Friday, May 30, 2014

Used Clothing


After going through my closets, partly because I didn't have anything better to do with my time - oh and because I had a number of things that unfortunately weren't fitting so well anymore!  I'd like to tell you that they were too big, but then I'd be lying!

I listed a few clothes on Ebay and only sold one sweater.  I have decided it's just not worth the hassle to sell clothes online.  You have to take pictures - great ones, then you have to need to describe the item as well as the measurements.  Estimate the shipping cost, which I find impossible to do and then wait for the auctions to end - successfully.  Argh, just to much trouble. 

If I'm going to practically give away my clothes, I decided I would take some gently used items to a local assignment store.  I took six things down yesterday, and the owner was delighted that I had: (a) brought seasonal pieces; and, (b) everything was in excellent condition.

If the items don't sell, you can either pick them back up or let the store donate them to charity.  I'm pretty sure I'm not going to take the clothes back.  After all, I was trying to get rid of them in the first place, so bringing them back home kind of defeats the purpose of closet cleaning!\

I know that no matter how I sell my clothes, I'm not going to get what I believe each item is worth, but there is no reason to hang on to clothes that I'm no longer going to wear.  My closets are filled with things I used to wear to work, and since I'm not working, I only need to keep one or two "good" outfits.  Everything else is going.  

While I know Jeff thinks I'm nuts (my words not his), for spending so much time fussing with the reorganization of closets, but it makes me feel productive and I have come across things that I didn't even know I had!

I guess the linen closet is next.  I want/need to tidy it up.  I have no idea what my next organization task will be, but I'm pretty sure I'll come up with something.


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Veteran Airlift and Angel Flights


I can't speak for all the private pilots out there, but all of those that I do know, look for any excuse to fly.  I know that when Jeff flies he has a destination in mind, even if it's flying some place for a hamburger.

But the most satisfying flying he does, as well as other pilots, is flying somebody in need.  Today, Jeff is flying a disabled veteran who was injured by an IED.  Jeff is flying him to Indianapolis this morning so that he can attend his sister's graduation.  It's a feel good flight for Jeff, as it will be for the pilot who is bring the veteran back home on Monday.

Jeff volunteers to fly disabled veterans every chance he gets.  It's his way of paying it forward.  These veterans are very appreciative of the free flights and generally when the flight is over, the veteran gives Jeff a "coin" from his/her particular branch of service, which is their way of giving thanks.  

I am so very proud of Jeff for volunteering to do what he can for these veterans.  The flights can be very emotional, particularly when they land and the veteran's family or friends are waiting for their loved one.  I know that seeing this happiness, brings unbound joy to Jeff.

Besides flying disabled veterans around the country, private pilots also fly Angel flights.  These passengers are in need of medical attention and can't wait or afford a commercial flight.  I know first hand about Angel flights, because last summer I was the "Angel" being flown from Alabama back to Maryland.  Words can't possibly express how much I appreciated the pilot who flew Jeff and I back home.

In airport etiquette, if the tower has an incoming or out bound Veteran or Angel flight, these flights have first access to a runway.  Commercial planes have to wait for these private planes to land or take-off.  While I don't know for sure, but I imagine that the commercial planes waiting on the "little guys", don't mind in the least.  They are all fully aware, I'm sure, what an angel or veteran flight is all about.  

These rewarding flights that occur all over the country, they won't bring world peace and probably will never be on the front page of a newspaper, but I promise you that the pilots, don't require that kind of attention.  The only reward that the pilots need comes from their hearts.

I couldn't be prouder of what Jeff, and probably other pilots I will never know, are doing today. 


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Missed Words in a Book


Sorry for the no post yesterday.  As I've said before, some days I just come up short in the idea department!

I've been doing a lot of reading lately and even though I don't read every line on the page, I have noticed an increase in the amount of words missing from each book.  I assumed, and probably incorrectly, that they had some kind of "reader person" whose responsibility it was to read each and every word.  I'm sure it's normal for a reader to miss some of the unintentionally omitted words.

As for me the reader, I find the missing words in a sentence break the flow of my reading.  After I read such a sentence, I have to go over the sentence again and mentally insert the missing word, so that the sentence now makes sense (to me).

I wish there was some kind of volunteer opportunity to read books looking for missing or misspelled words.  I would love a job like that!  Just think you could read all the books, good and bad, for free.  All you would have to do is give the publisher your input on errors, and as an added bonus avoid the piling up of books all over the house.

