Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Rain Again


If the old saying holds true about April showers bring  May flowers, then people we are in for a most spectacular display of flowers in the coming weeks.  Rain, unlike snow, seems to just seep into your body and leaves you wet and cold.  At least when it's snowing, while it might be an inconvenience if it's a lot of snow, it covers the ground with such a beautiful white blanket.  For me, I'd much prefer snow.  Of course I can say that because since I'm not working, and I don't have to deal with driving on traffic congested and snow laden roads.  

The other problem with rain which has stuck around for the last two days, and sometimes a lot of rain, is that it's hard to find your happy spot when it's so dark outside.  Your natural inclination is to put yourself back to bed and pull the covers up and wait for sunshine.  Since we can't do that, I definitely use my "SAD" light while doing my morning blog.  My SAD light doesn't make me happy, but it does give me a high amount of lumens which is supposed to help with winter sadness (or the blues).  I use it every morning for about 20 minutes.  Does it help?  I know it doesn't hurt.  I also have a small SAD light that I kept at the office and can use throughout the day while I'm reading or knitting.

Thanks to the warmer weather and possibly some help from the rain, our dogwood tree is in full bloom.  Our dogwood has white flowers and is beautiful at this time of the year.  Years ago I had a neighbor who had heard about some blight that affected dogwood trees. My tree didn't appear to be infected, but she encouraged me to cut it down all the same.  Glad I didn't take her advice.

Jeff is venturing out today to pick up some computer part, a big and heavy part, for Scott.  Thankfully, he's going to deliver this part directly to Scott's house.  The trip will take him about 2 hours each way and while he invited me to come along, I declined. Scott has had the truck for several months while he was taking sinks, cupboards and the like from his townhouse.  The truck is back and it looks good in the driveway.  You never think you'll miss a truck, until you trim trees or bushes and have to stuff all of that into paper bags.  Much more fun to just fill up the bed of the truck!  The truck's license plate "Blue Ox" was named so for a reason!

Hope you're having a sunny day.


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Retirement Chores


For the last couple of weeks I have discovered the satisfaction of some chores that, while working, never got around to.  I don't mean the regular stuff, like vacuuming and dusting and cleaning bathrooms; nope, I'm talking about seriously getting organized.

We have two filing cabinets where we obviously (duh) keep papers, of all sorts.  There are the paid bills, insurance policies, car repairs, etc.  Since I'm a lady of leisure, I decided it was time to start culling out the papers.  I mean who really needs to keep repair bills for a vehicle we owned in 2000?  Nobody, but when I opened the filing cabinet, there they were.  Because I'm a bit on the anal side, I have a separate folder for each of our vehicles.  This is a good way to store repair bills, etc., for each car.  Unfortunately, not only did I have folders for the present cars, but for any vehicle we bought since we moved here in 1986!  Think it's time to purge?  Yup.

I took a large laundry basket and while going through all the folders in the cabinets, began chucking out the old and unnecessary documents into my basket for shredding.  I saw no need to continue keeping paid Visa bills from 2005, as an example.  Yesterday, I brought down a very full laundry basket full of papers all in need of shredding.  With identity theft so prevalent these days, we don't like putting anything in the trash bearing our name.  Might be overkill, but it never hurts to be proactive.  

I filled up two large plastic bags yesterday of shred and my basket is almost empty and I'm filling pretty good about that.  I still have more cabinet drawers to go through, but after I finish shredding today, I'll take a rest from that particular chore, and move on to something else - like cleaning the fridge!

I now have time to organize my closets, especially my shoes.  I envy those women who have all their shoes sitting side-by-side; or, even better in clear plastic boxes.  The bottom of my closet is a jumble of shoes and slippers.  The only time this "system" doesn't work is when I'm looking for a mate to a particular shoe - and can't easily find it!

I have purged out my clothes that either: (a) didn't fit; or (b) just didn't like anymore.  Confession: most of the things that I set out yesterday fell into the (a) category!  Then I took retention boxes and began the boring task of putting short sleeve tops in one box, long sleeves in another, etc.  I even MARKED the front of each box (how organized is that?).  The challenge now is will I really put the right clothes in the right box after doing laundry?  Or, will I take the folded clothes and toss them on top of one of the boxes?  I'm hoping that I can continue with the organization of my "play" clothes.  My "going out" outfits are at the top of the closet, so that they will not suffer from the normal day-to-day stains.  

I also gave to my daughter-in-law several boxes of my higher end clothes so that she can take pictures (and she takes great pictures) and I'll try and sell these items on Ebay.  The hardest part of selling on Ebay is having really great pictures of each item.  The camera on my phone just doesn't take decent pictures.  I'm not expecting to ever make a bundle of money selling on Ebay, but it's definitely worth a try.

For now, I'm going back to shredding.  I will be very satisfied when the basket is empty and I can (later, much later), fill it up again!


Monday, April 28, 2014

Insurance Companies and Paperwork


It's a glorious day outside, though a little on the chilly side.  And, I'm inside.  Why?  Because today I have to deal with an insurance company about my 2013 benefits - namely my health care spending account.  We deposited money in that account last year, but there was so much going on that submitting claims for reimbursement fell through the cracks.  This is not surprising.

Today's challenge is to ask the insurance company if it's too late to submit claim(s) for reimbursement, and I hope the answer is no.  If not, then we made payments to that account and pretty much threw our money away.  

There were many challenges for us last year, not the least of which is managing the medical bills.  It almost feels as if you need an advanced degree in I'm not sure what to muddle your way through the minefields with facilities and doctors.  You almost need a spreadsheet to help keep track of bills and payments!

