Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Buying a Car


Buying a Car

Jeff and I look at the car buying experience differently.  In our 38 year history we have only bought 10 cars and most of them were used.  One of the things that I hate about car buying is  standing around, posturing and the debate about the price and/or options.  I'm an instant gratification kind of gal, if you go in to look (i.e., buy) a car - then buy a car.  I don't want to "kick the tires" and test drive a car only to go home in the old one.  I don't believe you can look at cars, puppies or kittens without wanting one.  

During the car buying experience Jeff would prefer I was more like Cool Hand Luke with a solid poker face.  Apparently, it doesn't help price negotiations if you're jumping around while extolling all the virtues of the car in question.  Who knew?  

Jeff is interested in the tires, the engine and gas mileage.  Boring stuff like that.  You want to know what a woman wants to know about tires?  There should be a minimum of four tires, they should be round and black - because black goes with everything.  

I'm interested in the newest gadgets designed for my comfort - the seats (heated), fabulous stereo system and Xenon headlights are a must (helps old people see in the dark).  I don't use cruise control ever so I have no idea how to set it, I don't know which buttons you push and in which succession to set the clock in my car and after two years just recently learned how to move the steering wheel!

Once the test drive and all of my oohing and aahing is over, we always have to go into the "office" to discuss money.  Boring.  It is generally in this office that I daydream myself far away.  I don't discuss down payments, trade in's and extended warranty options.  Sometimes I just walk away, find the nearest comfy chair and a cup of coffee.  I'll know the deal is done when I sign papers and get new keys.  

The trading in of a car is hard for me.  I develop an attachment to my cars and it's always difficult to say good-bye.  I treat my cars well and don't allow them to get all scrummy inside with crumbs and spilled drinks.  This last time we bought a car I was exchanging a perfectly good car for another car that looked exactly the same, even down to the color.  The difference was that the car we were buying was a few years newer and had features we wanted (notice I didn't see needed).

So when we pulled out of the dealer's lot in our shiny, new car I couldn't help but look over one last time at my faithful friend whose only fault had been an expired warranty.  There are certain cars that because of their high maintenance costs are generally traded in just about the time that the warranty runs out.  This was true for my old car and will be true of the one I'm currently driving.

If you find yourself "adopting" a used car - treat it kindly.  It might have belonged to me!


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