Monday, December 31, 2012




Happy New Year's Eve!  I don't personally know anybody who dons a sparkly dress and goes out dancing tonight - but if you are - have a good time.  Me?  It's beef stew for dinner followed by some amount of  crappy television shows that I could find to record.  Believe me I really had to search to find anything even remotely worth watching.  We haven't sat up to watch the ball drop in years, we just don't care that much.  My theory is that the world doesn't need me to stay up and wait for the new year to come in - it will happen whether I'm up or not.  And a girl does need her beauty sleep.

Today is also the day when I take down the "official" Bassett calendar that is on the refrigerator all year and move over the pertinent data to the 2013 calendar!  Yes this is a big deal and it's how I keep track of how old everybody is, including myself!  I will of course shred the 2012 calendar so that nobody other than me (and anybody visiting the house) will know how old everybody is!  Just wanted you to know how seriously I take security of personal information.  Because I know that not everybody wants their age blowing around at the local dump.

Read an interesting statistic yesterday.  Most Americans read 4 books a year.  Really?  I can read 4 books in a week provided that they are (a) interesting; and (b) people will leave me alone so that I can read.  Now Jeff will tell you that I don't really "read" my books - mostly true.  I tend to speed scan a page and if happens to be a good page, I read it all - if not - I get the gist and move on.  I have been a fast reader (or scanner) all my life and that isn't likely to change unless someday I end up having to listen to recorded books.  Of course we all know that recording devices have a fast forward button!

Jeff and I went out yesterday and hit the grocery stores but were able to avoid the obvious party and/or football aisles - soda, chips, cheese, pizza, alcohol and sparkling cider.  The Redskins game was late and we don't normally watch football BUT this was an important game to everybody in the DC area, so we watched.  Correction - Jeff watched and I apparently snored!  But Jeff tells me this morning that the Redskins won so everybody will be very happy today.  The last time the Redskins won a Super Bowl, Kenny was in high school and we allowed him to ditch school to go into DC to watch the parade. So that's been more than a year or two.

I took today off from work to make the most out of a holiday - four days off - yeah!  At this point in my life I would almost rather have extra time off than a raise.  Notice I said almost.  I generally do take at least one day a month off just to stay home and recharge.  I suppose at some point in the future I might even consider proposing a shortened workweek for myself.  I'll probably save that thought for when I turn 65.  

So since today is a free day for me, I guess after breakfast and blogging, Jeff and I will force ourselves to go upstairs and sit in the office for some yet undetermined amount of hours and do paperwork (ugh).  The year end is upon us and Jeff has his accounting thing to do and I have my filing of all things dated 2012.  Perhaps I can convince Jeff to play oldies on Pandora because there is nothing like a little rock and roll to get your heart started and the filing done faster!

If you're going out tonight - be safe.  


Saturday, December 29, 2012




Yes people it's getting to be that time of the year again when everybody bans together with one purpose - to plan their New Year's resolutions that everybody KNOWS never stick.  Why do we do this to ourselves year after year?  Habit, routine or tradition?

I opened up the ads in today's paper and there is nothing on sale except for: running shoes, treadmills, weights, and athletic gear.  Well none of that appeals to me - so I'm not tempted to move off of my sofa.  Every year you hear the same resolutions: I will lose "x" pounds (that never happens), I will look for a new job, I will be nicer to (insert name here), I will give up smoking/drinking/eating, I will exercise four days a week (or perhaps more likely 4 minutes a week).  By February 1st everybody has forgotten what it is they "promised" they would do differently and we are back to the same old routine and in one year exactly we will start it all over again.  Like a horrible television re-run.

Besides the part about losing weight or being nicer (who could be nicer than me?), I thought about some things I MIGHT be willing to do this year - notice the word might.

I might throw out the fourteen boxes of horse grain cereals that were bought on a whim and are hardly digestible, except possibly by horses.  If I have to eat this kind of food to live a long life - then I'd rather go sooner than later!

I might toss out one or two pairs of shoes that are so far back in the closet that getting them out will resemble an archaeological dig - as well as require major dusting.

I might empty out the bottom of my pantry and see what exactly is underneath all those boxes and plastic containers.  Then again - maybe I would be better off not knowing.

I might go into the chest freezer and pull out the frozen dinners bought in 1986 that I'm pretty sure are no longer edible. Of course pulling them out of the freezer will first involve chiseling them out from where they have become permanently attached to the sides of the freezer!

I might read a classic novel instead of the romantic garbage that I currently enjoy.  Pretty sure that's not going to happen.  Asking me to read a classic novel would be akin to asking me to read the front page of the paper - never gonna happen.  If something bad is occurring - Jeff will tell me - otherwise I'll stick to the comic page.

I might actually fully empty out the dishwasher occasionally.  I put emptying out the dishwasher right up there with taking clothes out of the dryer and PUTTING them away.  Blah.  I "empty" the dishwasher but I have several measuring cups that have remained inside for a year or two now - they are super clean!  My theory is that the dishwasher will get lonely if it's entirely empty - so I leave some things behind - and I swear I'll take them out next time.  Truth?  That never happens.

I do know what I WILL do in 2013.  I will continue my journey to get and remain sane.  I will continue to spoil Benjamin rotten.  I will try and not lose my way with my writing and/or blogging and I will try and be the best mother, mother-in-law, wife and friend that I can be.  If I can accomplish one or all of these things - then I'll consider my year a success.

For those of you not living in Maryland - it's snowing outside and it looks like a good day to start up the oven and bake something (because I don't have to diet until Tuesday)!



Thursday, December 27, 2012

Back to the Daily Grind


Back to the Daily Grind

For the first time in 5 days, the alarm clock woke me up this morning.  Yes folks it's back to the daily grind.  I only grumble about working first thing in the morning before I'm fed, washed and dressed.  Once I'm at work, it's business as usual.

The problem with having several days off in a row is you get kind of used to sleeping in (a bit), lounging around in jeans and sweatshirts, being on a perpetual coffee break and doing what ever you want whenever you want.  

