Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Grass and Weeds


First - a reminder - the tax man cometh today!  File your returns or extensions and get them postmarked today.

As the weather is warming up here, and the sun is out more days than not, you can almost see the grass growing.  The grass is longer in some spots and a bit sparse in others.  We (basically me) gave up mowing our own lawn years ago.  Lawn mowing is like laundry - a never ending chore, and one that I was no longer willing (or probably able) to do any more.  But, oh how I love Tuesdays when the lawn people come and the lawn is freshly cut and looking beautiful.

Also with warm weather and spring rains, something else pops up in the yard, beside grass.  Yup, you guessed it - weeds.  As much as I love to see the grass growing and trees budding, I absolutely hate weeds.  Weeds seem to be everywhere during spring and summer.  Because of our lawn service, we don't see too many dandelions or crab grass, but the weeds in the flower beds is another thing altogether.  

Since I missed out on spring and summer last year, I am reveling in being able to be outdoors, playing the dirt and swing on the porch swing.  You don't know what you've got, until you don't have it anymore.  For months last year, I was never even outside.  The closest I got to watching spring and summer was from windows, which unfortunately didn't give me a view of anything much but the next building.  This year I am making up for lost time and thanking my lucky stars that I'm around to enjoy this beautiful time of the year.

Armed with my gardening gloves and a little digger upper tool (I know there's a technical name, but I don't remember what it is), I grab my little bench and try to keep ahead of the weeds.  Other than having some physical limitations, there is no reason that I shouldn't be able to keep the weeds at bay.  I'll keep you posted on my progress, or lack thereof.  It's raining today so I have a good excuse why I'm not outside!  This is a perfect day for me to grab a book, something to drink and head to the porch swing.  Ah, retirement does have its perks.



  1. Enjoy your day! I have a little stool that I drag around the yard...cant do anything on my knees and squatting doesn't work anymore either...



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