Since I'm home, and as a newlywed I promised Jeff that I would handle the paperwork, I'm doing just that, and it's a lot of work.  It's probably a good thing that I have so much free time, even though I'd pretty much do anything else (even mopping the kitchen floor) than sit on hold and speak to someone, who will transfer you to someone else, before you lose the connection, and you have to start all over again!

Once I'm done with my "work", I will then be able to go outside and play in the sunshine, which I will enjoy very much.

Have a sunny day.



Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spring Time


Today is the perfect day to be outside, doing something or perhaps nothing at all.  The sun is out and after yesterday's downpour you can almost see the leaves appearing on trees and perennials popping out of the ground.

After I finish my "chores", I may take myself and a book and take a lawn chair out into the yard and collect some much needed Vitamin D!  Oh, and while I'm doing that, perhaps I can start working on getting some color on my pasty white legs!  Gone are the days when I purposely wanted to tan, but any little color I get now, makes my body look better (or perhaps that's just my optimism)!!

As the temperature warms up today, I make wash my car.  I love nothing better than playing in water and what better excuse for doing so, then having a clean car.  I'm not a great or even good washer, but I hit all the low spots (you can just forget about the roof) and have always thought that cars run better when they're clean.  You don't have to tell me - I already know I'm strange.

Even though it's nice outside, there are still things that I must do inside.  I made macaroni salad yesterday, so I can check that off my list.  Today I'm going to make meat loaf with baked potatoes.  For dessert I'm going to blend a mix of frozen berries into cool whip and freeze. Quick, relatively low calories and a favorite.  You do have to allow for some thawing time before trying to chip away (literally) a piece to eat.  But the reward is worth the wait.

I've been diligently cleaning out my closets and I have two large bags of clothing to put out for tomorrow's pick-up.  I had a lot of clothes that I either didn't wear; or no longer fit me.  :)  As I purged the closet and saw all the extra room, I have decided I like it that way.  Oh don't get me wrong, with enough free time on my hands and some bargains on Ebay, I will probably clutter up the closet again.  What I'm trying to get rid of is most of my work clothes, which I obviously no longer need.  I remind Jeff of how much money we're saving by not having to buy seasonal work clothes! My wardrobe now consists of jeans, capris and tops, which are all relatively cheap to buy.  

So when I put my two bags of clothing out on the front porch today, I'm confident that the clothes will be of use to somebody, and likely to somebody who really needs clothes. It's my good deed for the day.


Saturday, April 26, 2014



I apologize for my blogging hiatus, but some days when I get up, my mind becomes a blank as far as writing goes. Confession:  some days it's not only my blogging that comes up empty, it's every thing in general!!!  

It's springtime in the East and our weather at this time of year can be pretty erratic.  Yesterday, for instance, we had colder weather with a stiff wind and rain - lots of it.  Mind you it only seemed to be a downpour when I was either getting in or out of the car!  And, if I don't have to be outside when it's raining, then I say let it rain.

We all know that spring showers bring out the best in the lawns and budding trees and flowers.  Unfortunately, it also brings out the "best" in weeds sprouting in flower beds.  The beauty of spring is how almost blinding the lawns become.  We're talking vibrant green and since I gave up mowing several years ago, I can appreciate that beauty knowing that I no longer have to tend to it.  I willingly gave up someone to clean my house, but I'm hanging on to lawn service.

So after yesterday's downpour, I woke up this morning to a beautiful blue sky and bright sunshine.  It's the perfect day for taking my lawn chair out in the yard, grab up a book and collect some much needed rays.  Not only is the sunshine good for my brain (which could use all the help it can get), and as an added bonus start working on a little tan for my legs.  It's been years since I actually seriously worked on having a real tan.  The kind of tan where your legs look better in shorts (if you still wear them) and bathing suits. Mind you it doesn't matter how much of a tan I get - looking better in a bathing suit - is a real stretch!  Of course the older I get, the less I care!

Jeff has a beautiful morning to take the plane out and make "whirlies" in the air.  He is taking someone with him who is in the process of taking flying lessons.  I think they're flying to Ocean City for lunch - again it's the $100 hamburger - but it will do wonders for Jeff's spirits, and I hardly endorse him going out to have some much needed fun.

As for me, I'm going to make macaroni salad which I haven't made in a very long time and is a family favorite, and then get myself outside.



Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Benjamin


Today is Benjamin's 6th birthday!!!!  He's growing up and is no longer a "little" boy.  As he continually grows up, I still miss the rocking chair and putting Benjamin to sleep.  There is nothing quite like a baby or small child asleep in your arms.

I don't know about you, but there are many times that I look back with longing for the little boy.   I used to think it would be lovely if you could put a child in a bubble, so that they didn't have to grow up!  With every year that passes, Benjamin becomes older, which is a good thing, and more independent, also a good thing.  Mom Mom doesn't have to like the fact that he's no longer a little boy sitting on her lap. 

I watched my boys grow up and became good men, and I'm proud of them both.  My hope is that as Benjamin becomes an adult, that he will also be a good man.  Benjamin has so much empathy for people and animals at this young age, that I have no doubt that this will continue as he grows up.

I remember fondly driving Benjamin back and forth to work listening to his mostly non-stop cheerful babbling in the back seat.  He had a sunny disposition as a baby and toddler and it was a joy just to be around him.

Even though he's much older now, there is no greater delight than when we visit him, and he throws himself at me and hollers "Mom Mom" using his best outside voice!  A hug and kiss from a small child is nothing short of heaven.

Tonight we are going to have pizza and cake with Benjamin and his parents as well as Stacey's parents.  I wasn't around last year for his birthday, a fact that hurts me still.  I am definitely going to make the most out of tonight and can't wait to see the joy on his face while he opens presents.