Actually after talking about proofreading jobs, I did a quick search on the Internet, and those jobs really do exist.  Most of those jobs, however, require you to sit in an office and work the standard 9 to 5 hours.  Um, I'm not interested to returning to a corporate environment, I would like to be able to just volunteer to do some proofing.  I'll keep you posted if I find such a job.


Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day!


Oh how we love our three day weekends.  One day is for work in the house and/or yard, which leaves you two whole days within which to do much or nothing, whatever pleases you most.

Yesterday, I went out in the early morning with my trusted garden tools and lawn bags and did more weeding.  The weeding though mentally satisfying, is super hard on the 'ol bod.  I ache in places I didn't even know I had places!  But with daily bursts of working on the weeds, the backyard is beginning to please me.  I water my new plants every day just to make sure they don't dry out in the heat.  And after I am panting from exertion, playing in the water is a lot of fun not to mention cooling. The dogs get in the act while they run around while I try to get them wet.

Late yesterday, Jeff and I took the "z" (top down of course), out to West Virginia for fresh vegetables.  We bought some amazing tomatoes and corn, neither of which is locally grown, it's too early.  When we got home, Jeff cooked some pork chops on the grill while I took care of the corn and tomatoes.  It was a light dinner, but delicious.  

Since the winter and spring tv shows are now mostly over, there was no frenzy on my part to make sure that I had all of our favorites set up to record on the Tivo.  Literally, there was nothing much for us to watch except for my favorite shows involving either pawn shops or storage wars.  These shows are never going to get an A++++ rating for the quality of their shows, but in my book they get a high rating just because they are so entertaining.

The neighbor is having a garage sale this morning, so I took down a Britax car seat that was one that our neighbor used when she was taking care of Benjamin.  It's in excellent condition, but I doubt that it will sell.  Of course, as long as I was there, I bought a very nice basket with a handle and a footstool for me to use in the living room.  

For today I'm taking a break from weeding, hoping that my body will appreciate the rest!  I am going to get a bag of frozen berries (strawberries, etc.) from the freezer and after they thaw, will mix them with cool whip and put it in the freezer for dessert tonight!  This is a really quick and tasty after dinner treat.

Enjoy your day.


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Playing in the Dirt


Yesterday was a fine day in Maryland.  The sun was out, the sky crystal blue and the temperature was warm but thankfully not hot.

In the middle of the afternoon I took a trip to Lowes to get myself some more plants for the backyard as well as some new gardening tools that are more to my liking.  Even though it was midday, the store was pretty crowded.  Guess everybody who wasn't at work thought, like I did, that it would be better to shop for plants, etc., on Friday rather than later on the weekend, when the store would be mobbed with people!

I bought myself two new ornamental grass plants, one is called Strawberries and Cream (doesn't that sound delightful?) and I forget the name of the other plant.  I already have three ornamental grass plants in the yard and they grow tall, are very pretty and the only maintenance is in the fall when I cut the grass down to the ground to make way for new growth in the spring.

I also bought two Hostas, which grow quickly.  They aren't tall but as they mature become really wide and cover a lot of ground.  Like the grasses, I cut these back in the winter also. I also planted my children's favorite plant growing up "Lamb's Ears".  This plant is gray and the leaves are soft and when you touch them, you are reminded of petting a soft coated animal (like a lamb).

Once home I went out with my trusty new tools and my child-sized shovel and began the chore of making holes and planting the new bushes.  I don't have much of a green thumb so I'm hoping that everything I planted will survive.

Today's yard chore is to rake along the fence where there are small twigs that fell when we were trimming the trees a week ago and pick up all the dead leaves as well.  I am determined that this year I'm going to stay ahead of the weeds and try to have an attractive assortment of plants to look at from my kitchen window.  Wish me luck.

The only problem with playing in the dirt is that the 'ol body hurts the next day!  Even though I'm stiff today, somehow it's a good kind of stiffness, possibly because those pains were earned while I was being productive!

After I do a few inside chores (boring), I'm going to head back to the backyard to continue my labors.  My time in the backyard isn't all work, the dogs come outside and while they run around I am my nozzle at them and this game never seems to grow old for them or myself.


Friday, May 23, 2014



During the fall and certainly the winter, houses are closed up to keep the heat in and the cold out.  Even as pretty as snow is, during the dead of winter, I long for summer breezes (not the heat mind you), open windows and curtains blowing in the wind.  