I know, just as you do, that this is a lost week as far as work goes - unless you have been putting off some unpleasant chore until things quieted down.  If so then this is your week.  From years past I know that the phones don't ring constantly, meetings aren't scheduled, mail is light and there is not exactly a lot going on - but I'll be there just in case.

Don't worry I go armed with provisions for the day.  My Kindle is fully charged as well as loaded with new books, I know there are several puzzles to play on my phone and of course there are future blogs I could always write! 

Have a great Thursday and I'll do the same.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I'm Back


I'm Back

I neglected you for the past few days all in the name of "fa-la-la", but that's over. I'm back at my desk (admittedly a little later than 5:00 am) and trying to decide what pearls of wisdom I want to share with you today.  Come to think of it, I don't have any pearls today.

As I write (for those of you on the West Coast), we have snow covered roofs and cars, but not roads and there is definitely something falling out of the sky and I think it's sleet which isn't nearly as nice as snow.  A beautiful way to wake up - especially I don't have to work today.  Since I have to go to work tomorrow I'm expecting a perfectly sunny day for commuting.  Only time will tell.

For Jeff and I we had more than our usual amount of holiday gatherings, which normally is one.  We spent Christmas Eve at the home of friends and had such a wonderful time we stayed until 1:00 in the morning.  Yes you read right - hours and hours beyond my bedtime.  Funny thing was that I wasn't a bit sleepy UNTIL I got in the car for the ride home!  Last night we went to Stacey's parents' house and had a wonderful meal, got to see Ben's toys and played a game called Fact or Crap.  Turns out I don't know very much at all!  So just in case you're counting that is TWO nights in a row that we were out!  If we keep this up we will become social butterflies.

Today, it's back up to the "office" where some serious paper pushing must begin because we're coming down to year end and that means a lot of last minute accounting and reporting. I suppose I might even try and reduce my filing pile into something more manageable - or easier yet would be to stuff everything in to a box, label it 2012 and store it away!  Finding something in the box would only be a problem if in six months I HAD to actually find a certain bill, paystub, etc.

I have some new books waiting for me on my Kindle and of course my Ebay gift certificates are practically burning a hole in my wallet.  I know that the gift certificates will not expire in the next 20 minutes - but you never know.   You know my theory - life is uncertain so east your dessert first.  Well gift certificates are like that too.  You got 'em so use 'em and use 'em now!  Why wait?  It never occurs to me that in a month or two something might come along on Ebay that will take my breath away and my "money" will all be gone.  I'm all about today and I've already done some preliminary browsing and have seen a couple of Murano clowns that would make a nice addition to my collection!

I hope you have a wonderful day, whatever you do.


Monday, December 24, 2012

The Day Before


The Day Before

For most of you today is the day - the last day.  It is the last day to buy, wrap, seal, address, stamp, grocery shop, bake and cook for tomorrow.  For me it's two days after the main event and all evidence of the confusion and mess that was here at the house on Saturday is long gone.  One advantage of having adult children is that when they leave after Christmas - they take their stuff with them.  Growing up I would fight through separated piles of clothing (boring) and other not so interesting stuff for days.  Video games were dealt with right away - but everything else was free to occupy a corner.  Not so these days - grab your gifts as you get your coat.

We are visiting some friends this evening and I am bringing a family favorite to share.  It's called Pretzel Salad and I know your initial reaction is eeeh.  But I want you to visualize pretzels cooked in butter and sugar (think Heath Bar), cream cheese, cool whip and crushed pineapple.  Sound better.  I promise you it's a yummy bite.

Other than putting the finishing touches on that, I'm free to do my laundry, use up my new Amazon gift cards, watch the last of the romantic Hallmark movies for the year or do nothing at all.  I used yesterday to vacuum up all the loose bits of paper on the floors, and thanks to my family have absolutely NO leftovers of any kind!  

Tomorrow we are going to visit Benjamin at Stacey's parents' house in the afternoon just to check out the Santa haul because we promised him we would.  After that we are officially done with Christmas.  New Year's at our house is super duper quiet and involves no football!  

Stacey (DIL) gave me a wonderful coffee cup with pictures of Benjamin all over it and it reads "Mom Mom's Boy" - love it.  I was also given a large canvas print of the entire Bassett clan at Stacey and Andy's wedding a year ago.  Absolutely beautiful.  I also have a fingerpainted handprint of Benjamin that Stacey framed for me - so I can always remember that he was once small.  Stacey always gives the best gifts - she knows that pretty much anything that involves Benjamin will be treasured.  

Have a wonderful day and a great day tomorrow with your family and friends.

Happy 24th


Friday, December 21, 2012




Jeff and I had an unexpected visitor last night so I'm a little off kilter this morning.  When Benjamin sleeps over the jostling for position between him and the dogs goes on all night.  Jeff and I have secure spots - although with three others in the bed - sometimes that spot gets pretty narrow!  The dogs normally jockey for the premiere position in the bed - in the middle - head on a pillow.  When Benjamin comes, that premiere spot is taken up by him which leaves Sam and Maggie to duke it out for the second best spot.  Maggie, in particular, tries to sneak up during the night and squeeze in between Benjamin and either Jeff or myself.  Sometimes I hear Benjamin say "Maggie move over."  Sam, being older, wisely stays at the foot of the bed and out of range of a four year old's flailing legs!

Before 5:00 this morning Benjamin announced he was hungry and he was hungry RIGHT NOW.  Jeff got up with him and refilled the empty cavity and then they both returned to bed with cold feet.  I got in my morning snuggles with Benjamin before getting up to start my day.  He wanted to know if it was morning - I told him it was for me - but not for him.

When I leave work this afternoon I will have 5 days off!  The company is giving us Christmas Eve and I always take off the day after Christmas - just because.  There is something about going to work the day after that I can't tolerate.  My excuse used to be that the boys were out of school - blah, blah.  I have no such excuse now, so I just tell the truth - I don't want to come in.  I'll work the rest of the work though even though it will be deadly quiet.