Happy birthday Benjamin.  Mom Mom and Pop Pop love you very much.



Monday, April 21, 2014

Post Easter


Once again the bunny has come and gone.  Since the boys are all grown up, he doesn't stop at our house anymore.  One good thing about no Easter Bunny, is that there are no eggs that haven't been found, until you smell them!  Folks, that's not a good thing I promise you.

Each year, Jeff and I would hide the eggs and as they got older, the hiding places were harder for the boys to find.  One year we balanced an egg on top of the ceiling fan!  Took them forever to find that one.  Good thing nobody turned the fan on, or we would have had scrambled eggs. And our bunny didn't just color a dozen eggs - nope, he really got into it and generally there were 24 eggs to find around the house.

As a child, I remember the Easter baskets Mom used to give us.  The baskets were stuffed with peeps (gads what a horrible candy), chocolate bunnies (always eat the ears first), sometimes little chenille chickens and an assortment of other candy sure to rot our teeth.  And it was fun. 

Now when you go to the store, you see these prepackaged baskets that are 90% grass and 10% some kind of candy and a toy.  The baskets are all wrapped up in colorful cellophane and ribbons, but those are not something I would ever buy.  Children are so happy with almost anything, and while it does take time to color the eggs, and it's messy besides, they are so proud of their outlandish colored eggs.  The boys would dye the eggs one color, perhaps blue, and then dunk it back in another color and more often than not the bunny had to hide really drab brown looking eggs!

I made a nice dinner for Jeff and I.  I had ham, scalloped potatoes and corn casserole (this is a really yummy dish),  For dessert I took a bag of frozen berries (blueberry, strawberry, etc.), added cool whip and put that in bowls and then to the freezer.  Cost nearly nothing to make and wonderful to eat. Caution: trying to eat frozen desserts, such as this, right out of the freezer, is a big mistake.  Better you should let it thaw out a bit.  There is no reason to chip a tooth!



Saturday, April 19, 2014

Cake Batter


You know you're not supposed to eat cake and/or brownie batter, but you do it anyway.  And, likely you've done it for years.  I know I have.  The concern over eating batter is the chance of saminolla (however your spell it) from raw eggs.  I'm sure that it has been scientifically proven somewhere, that raw eggs might make you sick.

Even knowing that, most of us make sure there isn't a lick of batter left on the beaters, scrapers or the bowl.  When I bake something, I generally leave a little bit more than necessary in the bowl :)!  They now make cake batter ice cream, so someone thought up the smart idea to give people to of their favorite things: cake batter and ice cream.  Just think of the convenience - no more cutting cake and scooping out ice cream.  You can now scoop and eat!

When the boys were home and I was making a cake, I made sure that I left a little more batter in the bowl than I could have.  Since a child and raising the boys, who all ate cake batter, none of us ever came to harm.

Oh, I take that back.  There was one lesson the boys learned early on - you don't lick the beaters while the mixer is still plugged in!

Maybe today is the perfect day for making a cake.  I do happen to have a mix in the cupboard as well as vanilla ice cream in the freezer.  I can almost taste it.



Friday, April 18, 2014

Drive-In Movie Theaters


Are you old enough to remember these?  With few exceptions, for many years as a child, we loaded up the car, complete with goodies to eat and drink, and went to the drive-in.  The thicket price was per vehicle, so if you could cram 10 people inside - still one price.  It was a true bargain.  Of course, Mom and Dad sat up front and that left us kids in the back to work out who was sitting where.

Dad would pull up into one of the parking spots and once parked, would reach for the old gray speaker that attached to the side of his window.  There was generally a playground where kids played before the movie and cartoons began.  The sound coming through the speaker was a bit scratchy, but the screen was large and even in the back row of the parking area, you could see the movie.  Although, come to think of it, I don't suppose those folks in the back were actually watching the movie!

Of course, yours truly having the world's smallest bladder, always had to go to the bathroom midway through the movie.  The advantage of being in your own car meant that you didn't have to hunch down and slink through the aisle trying to avoid getting in the way of other people watching the movie.

I don't remember what admission was back in the 60's for a movie, but I know that my folks would be shocked by today's prices of $8.00+ for one ticket!  Apparently, Tuesdays is Senior Citizens Day and if there is a movie I want to see, I should be going on Tuesday.

On our first date, Jeff and I went to a drive-in and saw Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.  He had taken me out for dinner prior to the movie, and I didn't finish my dinner.  Unfortunately, during the movie I could almost smell the buttered popcorn calling to me.  Since I didn't eat all of my dinner, I was reluctant to ask for popcorn!  Solution: I got out of the car more than once just so that I could inside the concession stand and inhale!  How pitiful is that?

Jeff would rather watch movies at home, where you can pause the movie, pop your own popcorn and go to the bathroom when the mood hits you.  But, he has expressed interest in seeing the new Johnny Depp movie that is coming out, I think it's Zorro.  If we go to see that movie, that will mean that Jeff has been to not one but two movies in the same year.  This is big news people.

I should be scrubbing my kitchen floor, but that sounds like such a drag, that I'm off to the store to buy wrapping paper for Benjamin's birthday next week.

Enjoy your day.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Reading Obsession


Ever since I was a child, I have loved, spelt with a capital "L" books.  While I can't exactly remember my parents reading to me at bedtime, I do remember the Little Golden Books, which are still being sold today, though I doubt that they are as popular now as they were then.

Long before I became an adult, and a regular at the library, whenever we were shopping at the PX, I could generally convince my folks to buy me a book or two.  I know I read all of Nancy Drew and Bobbsey Twins books plus Little Women (such a classic).  