Once I have shaken off all remanents of winter, which includes putting the snow shovels away for probably the rest of the year, I feel light-hearted and long to feel the sun on my body (even though I know all the damage that the sun can do),  Sometimes I sit in the backyard with a big floppy hat on and sit on my Adirondack chair and close my eyes.  

When I'm inside the house and the windows are open, I can hear and see the little birds rustling around in our trees, busy at work on nest building and searching for worms.  The squirrels still run up and down the oak trees and along the fence - and I wonder how they keep from falling off!  Even though it's not winter, I still put out stale pieces of bread for my little critters to eat.

I can hear children laughing while they play, the ice cream truck making his way through the neighborhood ringing his little bell and lights on a neighbor's deck.  When a storm blows through, I can hear and/or see lightning and thunder.  The sky becomes very dark, which gives you fair warning to get inside - or get wet.

I hoover over my newly planted shrubs and flowers, willing them to thrive.  I go to farmer's markets to get fresh corn, tomatoes and zucchini.  When I have fresh yellow and green zucchini, I microwave them in a little water until they are softened.  I top them with salsa, peppers and tomatoes and cover with Swiss cheese - this is yummy - trust me.

Yesterday, in a Martha Steward like moment, I made banana pudding from scratch.  I made the graham cracker crust, cooked custard and added bananas.  Since the recipe asked for Splenda rather than sugar, Jeff was able to enjoy the dessert too.  Jeff's body doesn't like a lot of sugar anymore so using Splenda was a good decision.

Once my chores are done, I'm heading to the porch swing with a book!

Enjoy your day.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

High End Retailers


Women, or the vast majority of us anyway, love shopping with a capital "L".  For most of my adult years, I have been more of a bargain basement type shopper.  If I can buy a plain t-shirt at a discount store for $5.99, why would I buy something very similar at a fancy store for double the cost?  Prestige perhaps?  Truly the only way somebody will know for certain that you paid an ubber price for something is if you wear your clothes inside out! 

When I could afford it, I loved shopping at Nordstrom where the service is excellent.  You don't see bored sales clerks standing around watching you struggle to get something off a rack, or wonder what a perfume smells like.  When I am in their store I feel just like Pretty Woman and while I know they get paid to take care of us, I still feel really special, and a girl needs to feel that way occasionally.

I once worked for someone who received the Christmas Neiman Marcus catalog and the items for sale were amazing.  Oh and pricey too, but it doesn't cost anything to go gaga over some beautiful piece of jewelry.

I think with the amount of on line buying that is going on, I'm sure that the brick and mortar stores are feeling the pain.  For me, I'd rather sit at home and search for something, punch a few keys on the computer and receive my package in minimal time.  Benefits of staying at home shopping are obviously having no trouble finding a place to park and pushing you way through shoppers and/or strollers.  For the most part, retailers have eliminated a lot of employees working the floor, so if you have a question or need help reaching something, you're pretty much on your own.

I've never shopped in a high priced store (other than Nordstroms), partly because I think I would be uncomfortable being in a store where pretty much everything is out of my financial reach.  There's no benefit that I can see from going into a store and sighing over fancy baubles knowing they're not going home with you.  

To be truthful, I would love to go inside a Tiffany's store one day.  I know that the prices and choices there would be mind blowing, but it might be fun to do it once.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014



Since retiring, I have more free time on my hands than is good for me mentally.  You can only do so much laundry (boring) and dusting (also boring) before your "enthusiasm" for these chores begins to wan.  For my mental health I know I should be busy and so decided to try and volunteer for certain local organizations.

At the senior center, where I thought I might be the most useful, turns out I wasn't.  The volunteering in the county is driven by the high school students who must have "x" service hours in order to graduate.  You would think an older volunteer would be an asset to a company, but my experience says otherwise.

I have been to several orientations and told that I would be contacted when/if something came up.  To date, nada, zip, nothing.  Why I can't imagine.  It's true that one place needed volunteers at the children's center involving a lot of physical play and sitting on the ground, etc.  I am unable to do those things, so they never called me.  I was highly discouraged.

A few weeks ago I saw a volunteer opportunity at the Humane Society of America to help make packets for their annual drive for donations.  They called and asked if I could help, and on the appropriate day, showed up ready to stuff bags.  The job was only for a few hours, but it felt good to be needed.