Let's go out and enjoy our Friday and hope we get out early!  Oh by the way, since we are technically having Christmas tomorrow, the blog might be empty.  I'll try and get back on track by Sunday.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fireplace Saga


Fireplace Saga

You remember that Jeff gifted me with a gas log fireplace a few months ago.  We've had more than our share of problems with the gas insert.  When it works - it's wonderful - when it's not working (which is often) - I don't like it quite so much.  As much as I hate to admit it, our "real" fireplace never broke down.  Messy to be sure and time consuming to bring in the wood - but when you wanted fire - you got fire.

Our first unit (notice I said first) worked fine for several weeks until we noticed one flame that was REALLY tall compared to the rest of the "flames".  Jeff took a picture of the fire and sent it off to the manufacturer.  The result of our picture was a visit from the factory rep as well as the local repairman descending on the house to fix the unit.  Unfortunately, they didn't come prepared to fix what ultimately was broken.  And, it took 3 hours before they diagnosed the problem.

They seemed rather unwilling to overnight a new part for us which was amazing to us because the unit is brand new.  Jeff eventually spoke to the owner of the fireplace shop and he agreed to give us a brand new unit.  They could install it in a WEEK.

We're good natured (most of the time) so we waited out our week and the new unit was installed.  The install people left and for several nights the unit worked properly.  I know you can feel a but coming in here and you're right.  One night it didn't ignite but Jeff was able to make it work manually, which wasn't what I had in mind when I bought the gas insert.

The next night the unit wouldn't light at all, manual or otherwise.  Another call went to the fireplace shop.  They would have someone come out in FIVE days.  And we waited.

Two days ago the repairman arrived and poked around and determined that he had fixed whatever was wrong and left.  That night when we turned it on it took 36 seconds for flames to appear.  That didn't seem right to either of us.

Yesterday morning after I left for work Jeff went to turn the unit on and got - you guessed it - NOTHING.  The repairman did come out right away (you think?) and believes he has found the problem (hopefully finally).  Of course the part that we need is not in stock and will have to be ordered.  Again, overnighting the part didn't seem to be the repairman's initial offering.  However, he was "persuaded".  The part is on it's way.  The million dollar question now is - when will they actually come out and do the repair.  

This gas insert was supposed to allow me to have a "fire" whenever I wanted by pressing a button.  And, I suppose someday (hopefully soon) I'll be able to do just that.  I was really hoping to have a fire on Saturday when the boys et al arrive at the house for our early Christmas.  Keep your fingers crossed!

Happy Thursday.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ten Unforgettable Moments


Ten Unforgettable Moments

That's the challenge for today.  Should be easy don't you think?  But as I discovered in writing this - not always.

Here's my first attempt:

1. Birth of son
2. Wedding day to Jeff
3. Birth of son
4. Birth of son
5. Vacation in Hawaii
6. Travel to England with Dad
7. Move to Maryland
8. Watch youngest son graduate from college
9. Birth of Benjamin
10. Getting an article published

Okay, that was easy.  Now suppose we had to list 10 moments that didn't include the birth of your children (I'll give you grandchildren or else I would have to exclude Benjamin) or your wedding day.  The challenge becomes harder.  Have a look

1. Vacation in Hawaii
2. Travel to England with Dad
3. Move to Maryland
4. Move into a brand new house
5. Watch youngest son graduate from college
6.Birth of Benjamin (not my child so it counts)
7. Getting an article published
8. Flying to Harbor Island

Okay as I write number 8 I'm already in stall mode.  Really?  I can't think of two more unforgettable moments in my life?  I know my life bears no resemblance to an action packed movie but it's certainly not bogged down in quicksand.  Or is it?

I don't suppose mastering the Tivo remote really counts and neither does figuring out the recycling schedule on holiday weeks!

I think number 9, while not a happy day, was attending to my father's final wishes when he passed away.  It's a day I have never forgotten and it's been 17 years.  The crossing of his ankles, the rolled up Playboy magazine, peanuts and money in his pocket were all part of his request.  Hard as it was Jeff and I made sure that he took his final journey with everything he considered necessary

Okay we're down to number 10 and my brain has now completely jelled over.  I'm sure there must be ONE more unforgettable moment that I've experienced.  Why can't I think of it?  Perhaps because it's so close to me that I can't see it.

Number 10 is the development of a close friendship with a neighbor who helped me care for Benjamin after he was born.  We didn't know each other, had nothing in common and yet the relationship clicked.  And 4 years later it's still good.  I consider her an angel that was intentionally dropped in front of me so that I could not ignore the help and friendship she was offering. She was a lifesaver and I'm thankful for whatever higher power, fate or whatever you'd like to call it, made it happen.

Why don't you try and come up with your own list.  And, if by chance you consider reading this blog unforgettable - I'm okay with that!!!!!

Have a great Wednesday.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012




How was my yesterday?  My special once a year occasion was spent quietly and peacefully.  What a great present to give to oneself.  I highly recommend a day of nothingness to refuel the body and mind.I even managed to squeeze in two holiday romance movies in the afternoon during my "busy" day!  

Absolute highlight of my day?  When Benjamin called me and sang Happy Birthday to me.  It was beautiful and meant so much.   Benjamin was also quick to sneak in a plea for Jeff and I to come to his house on Christmas to see his toys.  Looks like on Christmas Day Jeff and I will drive to Stacey's parent's house in order to see the Santa haul.  

As late as yesterday I bought Benjamin yet another gift.  I had a great idea of a toy he might need and I couldn't resist.  I know logically that Benjamin doesn't really NEED any more toys - but I just can't help myself.  I can hardly wait until Saturday when our family will get together for Christmas to share the presents with everyone.

It's back to the office for me today so unlike yesterday I'm up bright and early.  Clothes are laid out, lunch is packed, cellphone, Kindle and latest AARP magazine are ready to go with me this morning. I'll take in my presents for my friends and coworkers today.  And as a special treat today I have a "head shrinking" appointment.  Before each visit I create a "good" and "not so good" document for the doctor.  I'm happy to report that for this visit there is nothing in the "not so good" column!  How's that for progress?

Enjoy your Tuesday.


Monday, December 17, 2012




Do you remember your school years?  For some of us we have to really s-t-r-e-t-c-h our memory banks to go back that far; but, here's one thing I do remember - the schools were open.  People were free to come and go as they pleased.  

