hot. Dilemma? Do I put the a/c on, or the heat on. I know I'm well past hot flashes, but I'm forever changing the temperature in my room. At least, every room can control their own temperature. Thank goodness for that.

Just finished the 30 minute morning exercise class. I don't actually think I'm making much progress, but I go anyway. And, when the class is over, and I've done my best, I'm really proud of myself. Kuddos to me!

I tried to watch the ballgame last night, I can't remember if it was the Nationals or the Oriels. In the end, it didn't matter, the rain stopped the game. When I'm watching a game, I'm not really watching it, I'm doing something else, like a word search puzzle.

There is a poetry contest due by May 15th. Stacey wants me to enter a poem. And, I am working on a funny poem. Last night, before I went to sleep, I had, in my mind (dead space), a perfect set of lines. I guess in the poetry world, those lines are called stanzas. Of course, this morning, I can only remember some of the lines that I thought were kind of funny. Ah, the "benefits" of short term memory loss.

This afternoon, me and my "creative" self, are going to an activity that involves paint splattering. I have no natural talent for anything that even comes close to being called "artsy fartsy" (if that's even a word, and if it is, I don't know how to spell it!! But you get the general idea. So, if I make something for somebody, while it's not perfect, it's definitely made with love.

I wish I was home, as far as the ability to record shows. I've always had a lot of interest in the Royal Family. And, now with Prince Phillips death, I which that I could record all the events. 

Years ago, a friend of mine and I took days off to watch Prince Charles' wedding, as well as Princess Diana's funeral. Of course, one event was joyous, and the other was quite sad. Either way, they were major events in the Royal Family's life. And, the funeral this week, will definitely be historic. 

Because, I don't know if any of my neighbors read my blog, and I don't think they do, I'll carefully give you the news from the neighborhood bulletin board.

1st. There is a dead turtle in a backyard. Question? What do I do about it? Really, you can't figure this out on your own?

And, somebody has been put "on notice" that if they continue to post, what has been deemed unacceptable, they will be banned from the community bulletin board. Seriously. The threat of being banned, would make me tremble in my boots - not. And, I wonder who makes the decision about postings. Perhaps, the Wizard of Oz!! Such power, could easily go to your head!

I don't know if it's the area where we live, but it seems as if many residents, don't seem to have anything else to do, but post silly stuff, at least that's how I see it. But, that's just my opinion. And, you know what that's worth - nothing.

I've been given exercises to do in my room. And, believe it or not, I did the first set of these exercises this morning. Shocker I know. In my mind, exercise is not a word that easily comes to mind.

My lunch is here. Of course, I can't remember what I've ordered, since I ordered yesterday. But, I hope it's good.

Till tomorrow.


Monday, April 12, 2021



It's a Monday, but I had to look! How sad is that? I've said it before, and I'll say it again, once you're no longer working, you forget not only the date, but what day of the week it is. You'll see for yourself some day. Who knows what technology might be like in the future. Maybe, we'll have something like Alexa, who will tell you the news, weather, date, day of the week, etc. When I think about this, two things come to mind, (a) how annoying that might be, or (b) how intrusive this will become.

Jeff came on Saturday, for the one hour visit. It's a long way for him to come, and I appreciate that he did. He fixed my computer, so that it now works like it should. You know, where's a geek when you need one?

He also brought me the remote for my little colored globe, I guess you could call it that. I have set it so that the globe, keeps changing colors all the time. That might annoy some people, but for me, this makes for a great night light. And, during the day, it just cheers me up.

Last night at dinner, other residents told me, that you are not supposed to keep your door open, even for an inch or so. I call this bull shit (sorry for the language). I didn't think I was, but have discovered that I'm a little bit catastrophic. Who knew? Oh, back to dinner, those who have lived here for a long time, tell me that your apartment door is never supposed to be open, even for just an inch or two. Well, I've been here a month, and nobody has said anything about this to me. I like seeing and hearing people in the hallway, so I don't feel isolated. If, this becomes an issue, then I'll have to pull up my big girl panties, to state my argument. Hope it doesn't come to that. But, again I say, for the amount of money this is costing Jeff, then I should be able to leave the damn door open, if that's what I want to do.

I'm going to ask Jeff to record all things Prince Phillip. I've always had an interest in the royal family, and the funeral coming up, is definitely going to be on television. Since, I'm having trouble with the Xfinity remote, the chances of me find the right station, and the right time, will not be possible. I'm lucky if I can even find a ball game to watch! 

If I do happen to stumble on a ball game, I really don't watch, I just like the "white noise" in the background. I generally have a large word search book in my lap. I no longer look for the actual words, nope, I go rouge and look for all the other words I can find. This is good brain exercise, or at least I hope so. I need all the help I can get.