When I became a teenager, I ventured into books by Danielle Steel and Harold Robbins.  Of the two authors, Harold wins every time.  Though I'm pretty sure Mom didn't approve of my reading The Carpetbaggers, but at least she didn't toss it out either.  By today's standards, Carpetbaggers is so tame, compared to what you can read today, where many books are not what I would consider "G" rated!

I can not tell you how many times I got into trouble for not getting my work done around the house.  Every time Mom would call me to do something, I always answered "in a minute".  Both of us knew that my absence was going to be longer than a minute.  I just had to get to the next page or chapter.  Think how great it would be to have had books on tape - you could wash dishes and still visualize some hunky man (rich, of course), lounging at the beach!

I don't remember ever seeing my Mom read a book.  Occasionally, Dad, would read a Louis D'Amour book, which I think was about the Wild West.  Do you remember the Reader's Digest Condensed Books?  Mom and Dad had those and while I didn't like every story I read, I enjoyed most.  They were lovely leather bound books with gold printing on the book spine.  

I was off reading after working full-time and raising children.  I still would read, but free time was a precious commodity and I could either nap or read.  Guess which one I picked?  As the boys got older, I began to go to the library regularly.  When I first started working for an insurance company in 1969, I didn't drive, so once a week my boss would give me extra time for lunch, and I would walk (horrors) to the library.  

There have been times when the local library wasn't handy, so I began buying books, which is a delicious, but expensive, hobby.  Initially, hard back books dominated the scene, but eventually paperbacks showed up, and they were cheaper.  I almost never go back and read a book again, and sometimes I send my books to my sister, which I think I would do more frequently, but even opting for the slow snail through China option, it's still pricey.

 Since I'm retired and there is nobody nagging me, I find I have lots of time for reading, and none or little time for housework (you know it's a drag)!

While I was writing this, the lawn people came and I love the smell of freshly mowed grass, and even more so if I don't have to do it.  They were good enough to take with them some of the branches we cut off one of the Cypress trees and cut down to the ground my ornamental grass.  I had done the other two bushes, but it's a lot of work with just hand clippers.  One minute with something electric - and voila the grass is cut!

Some catalogs arrived today, so I'm going to get my water and reading glasses and head for the porch swing.



Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Grass and Weeds


First - a reminder - the tax man cometh today!  File your returns or extensions and get them postmarked today.

As the weather is warming up here, and the sun is out more days than not, you can almost see the grass growing.  The grass is longer in some spots and a bit sparse in others.  We (basically me) gave up mowing our own lawn years ago.  Lawn mowing is like laundry - a never ending chore, and one that I was no longer willing (or probably able) to do any more.  But, oh how I love Tuesdays when the lawn people come and the lawn is freshly cut and looking beautiful.

Also with warm weather and spring rains, something else pops up in the yard, beside grass.  Yup, you guessed it - weeds.  As much as I love to see the grass growing and trees budding, I absolutely hate weeds.  Weeds seem to be everywhere during spring and summer.  Because of our lawn service, we don't see too many dandelions or crab grass, but the weeds in the flower beds is another thing altogether.  

Since I missed out on spring and summer last year, I am reveling in being able to be outdoors, playing the dirt and swing on the porch swing.  You don't know what you've got, until you don't have it anymore.  For months last year, I was never even outside.  The closest I got to watching spring and summer was from windows, which unfortunately didn't give me a view of anything much but the next building.  This year I am making up for lost time and thanking my lucky stars that I'm around to enjoy this beautiful time of the year.

Armed with my gardening gloves and a little digger upper tool (I know there's a technical name, but I don't remember what it is), I grab my little bench and try to keep ahead of the weeds.  Other than having some physical limitations, there is no reason that I shouldn't be able to keep the weeds at bay.  I'll keep you posted on my progress, or lack thereof.  It's raining today so I have a good excuse why I'm not outside!  This is a perfect day for me to grab a book, something to drink and head to the porch swing.  Ah, retirement does have its perks.


Monday, April 14, 2014



Anyone who knows me well, also knows that I have had a longstanding affair with Ebay.  To say I love Ebay would certainly be an understatement. I started shopping on Ebay in 2001 and feedback, both as a seller and a buyer, is key.  To date, I have had 1009 transactions with 100% feedback.  I am a seller's dream customer - quick pay and positive feedback.  In the world of Ebay, such as myself, shy away from a seller who has a lower rating.  That doesn't mean it's a bad seller, but just gives me pause before bidding.

This weekend, I dumped out the contents of my closet(s), and started to become a seller in earnest.  Folks, let me tell you that it is much EASIER to buy than it is to SELL!  First, you have to take pictures, and they have to be clear ones.  So if you're selling a blouse, you need a picture of the whole blouse, back of the blouse as well as the clothing tag.  Trust me when I tell you this takes time - a lot of time!

If you're selling pants, skirts or shorts, you have to provide the length of the item as well as the inseam measurement.  Is the item: preworn, new w/tags, or new w/o tags.  Once you have managed to get good pictures of the item, then you have to describe it.  With the pictures, description is key.  Something like: beautiful, light green and white stripe shirt with 3/4 sleeves and button down collar, blah, blah.  

The only things I've put out this weekend for sale is Benjamin's pajamas and his underwear which were all unworn.  When he was younger, I liked to have a "stash" of these things just in case there was a need.  Since he's outgrown everything in my stash, it's time to sell or donate.  Donating would be much easier - stuff everything into a bag - and give it to Purple Heart or something.