Schools were still open when our sons went to school - but that is no longer the case for most, if not all, schools.  How did we move from school days being fun and carefree to metal detectors, security guards, locked buildings during school hours and fingerprinting volunteers?  Schools moved to security measures because of violence, which was never part of my life growing up in the 60's.  Oh there might have been the occasional scuffle between football players but that was the extent of any violence I saw.

I get why schools have to do what they do now to keep students safe.  I think it's sad that we as a nation have come to this point.  Obviously, as we see from Friday's shooting, even a locked down building is not completely safe.  What's next - bars on the windows?  Soon schools will begin to resemble prisons out of necessity.  How sad is that?

I can't imagine the horror that the children and adults faced on Friday in Newtown.   I worry how the little ones will get over that?  How do you explain to a 6 year old what happened?  We have luckily been sparred any pictures in the papers and I hope that continues to be the case as the weekly magazines go to press.  I know that eventually somebody will be tasked with the job of cleaning up the carnage.  I can only imagine how difficult a job that will be.

I no longer have any children in the school system but in just a year Benjamin will be attending kindergarten.  Will his parents and Jeff and I have to worry about his safety day after day?  Worry is stressful and takes it's toll on bodies and minds.  

I wonder why on more than one occasion shooters have singled out schools?  What's their beef with children?  I'm not suggesting that a hospital or office building would be better - but elementary school children - really.  I don't know how we are going to protect the children day after day.  I just know that we must.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Last Day as a Younger Woman


Last Day as a Younger Woman

From April until December Jeff lives with a younger woman and that woman is me.  Today is my last day to be the younger woman until Jeff's birthday in April.  To celebrate my last day of being 62 we are going to go to the grocery store and do our big shop for Christmas.  I will do many things on my birthday, including laundry, but I draw the line at standing around in a store deciding which vegetables to buy.  Maybe I feel this way because when people ask me what I did on my birthday I don't want to say grocery shopping. 

Since I always take my birthday off, the possibilities of what I might do tomorrow is endless. I might sleep in, eat bacon, read a book, watch Christmas movies or take a nap. Or I might do nothing at all, it's my day and my choice.  I may also go out with Jeff and play Santa to several of the businesses that do so much for our battery business through the year.  Everybody likes to see a tower of chocolate coming through their door and because it's the holiday season calories don't count!  (Wish that were true).

Enjoy your Sunday.  I know I will just as soon as we're back from the store!


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Vanity - Going, Going, Gone


Vanity - Going, Going, Gone

Slowly through the years and while I wasn't noticing I became less vain.  Comfort began to take precedence over fashion.  First it was clothes.  Elastic waists are a mainstay of my wardrobe and while they don't really project style, they are comfortable to wear and forgiving!

Then it was my shoes.  I haven't owned a pair of heels in 20 years and now only wear shoes from one manufacturer - SAS.  The company makes very comfortable shoes and in the past few years have begun to move away from really old lady-type shoes to some that are equally comfy but don't scream "old lady coming through".  Since I know exactly what size I need, I buy some of my shoes on Ebay where the prices are lower - and I don't actually have to go in to a store (double bonus).  To be fair if I call the SAS outlet in Hagerstown, they will mail me shoes, I just have to pay full price.

I gave up on make-up a long time ago too.  I look the same at 6:00 am as I do at 6:00 pm with the exception of my easy to maintain hair may be a bit more mussed in the morning.  Lipstick is my complete make-up routine on a daily basis.  If it's a special occasion I can reach into the back of the drawer and find some other magical items to use.  Problem is if I find them they are likely dried out and because I don't use "products" very often I'm not overly adept at using them!  

The final blow to any remaining shreds of vanity that I had ended this week.  I have suffered from bursitis in my hip for 12 years and on Monday a physical therapist at Hopkins gave me a cane!  And I use it and it makes a difference.  Who knew?  The cane is of course utilitarian and came in one color - black.  To my curious coworkers I told them it was a new fashion accessory and that black was slimming. My close friends at work know exactly why I have "Betsy" by my side and I discovered that after the initial shock most people don't find me any more interesting than before.  

Me being me meant that I had to go poke around on the internet to see what "accessories" canes have.  Turns out there are several.  One that is super practical is an ice grip that attaches to the bottom so you can walk during winter a bit easier.  There is a cane hanger to be used at tables when you're eating (I'll probably pass on that).  But the coolest accessory is cane covers.  These are sleeves that "disguise" the cane - more or less.  I have already ordered a bright red sleeve and am hoping that Stacey (DIL) will be able to make me seasonal coverings (bunnies, hearts, shamrocks, etc.) so that I can change my look as I please.  Perhaps gold lame for New Year's would be suitable.

At work we have a commercial shredder and there are always pieces of shredded paper on the floor.  I suggested to my coworkers that I could put sticky tape on the bottom of the cane and pick them up!   I suppose I could also use the cane to poke at Jeff when he is sleeping through a television show.

How long I will have to use the cane is anybody's guess.  I hate to admit this but it does make walking less painful and that was the purpose.  As someone once said - growing old is not for sissies.

My thanks to Jeff for pinch writing for me yesterday.  He did a good job and perhaps I should encourage him to be a more regular blogger.

Have a happy Saturday.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Guest Blogger Today

As you can see by the title, I am the "Guest Blogger" today.  I am amonst other things, chief pilot, doer of "man chores", driver, computer fixer, companion, the fellow that gets mentioned from time in this space.  AKA, husband, or Jeff.

I was selected or volunteered, because your regular author, indicated she simply didn't have anything to say today.  Now, if you have been a regular follower, I am sure you will agree, that is difficult to imagine.

I wanted to share - a little bit about how some of the items you read daily actually come about. 
Here is evidence - no computer, so, your favorite, creating, the "old fashion way" while we were flying to Duluth in July.