I check the weather every day, basically so I'll know what to wear. Today, a bit on the cool side, so long sleeves. I love being able to control the temperature in my room. I go from needing a little heat, to needing more air conditioning! And, I'm not even going through that old lady business, because that ship has sailed a long time ago!

Last night at dinner, I bit down on something very hard. Two hundred dollars, if you know what it was. If you said a tooth, ding ding, you're a winner. Jeff's going to make an appointment at the dentist, but since I'm not in any kind of pain, I told him no rush. I generally don't like smiling, and now with part of my tooth missing, I really don't smile. When I do see the dentist, I really want to talk about what can we do for my upper teeth. It seems like, to me anyway, that on more than one occasion, a tooth seems to just fall out. I know it's not quite like that, but this is my second tooth that has broken off. And, the good news about the masks, is that nobody can see what's behind the mask, including missing teeth.

I have a lot of spare time, so I read and, at the moment, try to write a funny poem. 

Stacey, was kind enough, to take me to the local library, for books (of course). I came away with I think ten or more books. That should hold me for a while. There is a library outreach program that comes on the first Friday of every month. Since I've read all of the books I received on the first of April, I needed new books. At the moment, I think I have perhaps 12 books in my room. Activities that I participate in, take away from reading. When I moved here, I told Jeff that I just wouldn't stay in my room, and I don't. Generally, there are at least two activities that I participate in every day. One activity that I don't go to, is a documentary film and discussion. Definitely not my cup of tea.

I don't know if I mentioned it, and apologize if this is not new news. I do my very best with my limited memory. I bought from CVS, a pair of reading glasses. Okay, so what's the big deal? I bought a pair of reading glasses that are tinted blue. I wanted to try tinted glasses, to see if they make a difference when I read. And, oh boy do they ever.  I'm here to tell you, that they are amazing. I definitely use them when I'm reading, and it makes such a difference. Every now and again, I take the glasses off, to see how effective they are. Happy to say that my "blue" glasses make a huge difference, at least when I'm reading.

Stacey, wants me to enter a poem in a poem contest. First prize is $65.00 and bragging rights. I have seriously been working on my poem, add this, take away that, that's how it works. I have written several stanza's, who knew that a break in a poem even had a name. I always thought a break in the poem, was more like a "writing cramp" issue. There's stuff in my head, all I have to do is get on paper! Wish me luck. Once I've finished said poem, I'll put it in a blog. But, don't hold your breath while waiting for this poem. Creativity just doesn't suddenly pop into your head! It takes time, and also some breaks from what you're trying to write.

It's a sunny day here. I hope there is sunshine in your neighborhood. Talk to you tomorrow.


Friday, April 9, 2021

Sorry - Missed a Day


Guys, I'm sorry about yesterday. But, this girl had a busy day, and paying for it now.

You can only a visitor for one hour in your apartment. But, after that, you're free to leave the premises, just have to let the staff know you're leaving. It's not like prison, but I really can't say, well because I've never been in prison!

A few weeks ago, Stacey and I bought these lovely pink and lavender sheer curtains for my room. She managed to get the hooks into the wall, but then our hour was up. She's going to try and make an appointment with me for next week, so she can put the curtains up. This is something that Jeff could easily do, but between curtains and my computer, guess which one is more important? If, you said computer, then you'd be right! My computer is my world. Can I blog for you guys, do my research on anything. Oh, where was all this technology, when I was in high school, and had to use an encyclopedia for your research. For you younger folk, those books were are "research", our only research. Think what we could have written, if today's technology was available back then. If, you don't know what an encyclopedia is, then look it up on the internet!

Stacey and I shopped, I think our final shop, for little bits and pieces. I did find, and bought (thank you Jeffrey), a bright purple folding table, that is almost the same height as my computer table. At the moment, I'm using the table to hold some extra things that I had on my computer desk. Very, very handy, and a wonderful color too!!!

Here's a tip for you. They make glasses with a blue tint. I bought a pair for reading, and if you don't think they're working, just take the glasses off, and you'll see how white the page is. I don't use them for my computer, but since I read so much, they are a wonderful gift to myself!!

Stacey took me to the library yesterday for me to pick up my books on hold. I didn't count, but I think there was ten. I'm never lonely, if I have a book. Well, almost never lonely.

Jeff and Bella are visiting on Saturday. During his one hour appointment in my room, I'm hoping, actually I know he can, "fix" what I've managed to mess up!! Which is practically everything, as it relates to me, which is nothing new. Because unfortunately, I do this all the time. Hit a button there, or change a setting, and I'm off to the rabbit hole!

