Wednesday, December 12, 2012




Yes my friends my well of inspiration is empty today most likely because I forgot what I was going to write about!  I think I do my best writing when thoughts pop into my head unexpectedly.  I'll be driving to work and something will come to mind and all I HAVE to do is not forget what I wanted to write about!  Sometimes that remembering thing can be tricky.  Do I really forget or do I choose to forget?  Hmm.  

Unpleasant things are conveniently "forgotten".  Sometimes if you forget long enough - whatever it was that you didn't want to do will go away.  Take documents on your desk at work, if you don't process them when they arrive and they sit around in a "to do" folder, they become dusty and if you're lucky irrelevant. 

I attended (because it was required) a lecture from a guy who talked about the red dot process.  His theory was that the minute you pick up a document of any kind, you should act upon it right then.  If you don't, then you have to put a red dot on the paper (I would suggest using a sticky) AND each time you handle, but don't process, you put down another red dot.  If you do this long enough your sticky will be completely covered!  

At work I'm very good about using the red dot system.  I file my work, shred my confidential documents, and return all emails and phone calls each day.  I wish I could tell you that I was this organized at home - because I'm not.  At home there are things to distract me - like television for instance.  The filing at home is voluminous and I only deal with it when the pile falls over!  I have been known to move the pile from my desk into a trash can (a small one) which I hide in a spare bedroom to be dealt with another day.  Unfortunately, that day hasn't arrived around here in quite awhile.  It's not like I couldn't put my hands on a required document, I'd just have to go through my secret stash of unfiling to find it!

Maybe next year I'll be better about filing at home - but likely I will just FORGET.  You know what they say - out of sight is out of mind. 

Happy Wednesday


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