Monday, December 31, 2012




Happy New Year's Eve!  I don't personally know anybody who dons a sparkly dress and goes out dancing tonight - but if you are - have a good time.  Me?  It's beef stew for dinner followed by some amount of  crappy television shows that I could find to record.  Believe me I really had to search to find anything even remotely worth watching.  We haven't sat up to watch the ball drop in years, we just don't care that much.  My theory is that the world doesn't need me to stay up and wait for the new year to come in - it will happen whether I'm up or not.  And a girl does need her beauty sleep.

Today is also the day when I take down the "official" Bassett calendar that is on the refrigerator all year and move over the pertinent data to the 2013 calendar!  Yes this is a big deal and it's how I keep track of how old everybody is, including myself!  I will of course shred the 2012 calendar so that nobody other than me (and anybody visiting the house) will know how old everybody is!  Just wanted you to know how seriously I take security of personal information.  Because I know that not everybody wants their age blowing around at the local dump.

Read an interesting statistic yesterday.  Most Americans read 4 books a year.  Really?  I can read 4 books in a week provided that they are (a) interesting; and (b) people will leave me alone so that I can read.  Now Jeff will tell you that I don't really "read" my books - mostly true.  I tend to speed scan a page and if happens to be a good page, I read it all - if not - I get the gist and move on.  I have been a fast reader (or scanner) all my life and that isn't likely to change unless someday I end up having to listen to recorded books.  Of course we all know that recording devices have a fast forward button!

Jeff and I went out yesterday and hit the grocery stores but were able to avoid the obvious party and/or football aisles - soda, chips, cheese, pizza, alcohol and sparkling cider.  The Redskins game was late and we don't normally watch football BUT this was an important game to everybody in the DC area, so we watched.  Correction - Jeff watched and I apparently snored!  But Jeff tells me this morning that the Redskins won so everybody will be very happy today.  The last time the Redskins won a Super Bowl, Kenny was in high school and we allowed him to ditch school to go into DC to watch the parade. So that's been more than a year or two.

I took today off from work to make the most out of a holiday - four days off - yeah!  At this point in my life I would almost rather have extra time off than a raise.  Notice I said almost.  I generally do take at least one day a month off just to stay home and recharge.  I suppose at some point in the future I might even consider proposing a shortened workweek for myself.  I'll probably save that thought for when I turn 65.  

So since today is a free day for me, I guess after breakfast and blogging, Jeff and I will force ourselves to go upstairs and sit in the office for some yet undetermined amount of hours and do paperwork (ugh).  The year end is upon us and Jeff has his accounting thing to do and I have my filing of all things dated 2012.  Perhaps I can convince Jeff to play oldies on Pandora because there is nothing like a little rock and roll to get your heart started and the filing done faster!

If you're going out tonight - be safe.  


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