Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I'm Back


I'm Back

I neglected you for the past few days all in the name of "fa-la-la", but that's over. I'm back at my desk (admittedly a little later than 5:00 am) and trying to decide what pearls of wisdom I want to share with you today.  Come to think of it, I don't have any pearls today.

As I write (for those of you on the West Coast), we have snow covered roofs and cars, but not roads and there is definitely something falling out of the sky and I think it's sleet which isn't nearly as nice as snow.  A beautiful way to wake up - especially I don't have to work today.  Since I have to go to work tomorrow I'm expecting a perfectly sunny day for commuting.  Only time will tell.

For Jeff and I we had more than our usual amount of holiday gatherings, which normally is one.  We spent Christmas Eve at the home of friends and had such a wonderful time we stayed until 1:00 in the morning.  Yes you read right - hours and hours beyond my bedtime.  Funny thing was that I wasn't a bit sleepy UNTIL I got in the car for the ride home!  Last night we went to Stacey's parents' house and had a wonderful meal, got to see Ben's toys and played a game called Fact or Crap.  Turns out I don't know very much at all!  So just in case you're counting that is TWO nights in a row that we were out!  If we keep this up we will become social butterflies.

Today, it's back up to the "office" where some serious paper pushing must begin because we're coming down to year end and that means a lot of last minute accounting and reporting. I suppose I might even try and reduce my filing pile into something more manageable - or easier yet would be to stuff everything in to a box, label it 2012 and store it away!  Finding something in the box would only be a problem if in six months I HAD to actually find a certain bill, paystub, etc.

I have some new books waiting for me on my Kindle and of course my Ebay gift certificates are practically burning a hole in my wallet.  I know that the gift certificates will not expire in the next 20 minutes - but you never know.   You know my theory - life is uncertain so east your dessert first.  Well gift certificates are like that too.  You got 'em so use 'em and use 'em now!  Why wait?  It never occurs to me that in a month or two something might come along on Ebay that will take my breath away and my "money" will all be gone.  I'm all about today and I've already done some preliminary browsing and have seen a couple of Murano clowns that would make a nice addition to my collection!

I hope you have a wonderful day, whatever you do.


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