This process of trying to sell stuff is very time-consuming.  But, as Jeff so clearly pointed out I have lots of TIME!  And that's a good thing, due to the length of time it takes to keep taking pictures until they are spot on and then pick a price, including shipping,  that is low enough to create interest and hopefully successful bidding.

Of the things I put out for bid yesterday, I have lots of lots of people viewing my items, but so far no bids.  The seller's fee to Ebay is based on your listing price, so the lower the price the better for the seller.

I virtually now have clothes strewn all over the house: clothes that have already been put on Ebay; clothes waiting to be put on Ebay today, and a whole bunch of clothes that have to be sorted out and then staged for pictures.

I hope it doesn't turn out that I'm a better buyer than I am a seller!  If I don't sell anything it will be hard to not be discouraged, because my listings are very low and are absolutely a bargain for the buyer.

Wish me luck.


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Book Sale


Yesterday was day one of an amazing used book sale at one of the higher end schools ($$$) in our area.  They have had an annual book sale for 46 years, and unfortunately,  this year is their last, and my first!

Jeff took me to the school pretty early in the morning, and while there were a lot people there, I'm sure it would pale in the face of the crowds that will be at the school today and tomorrow.  You are given a map of the location of the different types of books.  There was some serious book readers and/or collectors there.  You could spot them by their little wheeled carts that could probably hold three boxes of books at one time.  Me, I went with only one tote bag because I wasn't sure what I would find there.  

After perusing the place, I could have definitely used two tote bags. The prices were certainly fair and the most you would pay for a book was $5.00.  And $5.00 is a more than fair price for a hardback book.

Not immediately, but I did end up in the children's books and found soooo many books that I wanted to buy for Benjamin.  All the books are hardback and four of them still showed the original price on the books.  Those books prior to the sale would have cost $62.92.  The price I paid for just those four books was a mere $10.00. One book retail was $28.99 and is an 11x14 book called "365 Things to Make and Do".  It's a beautiful book and doesn't look like it's ever been opened.  Benjamin and Stacey will have a lot of fun making things together.

I bought myself half a dozen paperback books from favorite authors.  I saw plenty of books that I wanted but the print was so small that I knew it would be impossible for me to read them.  Unfortunately, the sale didn't include any large print books, which are just about the only books I'm able to read easily now.

For a lifelong book reader, a sale such as this one, was pure heaven.  The sale had books of all genres and while the crowd wasn't immensely huge, there were enough people dragging their little book carts around as well as mothers with strollers as wide as the aisles.  I found most people were courteous and would make enough room for me so that I was able to poke through all the books.  

It was a most satisfying morning for me, because who doesn't like looking at hundreds of books all in one place!  I didn't go overboard on buying books for me simply because my eyesight no longer allows me to read very small print.

So as soon as I have finished this, and folding my laundry, I'm heading out to the front porch swing for reading time. 

It's a beautiful day here in Maryland with lots of sunshine.  A great day to be outdoors.  Enjoy your Saturday.


Thursday, April 10, 2014



When I was a younger adult, I could fall asleep almost anywhere and anytime.  Put me in a car and within minutes I was completely gone.  Now, not so much.  

Lately, I have been in a near constant battle to get to sleep and stay asleep.  I take pills to put me to sleep, and they do.  Trouble is, I don't stay asleep.  Sometime in the early mornings, I wake up.  Unfortunately, the minute I'm awake, so is my brain!  I suffer from the "what if", "why not" as well as "coulda" and "shouda"!  What a curse an active brain can be.

If I get up in the middle of the night, the dogs feel that they also need to be up.  They hop off the bed which wakes up Jeff.  Of course, as soon as I'm downstairs they think it's time for breakfast.  When no food is forthcoming, and if I haven't shut the bedroom door, they will go back to the bedroom and hop on the bed, which also wakes Jeff up.

When I wake up after only 5 or 6 hours of sleep, I don't feel tired, nor am I sleepy, until the early afternoon. Or, if I'm listening to one of my books on tape - that will put me to sleep almost immediately.  I have yet to actually finish a book on tape, but I'm sure getting some good snoozing in!

I believe I have managed to get myself in a never ending circle of not wanting to go to sleep, because I have convinced myself that I'm not going to be able to stay asleep.  And more nights than not, my fear of waking up comes true, probably because I am expecting to do so.

Maybe as we get older, we need less sleep and so my shortened sleep time might be normal for my age!  I keep hoping that not sleeping is just a fluke and won't stick around too long.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Barking Dogs


I live in a neighborhood where the houses are relatively close to one another.  On our street there are also five or six dogs.  Unfortunately, unlike humans who can talk to one another, dogs bark to communicate. 

Even though I have two dogs, the terrier and the lab, they both know that if I'm home incessant barking on their part will produce a rap on the window.  The rap is their signal that they had better get their butts inside the house - or else catch a bad guy trying to get in the house.  

The dog that lives next door, comes out periodically during the day and hollers his hello to Sam and Maggie.  Those dogs could be fast asleep on the floor, but one bark from Murray, and they bolt down the stairs and out the doggy door in seconds.  Once outside, obviously they have to respond.  It's just what dogs do.  It is not, however, what my non-dog owner neighbors like!  Even though I own dogs, I don't like non-stop barking any more than the next person.

The dogs don't respond to the meter reader's presence in the backyard, or when the men come to mow the yard.  They don't even care when UPS drops off a package at the front door.  But, please don't ring the doorbell!  The sound of the doorbell whips the dogs into a frenzy of barking from Maggie and yapping from Sam.  If I know somebody is coming to the house that is not a dog person, I put the dogs in the basement before answering the door.  This does not mean that they remain quiet in the basement - nope - they make sure that I know how annoyed they are to be locked out of the house!