Stacey and I also went to WalMart, and I did a lot of walking. And, I did sit on my buggy periodically. The result? I can hardly move this morning, and told the physical therapist, we'd have to start again on Monday. I even cancelled my participation for Bingo this afternoon. Since there is a waiting list to play Bingo, I've made somebody happy.

Sad news for me, that Prince Phillip has passed away, at the age of 99 I think. I think that most of you don't follow the Royal Family, but they have fascinated me for years. The Queen and the Prince were married for more than 70 years. That's a long life, not only for his age, but for how long they were married.

I think that's all for today. See you back here on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend.


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Happy Birthday Jeffrey!!


Today is Jeffrey's 72nd birthday. We have celebrated our birthdays generally, with just a card. Or, sometimes, because we are so sentimental, we browse the birthday cards. We find one, and read it to each other. Doesn't make Hallmark happy, but their cards, aren't cheap.

While Jeff and I were dating, I didn't make much money. There was definitely no commas in my paycheck.  Groceries, utilities and child care, just about emptied out my money in the bank. The average wage in 1974 was $11,000. Looking back, I don't know how we survived.

Jeff was a blind date, that my Dad and his Sister arranged. It could have gone wrong in so many ways. But, it didn't, and here I am writing about Jeffrey's 72nd birthday.

Jeffrey knew I had a dress on lay-a-way at a local store. He paid the remaining balance.

We went to the grocery store together. I was, due to a lack of funds, looking for dented cans, food, like bread, for instance. I had to feed myself, and my son. So the pickings in a grocery store, for me were minimal. While shopping, Jeffrey kept adding a lot of things, in his cart. When it was time to check out, and I saw all the things in his cart, I told him that I definitely couldn't pay for all that food. No worries, Jeffrey put my minimal amount of groceries in his cart. At that point, he was my hero, even though he didn't wear a cape!! But, he quickly became my significant other, and he is still today.

Our honeymoon was in San Francisco. It was September, and for people who lived in the southern part of the state, they we're still wearing shorts. 

During the days we spent there, it was definitely coat and gloves time. I truly can't remember if we found and bought, gloves. I didn't enjoy jumping on and off the trolley. Even back then, I was a whimp (however you spell it). 

After we spent a few days in Frisco, Jeff told me that with the money we hadn't spent, he would buy me a real washer and dryer. I know people, that appliances can be touchy as a gift, but, for me, it was like receiving diamonds. I kid you not I'll tell you why. In my first life, I had a wringer washing machine. It looked very similar to the picture below. You basically had to fill the tub with water and soap, then rinse. Are you tired yet? After you had rung out your clothes by hand, then you put the clothes through the wringer. I learned early on, that buttons needed to be inside a shirt, or there would be less buttons. But wait, it gets better - then you had to put the wet clothes on a close line and pin them up. Basically, it was a whole day project. And, then if you weren't too tired, then ironing came into the picture

We bought our house, and lived in it for 32 years or so. It was small, but so was the mortgage! With the help of friends and family, It was no big deal, for Jeffrey and his friends, to take on a project, generally on the weekend, and you know how well that works out, when the stores weren't open. Remember, this was a long time ago. A window was put in place, and it drastically made a difference.

I could go on and on, about the life we've lived. The experiences we've had, and the highs and lows, just like everybody has. We think of our life, as two people in a row boat, and we're both rowing, in the same direction, as it should be.

Our vows, like everybody else, say for good or bad. At this point in our life, I'm afraid that Jeffrey got the short end of the stick. And, for this, I apologize. It's not easy being around, and having to help somebody with a mental issue, 24/7. I know having to care for a person like me, is not an easy task. Which is one of the reasons, I'm living in an assisted living facility, at least for now. Jeffrey knows that I'll be safe here, meet people and participate in activities. And, I promised him, that I would leave my room, and I do.

Last but not least, but this man has been my best friend and supporter through all of these years.

Happy Birthday Jeffrey. Love you.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Time To Switch Clothes!


Good morning everybody. Please check the time that I'm writing my blog. It's 8:15 AM. By this time today, I've showered, dressed, even have on my socks and shoes. I'm even impressed with myself.

Each morning, I check out for today's weather. According to the weatherman, we might get into the 70's. And ladies, you know what time it is. If you don't shave your legs in the winter, it's okay, Besides your significant other, you wear pants most of the time.

But, with today's forecast, I have on my "shorty" pants.  And, in doing so, my legs and feet are on display. Trust me, nobody's looking, at least not here. Still, I feel compelled, as a woman, to put my best leg forward!! It's a vanity thing, and men don't understand.


 and for the most part, nobody does, 

Monday, April 5, 2021

Stuff That Comes To Mind!