Before I left that date, I told he volunteer coordinator that I hoped she would remember the next time a need arose for something involving pushing paper.  She remembered me and yesterday I returned to the HUSA to photocopy contracts.  I was there about three hours and will go again tomorrow to finish the job.  Again, it felt good to be needed.

What struck me about their office was that there was no noise.  I'm used to phones ringing and a lot of talking in the halls and over cubby walls.  There was none of that.  Because they are HUSA, there were many dogs of all sizes in offices and cubes.  Even the dogs were quiet.  I commented to the lady I was working for that I had never been in an office so quiet before.  It is certainly a calming environment and I hope that they'll remember me for jobs in the future.

I can't earn money since I'm on disability but my time comes free and I'm happy to help particularly with some kind of office work.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can volunteer at their office again in the future.

But for today, I have already folded up my laundry and put my clean dishes away which gives me free time for reading.  And between the library books and the books loaded on my Kindle, I will never run out of reading material!



Sunday, May 18, 2014



In my youth, which was a long time ago, my breakfast always consisted of a piece of toast.  If my parents took us out for breakfast, I had trouble ordering eggs because I didn't know the difference between a soft boiled egg from an over easy one.  The only thing I knew for sure about eggs was that I wanted the white of the egg to be cooked completely.

When I met Jeff I was still eating toast.  To be honest one of my big weaknesses is bread products - unfortunately, I like them all!

Once Jeff and I had set up housekeeping, he took over breakfast and has continued to do so through the years.  The first time that Jeff made scrambled eggs for me, he ruined me for scrambled eggs in a restaurant.  It's not particularly healthy, but he cooks his eggs in butter and adds cheese.  The result is fluffy eggs, such as I have never been able to get in a restaurant.

This morning Jeff told me that he would fix breakfast.  We had scrambled eggs, bacon and sourdough toast.  It was yummy!  Most of the time now our breakfast consists of cold cereal or bagels.  Jeff and I don't have the same sleeping schedule, because once I take my night time meds, there is a very small window before I'm asleep.  So I'm long gone before he comes to bed and I'm generally up before him.  I guess you could say we are like two ships passing in the night!

This morning we sat together at the table and enjoyed both our breakfast and conversation.  It was a beautiful way to start a day.  

Have a great Sunday. 


Saturday, May 17, 2014



I know that you are aware that we are coming up to the prime wedding seasons - spring and summer.  Of course this dress up affair would happen at the hottest and most humid time of the year!

Probably those of you who are reading today are either: (a) married; (b) engaged; (c) was married.  Think back to your own wedding, which was "x" years ago.

Here's a recap of mine.  In September, Jeff and I will celebrate our 40th anniversary and our wedding in 1974 was small and inexpensive.  My Mother made my dress out of champagne silk and covered it with a sheer top to which she applied flowers and beads.  It was a beautiful dress and I have no idea how much the fabric cost her, but based on today's standards, was inexpensive I'm sure.

I wore some flowers in my hair and carried a simple but beautiful bouquet of flowers.  The reception was held in the church hall and consisted of cake, punch and some almonds that are covered in a sugar shell (probably a better way to describe it), but that's the only thing I can think of.

My parents made for my wedding and again I never asked, nor did they tell me, how much the wedding cost them, but I know that it was a staggering amount that required them to take out a loan!

 The cost of a wedding in 1974 was roughly $2,000 (give or take) compared to an average of over $8,000.00 today.  For me personally, I'd rather spend less on a wedding and use any extra money to buy a house.  

Here are the average costs for a 2014 wedding in Maryland.  I added up the maximum amounts for each item and it totaled over $76,000.00!  Keep in mind you are just as much married if you spend a mere few thousand as you are if you spend mega bucks.      

Attire: $2512 to $4001
Ceremony: $2894 to $4610
Entertainment: $3227 to $5139
Flowers: $2029 to $3230
Gifts and Favors: $1018 to $1622
Invitations and Stationery: $961 to $1530
Jewelry: $6168 to $9824
Honeymoon/Planning: $5024 to $8001
Photographer/Videographer: $3500 to $5574
Reception: $15,587 to $26,572
Transportation: $965 to $1538


Friday, May 16, 2014

Cleaning Closets and Drawers


Now this may sound pretty boring to some of you, but I am having such a good time going through closets and drawers.  I get easily sidetracked by looking at old pictures, cards and other mementos, but it's a true delight to sit on the floor surrounded by memories.

