Wednesday, December 5, 2012




Gifts are well - gifts and at certain times throughout the year expected even though we are adults and know that it's better to give than to receive.  But let's be honest here who doesn't like being on the receiving end once in a while?  All of us?  I thought so.

But I want to talk about UNEXPECTED gifts for they are treasures.  On Sunday night, Stacey (DIL) gave Jeff and I one of those unexpected gifts.  Stacey offered to bring Ben up to our house on Monday afternoon and stay the night so that we could see him before they leave for Disney World this week.  When I read her email I cried (happy tears) because I was so overjoyed because Stacey was willing to drive here and stay the night when I'm sure she had better things to do.  By coming to stay at the house she afforded Jeff and I time with Ben which due to schedules, we hadn't seen in a few weeks. 

This gift of a visit was better than anything that could be bought at a store.  And, I would take this gift eagerly any time it was offered.  Who wouldn't?  After dinner on Monday night, we sat down to watch a new movie I had bought for Ben about Santa Claus and his dog's puppies.  We had popcorn and snuggled and had some chocolate milk when Stacey wasn't looking!

Bedtime brought our regular rituals with Ben - he hides books under my pillow and I pretend not to notice until I lay down and everything is so lumpy.  He laughs and laughs while I pound my pillow trying to get comfy - and then I look underneath and see all the books!  This is a great game and one he and I don't tire of.  Once the books are "discovered" then Ben and I do serious negotiating on exactly how many of these books I'm going to read.  I'm not much of a negotiator so Ben generally wins by always sneaking in just ONE more.  We have a tickle and throw the pillows around for a bit before we settle down and get our last hug and kiss for the night.  While Jeff and I might not get the best sleep when he's in our bed because he's hot and kicks quite a bit - we're okay with that. 

Stacey had offered to wrap gifts for me while I was at work and she was waiting out the rush hour traffic to go back home.  We have established that I'm all about the hunt and couldn't care less about the wrapping.  While Ben visited with the neighbor Stacey was kind enough to wrap Ben's packages and a few others as well.  The wrapping Stacey did on the gift for my boss is beautiful - the bow is exquisite - it's almost too pretty to unwrap!  

Thanks to Stacey I spent all day Monday at work in good spirits (which is hard to pull off on a Monday) in anticipation of the evening.  I'm all in favor of regularly scheduled gifts - but when they just come out of no where - they are super special and should be treasured.  Our visit with Stacey and Ben on Monday was both of those things.


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