 Here is a picture of our "baby" on the way to Duluth

And here is a picture of us, together - taken at Frederick, specifically for a holiday card

 My message today - is simple - it is the holiday season, and I want to wish everyone - a safe, and joyous holiday season.

from the 
Bassett Family 

Thursday, December 13, 2012




It happened again yesterday at a mall in Oregon, some guy with a gun and a bad attitude shoots innocent people.  I'm sure when those people left their house to probably do their holiday shopping, they didn't know it was going to be the last thing they would ever do.  And I wonder how loose does the screw in your head have to be in order to do this?  I'm really okay with someone taking themselves out - but leave the rest of us alone.

The shooter in this incident killed himself.  Did he do that to avoid the future he would surely face? I know you're innocent until proven guilty but it's pretty hard to believe a man's innocent when he's holding the gun. Or was his intention to die anyway?

The last time Jeff and I went to the movies I couldn't help but glance at the exit door.  While I'm not overly paranoid, we're living in a different world than the one I knew growing up.  My childhood years were innocent ones compared to what children are exposed to today.  It's sad to know that most children no longer play outside unsupervised and will never know the freedom that we boomers had way back then.  It's sad that we feel the need to routinely lock our car doors when we're driving to avoid a car jacking.  Did anybody even do that back in the 60's?  I don't think so.  Likewise, we lock the doors to our homes even when we're inside.

When I'm out and about my purse is always and I do mean always on my shoulder.  I never put it in the cart and if I did I would certainly not walk away to check out something.  I've been in stores and seen purses in carts and the owner of the purse (I assume) is too far away to see and/or prevent someone from lifting her wallet.  I hate to say it this way but the truth is - I am no longer a trusting person and I realize it's not a good attitude but it's a realistic one.

I've decided we're not in Kansas any longer.  The world is, at times, a scary place and we need to be sure we're paying attention and not become the next victim.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012




Yes my friends my well of inspiration is empty today most likely because I forgot what I was going to write about!  I think I do my best writing when thoughts pop into my head unexpectedly.  I'll be driving to work and something will come to mind and all I HAVE to do is not forget what I wanted to write about!  Sometimes that remembering thing can be tricky.  Do I really forget or do I choose to forget?  Hmm.  

Unpleasant things are conveniently "forgotten".  Sometimes if you forget long enough - whatever it was that you didn't want to do will go away.  Take documents on your desk at work, if you don't process them when they arrive and they sit around in a "to do" folder, they become dusty and if you're lucky irrelevant. 

I attended (because it was required) a lecture from a guy who talked about the red dot process.  His theory was that the minute you pick up a document of any kind, you should act upon it right then.  If you don't, then you have to put a red dot on the paper (I would suggest using a sticky) AND each time you handle, but don't process, you put down another red dot.  If you do this long enough your sticky will be completely covered!  

At work I'm very good about using the red dot system.  I file my work, shred my confidential documents, and return all emails and phone calls each day.  I wish I could tell you that I was this organized at home - because I'm not.  At home there are things to distract me - like television for instance.  The filing at home is voluminous and I only deal with it when the pile falls over!  I have been known to move the pile from my desk into a trash can (a small one) which I hide in a spare bedroom to be dealt with another day.  Unfortunately, that day hasn't arrived around here in quite awhile.  It's not like I couldn't put my hands on a required document, I'd just have to go through my secret stash of unfiling to find it!

Maybe next year I'll be better about filing at home - but likely I will just FORGET.  You know what they say - out of sight is out of mind. 

Happy Wednesday


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Buying a Car


Buying a Car

Jeff and I look at the car buying experience differently.  In our 38 year history we have only bought 10 cars and most of them were used.  One of the things that I hate about car buying is  standing around, posturing and the debate about the price and/or options.  I'm an instant gratification kind of gal, if you go in to look (i.e., buy) a car - then buy a car.  I don't want to "kick the tires" and test drive a car only to go home in the old one.  I don't believe you can look at cars, puppies or kittens without wanting one.  

During the car buying experience Jeff would prefer I was more like Cool Hand Luke with a solid poker face.  Apparently, it doesn't help price negotiations if you're jumping around while extolling all the virtues of the car in question.  Who knew?  

Jeff is interested in the tires, the engine and gas mileage.  Boring stuff like that.  You want to know what a woman wants to know about tires?  There should be a minimum of four tires, they should be round and black - because black goes with everything.  

I'm interested in the newest gadgets designed for my comfort - the seats (heated), fabulous stereo system and Xenon headlights are a must (helps old people see in the dark).  I don't use cruise control ever so I have no idea how to set it, I don't know which buttons you push and in which succession to set the clock in my car and after two years just recently learned how to move the steering wheel!

Once the test drive and all of my oohing and aahing is over, we always have to go into the "office" to discuss money.  Boring.  It is generally in this office that I daydream myself far away.  I don't discuss down payments, trade in's and extended warranty options.  Sometimes I just walk away, find the nearest comfy chair and a cup of coffee.  I'll know the deal is done when I sign papers and get new keys.  

The trading in of a car is hard for me.  I develop an attachment to my cars and it's always difficult to say good-bye.  I treat my cars well and don't allow them to get all scrummy inside with crumbs and spilled drinks.  This last time we bought a car I was exchanging a perfectly good car for another car that looked exactly the same, even down to the color.  The difference was that the car we were buying was a few years newer and had features we wanted (notice I didn't see needed).

So when we pulled out of the dealer's lot in our shiny, new car I couldn't help but look over one last time at my faithful friend whose only fault had been an expired warranty.  There are certain cars that because of their high maintenance costs are generally traded in just about the time that the warranty runs out.  This was true for my old car and will be true of the one I'm currently driving.

If you find yourself "adopting" a used car - treat it kindly.  It might have belonged to me!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Discoveries and Experiments


Discoveries and Experiments

During my childhood Dad and I would occasionally test out the theories demonstrated in commercials on television and they were fun.

One manufacturer of plastic wrap contended that you could line the inside of a coffee cup, pour hot coffee inside and then pick up the plastic wrap and have no leaks.  We did try that and if memory serves correctly I believe we successfully mimicked the commercial.

Then there was a certain green shampoo, which I don't even know if they make anymore that used to show on television how long it took for a pearl to sink to the bottom of the bottle.  Lucky for them it was impossible for my Dad and I to shove a bead through the small opening of the bottle.  So this theory continues to be a mystery.