In one box are the cards that my Dad mailed to my Mother during the war.  Obviously, they won't mean anything to the boys, but I'm going to keep them until I go "toes up".  I found all of my report cards from junior high and high school - I was a pretty good student!  Could I/should I toss them?  I've decided no.  These report cards are about me and the person/student that I was a long time ago.  I keep them because it's history, my history and nobody else's.  

I have photo albums filled to the brim with old pictures - the kind you took with a camera and then I had them developed at a store.  I like to see and remember the clothes from the 60's and 70's, not to mention hair do's.  

I like the love I get from reading greeting cards sent from family and friends over the years.  I like looking at Benjamin's baby pictures as well as his art projects he has done in the past. 

My cedar chest is filled to the brim and since I have the time, I open up the chest and take out a handful of treasures, cards, letters, pictures - you name it and I instantly go to my happy place.  My happy place is bright and sunny and filled with optimism for the future.  The dark days of 2013 are behind me and even though it was the worst time in my life, I learned that I am a survivor and that I have many gifts (of course I have to keep remembering this) to give to people.  I don't know what I'm going to do when I am unable to jam in another card or picture!  I know at some point in the future, I am hopeful that my children will open up that chest and appreciate the memories I have stored inside.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Benjamin's First "Gig"!!


Yesterday, our area had rain coupled with thunder and lightening.  This kind of weather makes Old Sam quiver and become really restless - no matter how long you hold on to him.  He's always been this way and I'm pretty sure he's not going to change.

Benjamin, who loves a camera, was interviewed on the Weather Channel describing the weather conditions near his house.  I've put the link if you want to enjoy his report.  I have always said that he should be on magazine covers or modeling.  Not to brag, but Benjamin just seems like a natural before a camera.  He loves to pose and he's very good at it!  You can see his weather report at:

I made a zucchini cake yesterday that is so moist and tasty, it doesn't need icing of any kind.  You can make amazing dishes from grated zucchini - and the bonus is that nobody will even know their eating a vegetable!

After the semi-severe weather yesterday, today has blown in with much cooler temperatures.  I hate being hot and sticky, so I'm much more comfortable today.  If we take the little "z" today and put the top down, it will likely be sweater weather.  I'm going to enjoy the cool temps while they last.

At least having rain last night means that my little plants and flowers won't need to be watered again today.  I'm just hoping that Sam doesn't take it into his little head to either "water" the plants or dig them up!

Time to get to work.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014



When we moved into our house in 1986, our electric company, in their infinite wisdom, decided that all homes in our area should have a time and use meter for electricity.  Our power bill in the winter is mere peanuts compared to this time of year.

The time and use meter says that our electricity is almost free from 6:00 am (or thereabouts) until noon.  From noon until 8:00 pm, we pay a premium (with a capital P) rate for our power.  Obviously, during the summer time, I run the dishwasher and washer either early in the morning or after 8:00 pm.  We strive for, but don't always succeed, to use as little extra electricity during the peak hours during the day.  This year, in particular, we are trying to not turn on the a/c and have it run all day, it's just too expensive.  We have ceiling fans in most rooms as well as other fans that, during the day, keep the air moving enough so that you aren't sweating - at leas too much!

I can do the high temperature in the house during the day, but at night, I want the bedroom to be ice cold.  I just can't sleep when I'm hot and so spend much of the night tossing and turning.  All the heavy winter blankets are off the bed, but there is still Sam and Maggie, who no matter what the temperature is, want to be right up alongside of us, which is nice, but they are very hot.

This morning I took shredded zucchini from the freezer and made a cake, before noon, for us to enjoy later this evening while we search to find something decent to watch on TV.

I have always said that I would rather be cold any day of the week, rather than be hot.  If you're cold you can always put on a sweater, but once you're hot, there are only so many clothes you can take off!

Since the back of our house faces west, around noon each day I close all the blinds on the back, to keep the sun from absolutely radiating through those rooms.

I hope it's cool where you are.


Monday, May 12, 2014

Post Mother's Day


If you hurry you can get a great deal on Mother's Day cards at stores before they are packed up and put away for a year.  You might also be able to score a discounted price on some flowers and plants that didn't sell by yesterday.