If we're out of the house at night, I believe that poor ol' Sam, who can't see very well in the dark because of his cataracts, probably does a lot of barking while he's outside.  Luckily, we're not away from the house often at night.  I just watched a YouTube video where a Westie, has barked, so they say, continuously for six years.  One neighbor on the video said she wanted to kill the dog.  I can understand that.  What I can't understand is why the owners have allowed this barking to continue.  Dogs can be trained, even if they're a little older when you get started.  Better late than never.  I do know that much of Sam's barking while we are gone is truly separation anxiety, but we can't be home 24/7!  Since Jeff and I aren't working at the moment, the time Sam spends outside, is minimal.  He much prefers a blanket and/or a pillow!


Monday, April 7, 2014

Happy Birthday Jeff


Today, my hubby joins the ranks of being a card carrying Medicare recipient.  Yup, he's NOW 65!  Neither Jeff nor I can believe he's reached another major milestone along our journey together.  When we started out as newlyweds, we were 25 and 24 years old and pretty wet behind the ears.  Compared to the mountains of knowledge we learned along the way, as well as our life experiences,we really knew nothing when we were first married.

As a divorced woman with one child, Jeff was a godsend that my Dad and his sister sent my way.  I can still remember Jeff taking me to the grocery store.  I pushed my cart and only put the most basic of food inside - day old bread, some milk, stuff like that.  I had a budget, and it was a very small budget.  Jeff, on the other hand, was pushing his own cart and was filling it up with all kinds of food including things like cookies.  I remember when we got to the checkout and I looked at his basket, I remember telling him that there was no way I could pay for all that food.  That's when he told me that he was paying for ALL the groceries.  I could have cried with gratitude.  

Some how Jeff found out that I had a dress on layaway at a department store (Mom probably told him) and the next thing I know he had paid for my dress.  Talk about a Knight in shining armor!

Over the course of 39 years, we have had plenty of adventure and share memories.  Not all our memories are good ones, but they are ours nonetheless.  When we lived in California, we went each summer to the beach for a week, went into Los Angeles with friends to see plays and stop at a real bagel shop to get fresh bagels on our way home.

We took the boys to Carlsbad Caverns, the Grand Canyon and Yosemite.  Jeff and I were lucky enough to spend ten days weeks in Hawaii and fell in love with the island of Maui, and never wanted to leave!

Jeff gave my Dad and I a trip to England, Scotland and Wales shortly after we were married, and he paid for everything. There are no words to describe how much the trip meant to Dad and I.  We had a wonderful time together and it was really the last time that he and I had so much alone time together.  

We bought our first little (emphasis on little) house and after moving in, discovered that the backyard was almost completely overgrown with bamboo.  You know how lovely a potted bamboo is in your house - well bamboo given a chance outside will take over everything.  Before Jeff and his friends could machete their way through, some bamboo was even able to grow through a crack in a wall and came inside the house!  

We celebrated one anniversary on the Queen Mary, which is dry docked in Long Beach.  It was a luxurious waste of money some would say.  When we walked along the decks, I swear I could feel the boat moving and for me with a vivid imagination, we weren't just jostling against the dock.  No we were out on the open sea traveling somewhere far away from home.

Once we settled in Maryland, our new home was much bigger and soooooo much better than the house in California, and 28 years later we're still in that house.  You can see we don't do change often.

We eventually began spending two weeks at the beach with the boys and their friends and those were marvelous times.  I know that the boys remember those days at the beach as fondly as we do.

The most extravagant thing we have ever done is to buy the plane.  The plane has taken us to the Bahamas, which was an amazing trip.  Jeff volunteers for Hero flights, where he will fly a disabled Veteran to a different hospital for treatment or return him home after treatment.  Those flights are happy and sad for him all at the same time.  Sad because the veteran is disabled in some way and happy because sometimes the flights are just so the veteran can go home.  These flights fill his heart with joy for the good things he's doing for someone else.

All marriages have ups and downs and 2013 was our worst down and yet we solder on.  Jeff has never given up on me, even when I try his patience to the core.  For this I am grateful.

Our journey together is not over, we're just entering a new chapter. We're retired, reluctantly for Jeff, and there are no claims on our time.  With the help of the plane, we can go anywhere and any time - and it doesn't get better than that.

Jeff, you have been my rock for all these years and I cannot adequately put into words how much I love you.  It means everything to me that you love me and have and will continue to take such wonderful care of me.  I am a very fortunate woman to have someone who cares for me so deeply and pushes all the obstacles in my road to recovery aside for me.

I remember Dad telling me while we were dating that you were a keeper.  Dad was right and you have proved it to me over and over again.

I love you.


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Take-Away Items from Restaurants


The other day when I was cleaning out my refrigerator, I happened to open up one of the compartments on the door of the refrigerator and about twenty little bags of Soy Sauce came spilling out.  I think it's lovely to save things, but we do happen to have a whole bottle of Soy Sauce in the pantry.  So why do we keep these little bags that are so hard to contain?  Beats the heck out of me lieutenant, we just do.

Ever been to a restaurant and see someone, but likely not you, take the butter and/or jams off the table and stick them in their purse?  I know I have.  I can say truthfully that it has never occurred to me to bring home butter or jam.  I have butter as well as jam at home.  I guess the rationale is that you have paid for your meal, which included these small things, so it's only fair that you take them with you.  And, for the most part, I don't disagree.  When on occasion that we do happen to have butter that was put in with a leftover dinner roll, those little packages get soft really quick and then it gets a little messy to use them.  