Next experiment was with those little take home bags of ketchup.  I was a teenager and old enough to know better but bet my Dad that it would be impossible to flex the bag back and forth enough to get it to pop open.   I finally  managed to bend the little bag until it broken open and ketchup went all over the ceiling.  So I was wrong about the bag of ketchup and Mom was mad.  Mom made Dad and I clean (or attempt to clean) the ceiling and we were both in the dog house for a few days.

When my sons came along the tradition of experimenting continued.  The boys wanted to know if mashed potatoes launched toward a wall would stick.  Jeff was out of town, mashed potatoes was on the table and collectively the four of us launched our spoons.  And to answer the million dollar question - yes the potatoes will stick - at least initially.  The dogs loved that experiment!

Then there is sour candy and soda which when combined together produces an excellent explosion.  Trouble was they didn't try this outside, nope in the bedroom where the contents of the soda bottle was sprayed all over the carpet. This time it was my turn to be mad.  Because of the sugary mess we brought in a commercial carpet cleaner and we let the boys help pay for his services.  That is one experiment that has never been repeated in my house.

We also discovered quite by accident thanks to one son who shall remain nameless, that if you cut the power cable to the furnace during the winter - the house gets cold really quick.  This wasn't so much of an experiment as it was a bit of acting out.  This episode resulted in an expensive emergency HVAC service call.  Like the potatoes and soda explosion this was a one off experiment.

With three boys in the house one of them was "thinking" (or not) all the time!  Our youngest son put his hand through a window because his brothers dared him and he was too young to know better.  Another time one of the boys who was old enough to know better messed around with the circuit breaker box and luckily was wearing rubber-soled shoes or it would have been his last experiment.  Also if you put your finger in the gear of a cement mixer (the home variety), and then turn the handle, it is likely that your finger will be broken.  It also takes a lot of patience and mud to fix a hole(s) in the drywall where one or more of the boys went through during a push and shove contest.  The same can't be said for bedroom doors - once they've been pushed in - don't bother to fix them - buy new.

It's hard in the moment of sheer stupidity to see the upside of what has just happened.  It's only when years have passed that you as a parent can see that (a) the world didn't end, you just thought it would; and (b) the boys will certainly receive payback when they have their own children.  I don't know about you - but this mother can hardly wait!


Saturday, December 8, 2012

December Fun Facts


December Fun Facts

December is a great month filled with lights, decorations and music.  The closer we get to the 25th the happier everyone becomes - probably because it means that life can return to normal in "x" days!

Besides December being my birth month - and yes I get a whole month - other December birthdays belong to Emily Dickinson, James Doolittle, Jane Austin and Noel Coward just to name a few.

Little known facts.  December 27th is National Chocolate Day and I think we should all band together that day and eat chocolate (it would be the right thing to do of course).  December is National Stress Free Family Holiday month.  Really?  Can you think of a worse month to declare it stress free?  I think January would be a better choice because by then all the leftovers have been eaten or tossed, presents unwanted have been returned and a general air of calm and thank goodness that's over for another year sets in.

The bowling ball was invented on December 29, 1862.  Here's another interesting but rather scary statistics.  Do you know what the number one item bought on Black Friday was?  If you answered televisions you'd be wrong.  It was handguns.  Never thought to put that on my wish list.

Quote for December: “How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?” – Dr. Seuss.

Nearly 33 million Christmas trees, 2.5 billion greeting cards, and 38,000 miles of ribbon will be sold this holiday season. All of this is part of the extra one million tons of additional waste generated each week between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Other things to know about December:
December 13: Ice Cream and Violins Day (who thought that up?)
December 7, 1877- Thomas Edison shows off his new invention, the phonograph. 
December 15, 1939- Gone With the Wind premiered in where else but Atlanta, Georgia.
December 16th - National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day (I think we should celebrate the 16th as well as the 27th in a big way)
December 26, 1865 James Mason invented the coffee percolator. 
Saint Nickolas, who would eventually be called Santa Claus, was originally the patron saint of children, thieves and pawnbrokers!
December 28th is considered by some to be the unluckiest day of the year.
More than 40% of toys given to children on Christmas are broken by March (perhaps that's be design).

Happy Saturday


Friday, December 7, 2012




Ever been in a store behind someone who is hesitating to get on the escalator?  If so, it was yours truly doing the delaying - sorry about that.  Actually, I'm pretty good about the going up but going down is a bit scary for me and admittedly it does take me a minute to actually put my foot down on a step.

I'm not a complete weirdo and can even offer up a reasonable explanation for the fear - even though I should be over the experience by now.  Jeff and I were attending an after hours fashion show at a department store (this is years ago) and on that occasion I was wearing heels (that's how long ago it was).  At the end of the evening and on our way down the escalator it went rogue and began to speed up which is pretty darn scary.  People literally had to jump to get off at the bottom and luckily Jeff and other men were at the bottom pulling us ladies off before our heels had a chance to get stuck between steps.  That incident has left me leery of escalators ever since.

If presented with the option of an elevator or an escalator the elevator wins hand down every time.  Of course, I don't want to get stuck in an elevator because if I do then it means I would be reduced to taking the stairs - and that would require me to be super fit - and we all know I'm not.

While pondering the subject of escalators I had to do a little research.  The longest escalator in the world is in Moscow with 740 steps.  The longest escalator in the US is at the metro stop in Wheaton, Maryland - it takes 3 minutes to get to the top/bottom.  

The longest outdoor covered escalator in the world is in Hong Kong with a length of 2600 feet.  It only goes one way at a time, the direction reverses depending on rush hour traffic direction.  Shortest escalator in the world is in Japan with a  vertical rise of only 32.8 inches.

If you're traveling to a foreign country and want to make sure you follow local escalator etiquette, I've got you covered.  In the UK, US and China you stand on the right.  In most of Japan including Tokyo, you stand on the left - but in Osaka you stand on the right (got all that?).  If you're in Australia or New Zealand you stand on the left.

So perhaps you should put riding on the longest or shortest escalators on your bucket list.  If it's okay with you, I'll leave it off mine or at the very least let you go first.

