Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring Time and "Shorty" Pants!


I don't know about your weather, but after two days of near non-stop rain over the weekend, it is a bright and sunny spring day.   The kind of weather that makes you want to put the top down on the 'ol Bemmer and drive somewhere - anywhere.  Since I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon, it's likely that Jeff and I will do just that.

I went out into the yard yesterday armed with long clipper things as well as smaller clippers.  I was armed to do business - yard business!  I took my trusty stool out in the front yard and sat down and began to hack (literally) at the ornamental grass that was all dried up and needed to be trimmed close to the ground to allow for the new grass.  Okay, it was pretty much a butcher job, but the plant is trimmed - sort of!

After having so much success with the ornamental grass, I moved to the liriope plants around the mailbox.  These guys grow very close to the ground, so it's harder - at least for me - to cut away all the dead leaves.  So that's Patti - 2 and plants -0!   Of course there are two more ornamental grass plants on the other side of the house, but I'll have to wait a day or two - maybe even three - before tackling them, because I'm a bit stiff and sore today.

While I was out walking around the "estate", I saw that many of my spring flowers have already begun to push through the ground and then I'll be rewarded with tulips and daffodils, as well as anything else I planted and have forgotten about.

Today is a spectacularly sunny day and worth of "shorty" pants.  What are shorty pants you ask?  Well, they are pants that come just below your knee.  Or, for tall people, shorts that are above the knee!  This is the only time of the year when I don't have to worry about pants that are too long and have to be hemmed to fit my short legs!  The downside of shorty pants is that after wearing pants all winter, you end up with white legs, that are in need of a bit of sunshine. It is not the "done" thing to appear in shorts with pasty white legs!

I haven't laid out in the sun just to get a tan since my teen years, but I do believe that everybody looks better with just a little color.  When I was a teenager the "thing" to do was to mix iodine with baby oil and you were guaranteed to get a tan - or sometimes even a burn!  But we women do what we have to do to look good - or better!  We ladies tend to be a bit vain - you think.

This afternoon armed with a library book, I intend to go outside and sit on the porch swing and let the warm breezes wash over me, giving me peace.

Go outside and enjoy the sunshine.


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