Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ten Unforgettable Moments


Ten Unforgettable Moments

That's the challenge for today.  Should be easy don't you think?  But as I discovered in writing this - not always.

Here's my first attempt:

1. Birth of son
2. Wedding day to Jeff
3. Birth of son
4. Birth of son
5. Vacation in Hawaii
6. Travel to England with Dad
7. Move to Maryland
8. Watch youngest son graduate from college
9. Birth of Benjamin
10. Getting an article published

Okay, that was easy.  Now suppose we had to list 10 moments that didn't include the birth of your children (I'll give you grandchildren or else I would have to exclude Benjamin) or your wedding day.  The challenge becomes harder.  Have a look

1. Vacation in Hawaii
2. Travel to England with Dad
3. Move to Maryland
4. Move into a brand new house
5. Watch youngest son graduate from college
6.Birth of Benjamin (not my child so it counts)
7. Getting an article published
8. Flying to Harbor Island

Okay as I write number 8 I'm already in stall mode.  Really?  I can't think of two more unforgettable moments in my life?  I know my life bears no resemblance to an action packed movie but it's certainly not bogged down in quicksand.  Or is it?

I don't suppose mastering the Tivo remote really counts and neither does figuring out the recycling schedule on holiday weeks!

I think number 9, while not a happy day, was attending to my father's final wishes when he passed away.  It's a day I have never forgotten and it's been 17 years.  The crossing of his ankles, the rolled up Playboy magazine, peanuts and money in his pocket were all part of his request.  Hard as it was Jeff and I made sure that he took his final journey with everything he considered necessary

Okay we're down to number 10 and my brain has now completely jelled over.  I'm sure there must be ONE more unforgettable moment that I've experienced.  Why can't I think of it?  Perhaps because it's so close to me that I can't see it.

Number 10 is the development of a close friendship with a neighbor who helped me care for Benjamin after he was born.  We didn't know each other, had nothing in common and yet the relationship clicked.  And 4 years later it's still good.  I consider her an angel that was intentionally dropped in front of me so that I could not ignore the help and friendship she was offering. She was a lifesaver and I'm thankful for whatever higher power, fate or whatever you'd like to call it, made it happen.

Why don't you try and come up with your own list.  And, if by chance you consider reading this blog unforgettable - I'm okay with that!!!!!

Have a great Wednesday.


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