Saturday, April 5, 2014

Cleaning Up A Closet


I'm hoping that all of you are more efficient than I am, with regard to keeping your closets organized.  What I have found over the years is that if you work full-time and your only free time is on the weekends, working on a closet is the last thing on your mind.  That was certainly true for me.  I have two spare rooms and after the boys left home, it was easy to just keep tossing stuff inside the room, and shut the door!

Now that I'm a lady of "leisure", I decided it was time to tackle the rooms as well as the closets.  A huge undertaking I can assure you.  I started on one bedroom yesterday.  I hauled everything out of the closet and before long the floor looked like a bomb had gone off.  What a mess I had created, and now I had to do something!  With all the "crap" on the floor, I was then forced to take action, and that was a good thing.

I had at least six pairs of shoes that had been tossed inside the closet - and I don't even know why I would have done that.  But it's pretty hard to argue with the evidence.  A wadded up electric blanket was on the closet floor.  There were two trombones, one slide projector and an old sewing machine also on the floor.  There was a basket filled with Ben's clothes that he could no longer wear - why keep them?  I have no earthly idea.  On the shelf was an iron, and I'm pretty sure it hasn't been used since we moved into the house in 1986!  Very few clothes today require ironing, and I suspect that there are households that don't even have an iron. So why do I keep it?  Maybe my rationale thinking is that if I keep the iron, I'll never need it.  With my luck, the minute I toss the iron, I will need it!

Several of Ben's forgotten toys, that he has outgrown, were sitting on the shelf collecting dust.  I need to find them a new home, because he's certainly not going to get any younger!  I took a box of pictures out and added sorting through them, as one of my future projects.

The closet is now all tidied up, a bag is filled with clothes that I'm going to try and sell on Ebay.  Selling on Ebay requires great descriptions as well as pictures. As Jeff pointed out to me, I have LOTS of time to try and sell clothes that no longer fit or want.  (There are more of the former than the latter)!

One closet down and one to go.  The cleaning could go faster if I didn't get bogged down by flipping through photo albums and taking a stroll down memory lane!


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