Jeff and I woke up to a wonderful blue sky, and to a pilot that pretty much means we should be boring holes in that sky, which is exactly what we did.  We decided to fly to Tangier Island which is a small fishing village in the Chesapeake Bay reachable only by boat or plane.  The village is very small and very poor, but they do have a few shops and several restaurants that serve excellent seafood.

We indulged ourselves in crab cakes and shrimp and the meal was delicious and more than we could eat.  Mother's received free pound cake and strawberries, which we took in a "to go" box, which by the way was extremely worth the calories!  It takes a little over an hour to reach the island and at this time of the year, the inside of the plane does get a bit toasty.  There is air conditioning and it helps a bit, but the inside of the plane is all black, which really retains heat.

Once we landed in Frederick, where the plane lives, we drove out to Andrew's house to see the family.  Benjamin made me a lovely Mother's Day card and gave me a little photo album that is supposed to just have pictures of him and me inside.  So far there is only one picture inside, but I know I will have no trouble adding pictures.

When we got home, we were both pretty tired, but hung in there to watch Amazing Race and then decided to call it a night.

All in all it was a very good day and I received my much needed hugs and kisses from Benjamin.

Starting tomorrow temperatures are going to climb into the 90's.  I need to pay special attention to my new plants to make sure that they get plenty of water.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

What A Difference A Day Makes!


Yesterday, I went to Home Depot to look for some small (i.e., cheap) plants and flowers for the backyard now that the cypress trees no longer have low branches and the backyard now actually gets some sun.

While I was pushing around my cart, I noticed that there is basically only two kinds of people who shop in the middle of the week:  mothers with young children; and, gray haired old folks like me.  The parking lot was empty, clerks were attentive and since there were a lot fewer people than you find on a weekend, milling around the aisles was lovely.

Fast forward to today.  I went back to Home Depot very early this morning to exchange something I had bought.  Now the parking lot was jammed and you had to park in the north 40.  The store was crammed with people and you could just about forget to go into the nursery.  

Since Mother's Day is tomorrow, rose bushes, calla lilies, and gorgeous hanging baskets filled to the brim with an assortment of flowers, were flying off the shelf.  You couldn't have paid me enough money to go into the nursery section today.

The other store that I'm sure is seeing a lot of business today is a Hallmark store.  I think a lot of people buy cards for special occasions because they believe they have to/need to. Sometimes I think there is some guilt buying going on.  You don't want to be the guy/gal at the water cooler on Monday, that can't answer the question: "So, what did you do for your Mother for Mother's Day"?  Probably insert painful pause here!

Jeff and I don't buy cards for each other.  Instead we go to the card aisle in WalMart and pick out mushy and funny cards for each other.  We read the message and return the card to the rack.  

Once I came back from Home Depot, I grabbed my trusty shovel, which happens to be a child's shovel, but is the perfect size for me and grabbed up my new plants and got to digging.  Keeping my fingers crossed now that my little plants will grab hold and grow big and strong.  Or, here's hoping that Sam (terrier) doesn't decide to dig where the new plants are!

I'm back in the house now and all nice and clean.  I'm exhausted but it's a good kind of exhaustion - a job well done.  If we have cooler temperatures next week, there is some wedding and picking up of small branches that needs to be done, and I can handle that job.

Happy Saturday.


Friday, May 9, 2014

Dump Runs and Big Machinery


When I met Jeff, oh so many years ago, he owned a 1952 Willys Jeep and we loved it.  When we tooled around town in the jeep, we felt a lot like the Beverly Hillbillies!  The little house that we first bought had bamboo growing in the back yard.  We're not talking about the cute stuff in a pot, this bamboo was so thick that we thought we had a fence on one side of the yard - we were wrong!

Jeff and his friends spent many hours digging out the bamboo, which is very hard, because the roots on a bamboo plant go everywhere.  For a time the bamboo actually managed to get between the cracks of the fireplace (this is no joke).  I can tell you from our experience that we would never plant bamboo in the yard.  We do have a small plant that sits in a pot and is controllable.  

Our almost weekly dump runs while digging out bamboo, was done in the Jeep and I loved it.  To be fair, dumps don't smell very good, actually they just stink.  But I never missed a trip, I learned to live with the odor mostly because I loved watching the big machines (bull dozers maybe) push trash around.  It looked like so much fun.

We spent all of yesterday cutting down branches from our Leyland Cypress trees and Jeff has made several runs to the local distribution station (they don't call them dumps here).  I went with him last night on his last run for the day and I was reminded again of happy memories of dump runs in the Jeep, and watching truly manly machines at work.