Small bags of ketchup and mustard at my house just get tossed out.  These things, much like butter and jam, are plentiful at home and the effort required to open and use these items, just isn't worth it (at least that's my opinion)!

When you order soup it always comes with soda crackers.  On the rare occasion that I have taken the crackers, they end up becoming smashed inside my purse and are completely useless.  I have no ready answer for why I do this over and over again.  I guess I'm expecting different results.

I suspect that some people take the little bags of sugar home with them and anything else that is small and unused - straws for instance.

For me I have enough trouble keeping track of the full-sized food in my pantry and don't want to have to find a "home" for little items like butter, sauces or sugar. But I may just be organizationally challenged!

We are having gorgeous weather here in Maryland and I hope you are as well.


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Cleaning Up A Closet


I'm hoping that all of you are more efficient than I am, with regard to keeping your closets organized.  What I have found over the years is that if you work full-time and your only free time is on the weekends, working on a closet is the last thing on your mind.  That was certainly true for me.  I have two spare rooms and after the boys left home, it was easy to just keep tossing stuff inside the room, and shut the door!

Now that I'm a lady of "leisure", I decided it was time to tackle the rooms as well as the closets.  A huge undertaking I can assure you.  I started on one bedroom yesterday.  I hauled everything out of the closet and before long the floor looked like a bomb had gone off.  What a mess I had created, and now I had to do something!  With all the "crap" on the floor, I was then forced to take action, and that was a good thing.

I had at least six pairs of shoes that had been tossed inside the closet - and I don't even know why I would have done that.  But it's pretty hard to argue with the evidence.  A wadded up electric blanket was on the closet floor.  There were two trombones, one slide projector and an old sewing machine also on the floor.  There was a basket filled with Ben's clothes that he could no longer wear - why keep them?  I have no earthly idea.  On the shelf was an iron, and I'm pretty sure it hasn't been used since we moved into the house in 1986!  Very few clothes today require ironing, and I suspect that there are households that don't even have an iron. So why do I keep it?  Maybe my rationale thinking is that if I keep the iron, I'll never need it.  With my luck, the minute I toss the iron, I will need it!

Several of Ben's forgotten toys, that he has outgrown, were sitting on the shelf collecting dust.  I need to find them a new home, because he's certainly not going to get any younger!  I took a box of pictures out and added sorting through them, as one of my future projects.

The closet is now all tidied up, a bag is filled with clothes that I'm going to try and sell on Ebay.  Selling on Ebay requires great descriptions as well as pictures. As Jeff pointed out to me, I have LOTS of time to try and sell clothes that no longer fit or want.  (There are more of the former than the latter)!

One closet down and one to go.  The cleaning could go faster if I didn't get bogged down by flipping through photo albums and taking a stroll down memory lane!


Friday, April 4, 2014



I haven't taken a commercial flight in many years, and even though a lot of time has passed, don't remember them with fondness.  First, you have to struggle with the cattle car feeling while sitting in the coach (or second class) area of the plane.  And, to make sure that you know you're inferior and/or too cheap to fly first class, the steward (or whatever they are called today), pull the little red curtain closed.  What do you suppose if the curtain wasn't pulled?  It's not like we are unaware that those passengers are sitting in large and cushy seats, eating actual food, as compared to the mystery beef or rubber chicken the rest of us get to eat (or choke down).  

The last time I flew, if you wanted to have headphones to watch the movie, you paid for them.  Likewise, if you wanted something stronger to drink than a soda, you paid for that as well. I suppose we should be grateful that there is no charge for using the bathroom!

And, unlike first class, we "regular folk" are squished into our seats with very little leg room, and heaven help you if you do have to get up to use the bathroom, and you have a window seat.  You know what I'm talking about, basically crawling over the other two passengers sitting next to you.  Heaven help you if you have to get up multiple times during the flight.

If the person reclines his seat, you pretty much have his/her head in your lap.  Whoopee!  And don't get me started on arm rests. Since the arm rests only has room for one arm, you have to be the first to "stake" out your right to the arm rest.  

With all this goodness, I don't know why more people don't take to the skies more frequently.  Sometimes when I'm given a price of a seat in coach, I have to tell the operator that I only want ONE seat, I'm not trying to BUY the entire plane!

Okay, you've made it through the flight.  Even before the plane lands, folks are popping up like jack-in-the-boxes to grab their carry on bags.  Mind you, they have absolutely no thought that their bag might clobber you in the head (because that's your problem, you shouldn't not been there in the first place)!

UNLESS you have to catch a flight that is leaving in mere minutes, I simply don't understand why there is a mad dash to disembark.  What's the rush people?  You are going to just stand around in the baggage area until the luggage is taken off the plane.  And, at the first sight of a piece of luggage, then the pushing and shoving for place begins in earnest.  If you miss your luggage the first time it goes around, relax - it's going to come back around.  You only need to worry when ALL the luggage has been unloaded and the carousel is empty.  Now you can genuinely begin to panic. You have to go to the luggage office and try to find out where your luggage went.  Hopefully, it's not on it's way to a faraway city, collecting more air miles than you did!

There are many expenses in owning your own plane - aviation fuel, insurance, loan payments and maintenance upkeep.  And yet, even with all that, I know that when we head out to the airport, my pilot never leaves without me and my luggage never gets lost.  If we feel the need to stop for fuel or food during the flight, we are free to do so - when we want - and where we want!  There isn't a lot of room in the cockpit of our plane, but at least I'm familiar with the fellow sitting next to me!



Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Birthstone and Emeralds


It wasn't bad enough that I was a December baby and therefore doomed to a birthday wedged in just before Christmas when everybody is busy and gearing up for Santa.  Nope, I, along with other Sagittarius folks, have Zircon for our birthstone.  Unfortunately, when you look up my birthstone, the color of the stone is all over the place: Zircon, Turquoise and even Topaz.  So which one is it?  Just look at the colors below and you can see the difficulty in accurately describing the stone. To me it looks like a washed out pale blue and I have never identified it as my "stone", because I just don't like it.

When I was a little girl, I was given a tiny gold ring with tiny "emeralds" that I loved.  As an adult it became a pinky ring, because that's the only finger left where it fit.  Many years ago during a burglary at our house, somebody took my little ring (which was worth probably nothing), along with all my other costume jewelry. 

As an adult, I fell in love with the color of Emeralds.  And, like most stones, some stones were  dark green while others were lighter in color. Years ago, I decided I no longer wanted a wedding ring and a band.  We replaced those two rings with a band with a diamond in the center of the setting.  It was, and is, a lovely ring.  Somewhere along the way, I got an urge to put Emeralds alongside the diamond. I told the jeweler, who was also a friend, that I wanted dark emeralds and though it took him sometime to find what I was looking for, it was worth the wait.  Now the diamond is flanked by an emerald on each side.  The ring is beautiful and I get a lot of compliments on it.  

I also have Emerald studs, which are a beautiful shade of green.  All I'm lacking to complete my "Emerald" look is either a bracelet or necklace, or both!  Guess I'll have to wait on those until I come into money from selling something - like a novel!!  


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Philosophy - Or Why You Don't Take Classes With Your Husband!


Once upon a time, there was a young man and young woman who didn't have much money.  But, the young man was a Veteran and the Government would give him money to take college classes to continue his learning, even though the young man already had a college degree.

Both of the young people decided that "free" money would be handy, so together they signed up for classes that they would take together.  Sounds blissful, doesn't it?  In truth not so much!

One of the classes the young people took was Philosophy that was taught by a wizened old woman (or possibly a witch).  The young people sat side-by-side during class and listened intently (at least one of them did) and that same person took copious notes during the lectures.  That person (who shall remain anonymous) went through multiple notebooks while her (oops I gave that one away didn't I?) partner sat, stared off in space and doodled!

Then during one of our tests, the young woman was busy tackling the questions when the young man continually hissed questions to her about what the answers were!  Occasionally, the teacher would look up and give the young people the "evil eye" - I think she knew that one of us, and I'm not giving out any names, was copying!  And boy was she right.

Ah, then we came to the final exam which was to be done at home.  The young people were to write about two philosophers and compare them for similarities, etc.  Obviously, one young person got right to work on writing the essay.  Remember, this was before computers so everything was handwritten, and if you messed up, then you had to rewrite the page.  Argh.  

The other young person didn't have a thought in his (oops) head about any philosophers and so the young woman wrote his essay as well.  It was hard enough coming up with one philosopher but there was an added burden when the young woman had to write about a second one.  Let's face it, for most of us, philosophers and their studies are Boring (with a capital B).  

The couple submitted their final exams to the teacher and here's what she wrote on the woman's exam: "Mrs. Bassett, it didn't behoove you to copy off your husband's paper".  I saw red immediately!  Copy off his paper?  Seriously? He hadn't had an original thought through the entire class.  We took the class only because the Government paid Veterans to continue their education, and we needed the money.

The only thing I took away from the class was a quote from Rene Descartes - "I Think Therefore I Am".  And it literally was the ONLY thing I took away from the class. What did the young man take away from the class?  That COPYING resulted in a lower grade, at least for me!


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring Time and "Shorty" Pants!


I don't know about your weather, but after two days of near non-stop rain over the weekend, it is a bright and sunny spring day.   The kind of weather that makes you want to put the top down on the 'ol Bemmer and drive somewhere - anywhere.  Since I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon, it's likely that Jeff and I will do just that.

I went out into the yard yesterday armed with long clipper things as well as smaller clippers.  I was armed to do business - yard business!  I took my trusty stool out in the front yard and sat down and began to hack (literally) at the ornamental grass that was all dried up and needed to be trimmed close to the ground to allow for the new grass.  Okay, it was pretty much a butcher job, but the plant is trimmed - sort of!

After having so much success with the ornamental grass, I moved to the liriope plants around the mailbox.  These guys grow very close to the ground, so it's harder - at least for me - to cut away all the dead leaves.  So that's Patti - 2 and plants -0!   Of course there are two more ornamental grass plants on the other side of the house, but I'll have to wait a day or two - maybe even three - before tackling them, because I'm a bit stiff and sore today.

While I was out walking around the "estate", I saw that many of my spring flowers have already begun to push through the ground and then I'll be rewarded with tulips and daffodils, as well as anything else I planted and have forgotten about.

Today is a spectacularly sunny day and worth of "shorty" pants.  What are shorty pants you ask?  Well, they are pants that come just below your knee.  Or, for tall people, shorts that are above the knee!  This is the only time of the year when I don't have to worry about pants that are too long and have to be hemmed to fit my short legs!  The downside of shorty pants is that after wearing pants all winter, you end up with white legs, that are in need of a bit of sunshine. It is not the "done" thing to appear in shorts with pasty white legs!

I haven't laid out in the sun just to get a tan since my teen years, but I do believe that everybody looks better with just a little color.  When I was a teenager the "thing" to do was to mix iodine with baby oil and you were guaranteed to get a tan - or sometimes even a burn!  But we women do what we have to do to look good - or better!  We ladies tend to be a bit vain - you think.

This afternoon armed with a library book, I intend to go outside and sit on the porch swing and let the warm breezes wash over me, giving me peace.

Go outside and enjoy the sunshine.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...