Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Rain Again


If the old saying holds true about April showers bring  May flowers, then people we are in for a most spectacular display of flowers in the coming weeks.  Rain, unlike snow, seems to just seep into your body and leaves you wet and cold.  At least when it's snowing, while it might be an inconvenience if it's a lot of snow, it covers the ground with such a beautiful white blanket.  For me, I'd much prefer snow.  Of course I can say that because since I'm not working, and I don't have to deal with driving on traffic congested and snow laden roads.  

The other problem with rain which has stuck around for the last two days, and sometimes a lot of rain, is that it's hard to find your happy spot when it's so dark outside.  Your natural inclination is to put yourself back to bed and pull the covers up and wait for sunshine.  Since we can't do that, I definitely use my "SAD" light while doing my morning blog.  My SAD light doesn't make me happy, but it does give me a high amount of lumens which is supposed to help with winter sadness (or the blues).  I use it every morning for about 20 minutes.  Does it help?  I know it doesn't hurt.  I also have a small SAD light that I kept at the office and can use throughout the day while I'm reading or knitting.

Thanks to the warmer weather and possibly some help from the rain, our dogwood tree is in full bloom.  Our dogwood has white flowers and is beautiful at this time of the year.  Years ago I had a neighbor who had heard about some blight that affected dogwood trees. My tree didn't appear to be infected, but she encouraged me to cut it down all the same.  Glad I didn't take her advice.

Jeff is venturing out today to pick up some computer part, a big and heavy part, for Scott.  Thankfully, he's going to deliver this part directly to Scott's house.  The trip will take him about 2 hours each way and while he invited me to come along, I declined. Scott has had the truck for several months while he was taking sinks, cupboards and the like from his townhouse.  The truck is back and it looks good in the driveway.  You never think you'll miss a truck, until you trim trees or bushes and have to stuff all of that into paper bags.  Much more fun to just fill up the bed of the truck!  The truck's license plate "Blue Ox" was named so for a reason!

Hope you're having a sunny day.


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