The weekend is over, and the prices for Easter anything is on sale. So, if you're one of those super organized persons, then this is the right time for you. My worry is, how well will chocolate hold up for a year. My thought would be to put the candy in the freezer. Just a suggestion.

I always told the boys, and now Benjamin, that you have to eat the ears first. No reasonable explanation. But the facts are clear: 

According to, 76 percent of Americans bite off the ears first. Only 5 percent eat the feet first and 4 percent eat the tail first. So there you go. I knew I wasn't making it up about the ears!

For Easter, one of our activities was flower arranging. The activity director, brought in an assortment of flowers, baby breath, etc. We each had our own vases, all we had to do is arrange them! And, there's where the trouble began. For years, my idea of flower arranging, went something like this - get a vase, put water in the vase, and finally plop your flowers in. Done and done.

Tomorrow, an activity will be, Watercolor Greeting Cards. That should be fun, particularly since I'm so creative!! Not.  My strength, if you can call it that, is typing.  Since I have an IBM clickety click keyboard, there is a sound, when you press a key, which I enjoy. last week, one of the other residents stopped by to tell me how much she enjoys the sound of my typing. Who knew that typing would be something people like to hear?

The amount of books I can read in a week isn't a strength, simply more of a passion.

Here's the facts about the tall white hat that chefs wear. 

In the 1800s the French began using the phrase toque blanche to refer to the white hat worn by chefs as part of their uniform. The color white was perceived as the most hygienic of colors, which helped to portray a sense of cleanliness in the kitchen. See, now there's a trivia game question, or something to talk about at a party. I'm always happy to "investigate" the facts for you, and frankly for me as well.

Stacey and Benjamin are coming on the 8th. This is the first day, where visitors are allowed to come into apartments. I know Benjamin wants to see what my apartment looks like. It's a studio apartment, but all of my furniture, including the computer table, which I cannot live without, is in my room. And, my room is beautifully decorated, thanks to Wendy and Stacey.

There is a small ledge outside of every apart- ment. Stacey and I, have made it a priority, to decorate said ledge. At this moment, there is a picture of a Bassett dog (of course, there is), and a sparkling rainbow, and other stuff. Twice, I have left my room, and found people, mostly in wheelchairs, just looking at my ledge. One man, who lives on a different floor, says he just comes up, to see how my ledge is decorated. This makes me very happy.

When Stacey and I go to WalMart this week, we'll have to find some new things to put on the ledge. Maybe something summer like. Who knows for sure.

The local library comes here on the first Friday of every month. Okay, I ordered books, and have read all of them, except two. Time permitting, perhaps Stacey can take me to the library, so I can find more books to read. In my humble opinion, you can never have too many books. But, perhaps that's just me. Pretty much anywhere I go, there is a book with me. Books can take you anywhere, and you can be anybody. Unfortunately, I can no longer remember much of what I've read. It's possible that I could read a book the second time, and have little or no remembrance, that I've already read the book. This is just one of those things, that short term memory loses. 

I have a call that starts in a few minutes. Have a wonderful spring day. Talk to you soon.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Did You Miss Me?


Friends, I'm sorry that I haven't been posting for a few days. Unlike when I'm home, and have lots of time. Being here in this facility, there are a lot of things to do, during the day. And that's a good thing, especially for me!

This facility, like most others, has a schedule. What time are the meals. What time are the activities. 

I start my morning with 30 minutes of exercise, followed by a coffee and chat. I enjoy this activity very much. The topics are varied from day to day. 

Some activities are more difficult for me. I don't have a creative bone in my body, except perhaps writing.

But, I've been trying my best. Flower arranging, painting wooden eggs, bingo, things like that.

On the first Friday of the month, you can order books from the library. My books came yesterday, and there are six of them! You have to return the books in 30 days, so my spare time is generally spent reading.

The weather I think, for the rest of the week, will be in the 60's. Short sleeve weather for sure. While I'm not generally an outside girl, if the weather really is nice, I may take my buggy and walk and soak up the sun.

I believe I'm going to start physical therapy next week. After the virus started, I decided that I didn't want to go out for my personal training. Medicare has approved my therapy 3 times a week. Who knows, maybe I'll be ready for a bikini (please don't get a mental picture of this) in time for summer.

The activities for today are over, so I have a lot of free time. Once I've walked outside this afternoon, just short of having my hip "talk" (pain) to me.  But, at least I'd be trying, which would be big for me, because I abhor exercising. Need it, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy, or even like it.

Lunch is here, which will give me time to continue reading the last volume of the Hunger Games. This series is both interesting and definitely keeps your imagination  going.

Thought for the day:

"Life is tough, but so are you"


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...