Saturday, December 29, 2012




Yes people it's getting to be that time of the year again when everybody bans together with one purpose - to plan their New Year's resolutions that everybody KNOWS never stick.  Why do we do this to ourselves year after year?  Habit, routine or tradition?

I opened up the ads in today's paper and there is nothing on sale except for: running shoes, treadmills, weights, and athletic gear.  Well none of that appeals to me - so I'm not tempted to move off of my sofa.  Every year you hear the same resolutions: I will lose "x" pounds (that never happens), I will look for a new job, I will be nicer to (insert name here), I will give up smoking/drinking/eating, I will exercise four days a week (or perhaps more likely 4 minutes a week).  By February 1st everybody has forgotten what it is they "promised" they would do differently and we are back to the same old routine and in one year exactly we will start it all over again.  Like a horrible television re-run.

Besides the part about losing weight or being nicer (who could be nicer than me?), I thought about some things I MIGHT be willing to do this year - notice the word might.

I might throw out the fourteen boxes of horse grain cereals that were bought on a whim and are hardly digestible, except possibly by horses.  If I have to eat this kind of food to live a long life - then I'd rather go sooner than later!

I might toss out one or two pairs of shoes that are so far back in the closet that getting them out will resemble an archaeological dig - as well as require major dusting.

I might empty out the bottom of my pantry and see what exactly is underneath all those boxes and plastic containers.  Then again - maybe I would be better off not knowing.

I might go into the chest freezer and pull out the frozen dinners bought in 1986 that I'm pretty sure are no longer edible. Of course pulling them out of the freezer will first involve chiseling them out from where they have become permanently attached to the sides of the freezer!

I might read a classic novel instead of the romantic garbage that I currently enjoy.  Pretty sure that's not going to happen.  Asking me to read a classic novel would be akin to asking me to read the front page of the paper - never gonna happen.  If something bad is occurring - Jeff will tell me - otherwise I'll stick to the comic page.

I might actually fully empty out the dishwasher occasionally.  I put emptying out the dishwasher right up there with taking clothes out of the dryer and PUTTING them away.  Blah.  I "empty" the dishwasher but I have several measuring cups that have remained inside for a year or two now - they are super clean!  My theory is that the dishwasher will get lonely if it's entirely empty - so I leave some things behind - and I swear I'll take them out next time.  Truth?  That never happens.

I do know what I WILL do in 2013.  I will continue my journey to get and remain sane.  I will continue to spoil Benjamin rotten.  I will try and not lose my way with my writing and/or blogging and I will try and be the best mother, mother-in-law, wife and friend that I can be.  If I can accomplish one or all of these things - then I'll consider my year a success.

For those of you not living in Maryland - it's snowing outside and it looks like a good day to start up the oven and bake something (because I don't have to diet until Tuesday)!



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