Friday, April 18, 2014

Drive-In Movie Theaters


Are you old enough to remember these?  With few exceptions, for many years as a child, we loaded up the car, complete with goodies to eat and drink, and went to the drive-in.  The thicket price was per vehicle, so if you could cram 10 people inside - still one price.  It was a true bargain.  Of course, Mom and Dad sat up front and that left us kids in the back to work out who was sitting where.

Dad would pull up into one of the parking spots and once parked, would reach for the old gray speaker that attached to the side of his window.  There was generally a playground where kids played before the movie and cartoons began.  The sound coming through the speaker was a bit scratchy, but the screen was large and even in the back row of the parking area, you could see the movie.  Although, come to think of it, I don't suppose those folks in the back were actually watching the movie!

Of course, yours truly having the world's smallest bladder, always had to go to the bathroom midway through the movie.  The advantage of being in your own car meant that you didn't have to hunch down and slink through the aisle trying to avoid getting in the way of other people watching the movie.

I don't remember what admission was back in the 60's for a movie, but I know that my folks would be shocked by today's prices of $8.00+ for one ticket!  Apparently, Tuesdays is Senior Citizens Day and if there is a movie I want to see, I should be going on Tuesday.

On our first date, Jeff and I went to a drive-in and saw Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.  He had taken me out for dinner prior to the movie, and I didn't finish my dinner.  Unfortunately, during the movie I could almost smell the buttered popcorn calling to me.  Since I didn't eat all of my dinner, I was reluctant to ask for popcorn!  Solution: I got out of the car more than once just so that I could inside the concession stand and inhale!  How pitiful is that?

Jeff would rather watch movies at home, where you can pause the movie, pop your own popcorn and go to the bathroom when the mood hits you.  But, he has expressed interest in seeing the new Johnny Depp movie that is coming out, I think it's Zorro.  If we go to see that movie, that will mean that Jeff has been to not one but two movies in the same year.  This is big news people.

I should be scrubbing my kitchen floor, but that sounds like such a drag, that I'm off to the store to buy wrapping paper for Benjamin's birthday next week.

Enjoy your day.


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