Happy Friday all.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Health Insurance


Health Insurance

Health insurance is like so many things in life, you only worry about it if you don't have it.  But if you don't have health insurance and don't qualify for aid then paying for medical care is a problem - a big problem.  In 2013 insurance companies can continue to deny individual's coverage because of their medical history.  All of that will change in 2014 but if you need insurance now a year is a long time to wait.

Our oldest son will fall into this uninsured land in March when the company's insurance policy is being cancelled.  We're being cancelled because as an employer we must have 75% participation in a group plan and we don't - and never will - reach that number.  My drivers just can't afford health insurance and unfortunately the company can't afford to pay for them either.

Here's the kicker.  In calls with health insurance providers, I've been told that our son will automatically be denied coverage and will be forced to go into assigned risk (probably cost the earth) and he can't do that UNTIL the policy expires in March.  So I'm betting that there's going to be a period next year where our son will be without health insurance and that's not good.

The interesting part is that the questionnaire he completed so that an agent could begin looking for a new provider was literally a half sheet of paper.  It only asked what medicine he is currently taking and why.  That's it - and with that tiny bit of information - he is already considered ineligible.  Does that make sense to you?  It certainly doesn't to me.

I did some research on health insurance and what I found disturbed me.  There are 44 MILLION Americans who have no health insurance and another 38 MILLION have inadequate coverage.  Those are scary numbers.  According to the 2012 Census Bureau numbers there are 314,165,191 people living in the United States.  That leaves 270,165,191 of us with some kind of health insurance, even if it's subpar.  I know that this country can and should do better.

It's sometimes difficult to sympathize with someone else's problem if you don't suffer similarly.  However, when the problem hits close to home it becomes a different story.  I guess our son and the millions of uninsured Americans will wait for 2014 and hope that the new Exchange Program works.  


Wednesday, December 5, 2012




Gifts are well - gifts and at certain times throughout the year expected even though we are adults and know that it's better to give than to receive.  But let's be honest here who doesn't like being on the receiving end once in a while?  All of us?  I thought so.

But I want to talk about UNEXPECTED gifts for they are treasures.  On Sunday night, Stacey (DIL) gave Jeff and I one of those unexpected gifts.  Stacey offered to bring Ben up to our house on Monday afternoon and stay the night so that we could see him before they leave for Disney World this week.  When I read her email I cried (happy tears) because I was so overjoyed because Stacey was willing to drive here and stay the night when I'm sure she had better things to do.  By coming to stay at the house she afforded Jeff and I time with Ben which due to schedules, we hadn't seen in a few weeks. 

This gift of a visit was better than anything that could be bought at a store.  And, I would take this gift eagerly any time it was offered.  Who wouldn't?  After dinner on Monday night, we sat down to watch a new movie I had bought for Ben about Santa Claus and his dog's puppies.  We had popcorn and snuggled and had some chocolate milk when Stacey wasn't looking!

Bedtime brought our regular rituals with Ben - he hides books under my pillow and I pretend not to notice until I lay down and everything is so lumpy.  He laughs and laughs while I pound my pillow trying to get comfy - and then I look underneath and see all the books!  This is a great game and one he and I don't tire of.  Once the books are "discovered" then Ben and I do serious negotiating on exactly how many of these books I'm going to read.  I'm not much of a negotiator so Ben generally wins by always sneaking in just ONE more.  We have a tickle and throw the pillows around for a bit before we settle down and get our last hug and kiss for the night.  While Jeff and I might not get the best sleep when he's in our bed because he's hot and kicks quite a bit - we're okay with that. 

Stacey had offered to wrap gifts for me while I was at work and she was waiting out the rush hour traffic to go back home.  We have established that I'm all about the hunt and couldn't care less about the wrapping.  While Ben visited with the neighbor Stacey was kind enough to wrap Ben's packages and a few others as well.  The wrapping Stacey did on the gift for my boss is beautiful - the bow is exquisite - it's almost too pretty to unwrap!  

Thanks to Stacey I spent all day Monday at work in good spirits (which is hard to pull off on a Monday) in anticipation of the evening.  I'm all in favor of regularly scheduled gifts - but when they just come out of no where - they are super special and should be treasured.  Our visit with Stacey and Ben on Monday was both of those things.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Photo Albums


Photo Albums

Have you got a few of these lying around?  I do, but unfortunately what I've got more of is loose photos lying around.  After all these years they are stuck in desk drawers and shoe boxes - undated.  My mother had photo albums, the kind with black paper and you stuck the pictures in the album with little triangle corner pieces.  She was pretty good about recording the when and who of the pictures, which is more than I can say I've ever done.

When Mom got older she took her photo albums and tore them up into three piles - one for each of us kids.  In the mail we each received our portion of the albums with photos still stuck to the raggedy edges of the black paper.  My pages are in a box and it's likely that's where they will always be.  

For many years as we traveled, Dad took slides, which was the way at the time to capture your memories.  Trouble is dragging out a projector and screen takes a lot more effort than flipping through a photo albums so we kids were seldom treated to a slide show.  Dad did know one thing though - if you wanted to get rid of company - all you had to do is SUGGEST a slide show and they disappeared instantly.  Everyone likes looking at their own pictures - but yours?  Not so much.

When Dad passed away I took his gray metal boxes of slides home with me and they weighed a ton.  I stored them in the back of a closet and they have been there every since.  What would I like to see happen to the slides?  I'd love to have them put on a different media so that a walk down memory lane could be done often and painlessly.  

When Jeff and I started out on our journey our pictures were also slides.  Those slides like the pictures are stored everywhere.  Some boxes are actually marked as to the who and when but most are not.  I suspect that at a time in the future our boys will give the slides the old heave-ho.  

I am not a huge picture taker.  Dragging around a camera with me when I travel is an after thought and so much so that it normally stays home.  At least now the pictures you take are digital and can be downloaded into your computer and shared with family and friends.  In the old days, you remember, you took your roll of film to the store and waited for it to be developed - in a week - not in an hour. 

I have always had "intentions" of putting together photo albums worthy of Martha Stewart but the reality is that it's about as likely to happen as my winning the lottery - slim and none.  It would make a good rainy day project but I know that it will never rain enough to make me want to organize 38 years of pictures!  


Monday, December 3, 2012

December Movies


December Movies

In addition to all the usual fa-la-la's everywhere at the moment, there are also romantic Christmas movies on television - pretty much all the time.  And I love it.  I think the top contenders in mush and gush are the Hallmark and Lifetime channels.

I am showing some signs of restraint this year because I'm ONLY watching the new 2012 movies because I'm pretty sure I've seen all of the others.  These movies are basically Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty type movies for grownup women.  Instead of riding up to save the day on a white horse it's now the latest Infiniti, BMW or Mercedes.  The plots may change slightly but they all have three things in common: it's Christmas time, there's a woman (beautiful) and a man (handsome).  It's the stuff of fairy tales.

One of the major players suffers from one or several of the following: a bah humbug attitude, broke and down on their luck (always seems to be the woman) and/or an indifferent, rich, self-centered guy.  You know the drill - beautiful music is played, Romeo waltzes in to the shop/office/house and sees Juliet and knows in a brief moment that she's the one.  I know the story changes slightly from movie to movie but in the end all is well, snow is falling (gently) and Romeo and Juliet are together and the movie ends on a high note.

Even with all the over the top sugary goodness of these movies I still enjoy parking myself on the sofa and watching each and every one of them.  My theory is that the fantasy world is often times better than the reality world we live in.  To be sure there are real life Romeo's who swoop in to save a woman.  I know it's true, I live with one.  When I met Jeff I was only making $100 a week before taxes and my cupboards were bare.  No carols were playing in the background when Jeff invited me out for our first date but that didn't matter to me or him.  He didn't drive a fancy $50,000 automobile it was an old Chevy Malibu - but it was white!  In true Hallmark love story style, he paid off a dress I had on lay-away and bought me groceries - not quite as romantic as what's on tv - but made all the difference to me at the time.  As far as I was concerned my true life hero had arrived.

My Tivo recording schedule to set for the next week with my once a year romantic marathon of movies.  I don't subject Jeff to watching them with me - I get that they are a tad (okay maybe more than a tad) over the top but the boy meets girl story is still my favorite.

Have a great Monday because I will.  Stacey and Ben are coming down this afternoon to spend the night with us and it's been a while since we've seen him.  That one email message from Stacey has made my day - so this Monday is going to be fantastic!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holly Run Recap


Holly Run Recap

I'm back and I know you all missed me.  The Holly Run for 2012 was perhaps not the most successful and we have Mother Nature to thank for that.  The Bay Bridge Airport which is the operation base for the pilot's mission was socked in with fog which prevented anyone (with brains) from flying in or out   

While Jeff made and received calls and checked the weather frequently, my friend and I had coffee and had a long uninterrupted chat - the kind you can't have at work - because work gets in the way!  An hour after we were supposed to leave, we loaded up and took off for Frederick.  Once there we could see the lower visibility at the airport which meant a lot of standing around at the flight school while instructors, students and pilots all eager to be on their way discussed the weather.

While waiting out Mother Nature we wandered over to the airport's restaurant which is homey and serves good food in a casual and friendly atmosphere.  Those of you who live in the area should have a meal at the airport restaurant - you won't be disappointed and you'll get to see planes land and take off.  Jeff found pilots to sit with and my friend and I enjoyed our "free" breakfast on Jeff while sitting alone and engaging in more girl talk.

After a lot of back and forth and many hours later than we were supposed to have departed, Jeff decided to fly directly to Tangier Island which had clear weather.  I took the backseat of the plane which allows me to nap relatively unnoticed and allowed my friend to be copilot.  I guess the flight was smooth but I wouldn't know I slept all the way and because the plane is loud - nobody would know if I was snoring (ladylike of course)!

After we landed we could see a line of residents and children standing by the fence waiting.  For us?  Nope for Santa and he wasn't there.  In fact nobody was.  There was one young chatty high schooler pilot who had flown in for the day and us.  A true disappointment for the locals.  We unloaded all the paper products we had brought to donate to the soup kitchen and walked to the church to put money in their cash box.  It is a beautiful little church and one of the things I like best about it is that the parishioners are able to leave a personal item in the pews.  We saw pillows and what looked like some kind of hearing aid devices in several pews.  Clearly, whoever owns those things must return to the same spot every Sunday.  How refreshing it must be to just leave something sitting around and know it will be there when you return in a week.

Lorraine's is a local restaurant that is open all year was told to expect 100 diners and so she was prepared with her crab cakes and soups.  Unfortunately, at the time we sat down for lunch there were us, the chatty high schooler and another pilot who had just flown in for the day and knew nothing about the Holly Run.  A huge disappointment for the restaurant.  We had crab cakes and vegetable crab soup which was so good we bought several pints to go.  They put our "to go" soup in glass canning jars wrapped in foil - no cardboard carry out containers for them.  We also had the homemade apple crisp and took one of those for the road, minus the ice cream.  

After lunch there was no reason to stick around, we had been told by the restaurant owner, who was in touch with the coordinator of the Holly Run, that Santa was being driven to Cambridge and would fly in around 2:30.  We decided to head back to Frederick with soup and dessert in hand.  I assume that the return flight was as smooth as the earlier flight but again wouldn't know - had another nap.  What a perfect day.

While on the island we met a woman whose daughter is a teacher at the school who told us that the school has lost it's funding and they are in desperate need of school supplies, which none of us had been told about. Jeff made sure that the coordinator of the event knew this and when we got home found a general email to pilots asking for school supplies.  The plan is to return to the island next Saturday armed with school supplies.  Jeff and I will go shopping this week to get our donations bought and I think I will also include some arts and crafts supplies in our package.  Notebook paper and pencils are needed but foam shapes and glitter is more fun!

To my local readers - the food at the restaurant is amazing and it was written up in the July 2012 issue of Southern Living.  You should make the trip over and I know a pilot that would be happy to take you any time you're ready.  When you visit you could bring your donations of paper goods, school supplies or you name it and leave it at the restaurant.  This is a small island and Lorraine will get those items to the right people.

Happy Sunday.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...