One of my secret desires is to drive some big earth moving equipment.  This will never happen of course, but what a surge of power I would get just pushing stuff around.  It would be so much fun!

Jeff is cutting up the last of the branches now and will make his last trip to the distribution center. He has worked so hard cutting down branches and then cutting them up in smaller pieces to fit easily in the truck.  He is tired and sore.  The good news is that we will likely not have to trim the trees again for many years, because all the low branches are now gone and we took off any branches that were hanging down, because the first snow/ice storm and we'll lose them anyway.

Have a wonderful Friday.  It was a bit gloomy earlier, but the sun is popping up now.


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Happy Mother's Day


My Mother's Day present from Jeff came a few days early and I couldn't be happier.  I don't need and don't want flowers (they die), candy (I eat it), jewelry (I have all that I want) or a fancy dinner out (too expensive.  So what's left you ask?

Yard work!  In 1986 we planted across the back fence Leland Cypress trees, and they were so little and cute.  Well fast forward to 2014, and I can assure you they ain't little anymore.  If, if ever decided to top off the trees so they wouldn't continue to grow, I'm pretty sure you'd need a real big ladder or a cherry picker.  The Cypress trees are very shallow rooted but they grow like six guns and have for years provided us a sense of privacy in the backyard.

During the winter snow and ice storms, the lower branches of the trees became heavy and snapped off.  While we've been avoiding the trimming of the trees, today was the day.  Of course, we picked the hottest day of the year to do this!  Jeff got out the ladders and saws and we started giving each tree a haircut.   There are no low laying branches now, all the branches are at least six feet from the ground.  My privacy from my neighbor is now comprised, but somehow seeing all that empty space in the yard felt somehow freeing to me.  It's like cleaning out a closet - a tough job, but the reward is huge.

I'm not one of those wives who sits in a chair directing "traffic".  Nope, I was right beside Jeff hauling branches to the tree so that he could make a dump run.  I didn't work as hard as Jeff, but nobody wants to see me teeter-totter on a ladder and I'm pretty sure I'd be no good with an saw.

So I'm waiting for Jeff to come home to tell me whether he's going back to the dump again today or if he'll wait until tomorrow.  I'm holding off showering until I know what the plans are, and boy do I ever need a shower.

One of my neighbors looked over the fence (he's a bit nosy) and wanted to know what we were doing.  This was one of those questions where the answer should have been obvious - duh - cutting down tree branches!

In anticipation of Mother's Day, Jeff and I bought some hash browns for Sunday breakfast.  Fix those with eggs, bacon and sourdough toast, and it's a perfect meal.  We all know that special occasions like Easter or Mother's Day, etc., are the absolute worst days to go out to dinner, unless you want to eat at 3:00!

Jeff will be away on Saturday at some pilot event, and I'll stay at home and putter.  I have to tell you that one of my spare rooms and two closets have never looked better!

For all of my friends and family, I wish you a Happy Mother's Day in advance.  



Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Too Many Books, Too Little Time!


People, I have a real dilemma.  I really do and it's all about books.  I have even created a spreadsheet to help me keep track of the books I want to read and those I have read.  If a new book sounds particularly interesting to me, then I give it a star rating!.  Okay, I know you're thinking how anal I am.  And, unfortunately, you're right.

Each Sunday the paper has a page about new books coming out.  Every woman's magazine has book reviews and you can also use Google to help you find books, old or new.  While I'm retired, I don't just sit on my rear, eating bon-bons and reading non-stop.  I still have chores around the house and my reward for actually folding up my laundry, as opposed to leaving the clothes in the dryer for days, is etching out a time to read.

My Kindle is loaded with books that I have yet to read. You would simply be amazed how many free books you can get for your Kindle.  Obviously, I'm not talking about current best sellers, but books that didn't make it big in the print world. Some of these free books are pretty good - others not so much!  The good part of a free book is that you don't feel forced to read something you're not enjoying, simply because you paid for it.  

With "real" books, you can always return them, to where you bought them.  Hint: if you're going to return a book, and you have actually read it, it better look like you didn't (bent spine, etc.).  Kindle books are yours now and forever, there is no returning.

So sitting on my desk this morning are several pages of book titles I want to check out.  I will see if the library has the books first and if they don't, then and only then will I be interested in buying a book.  Amazingly enough sometimes the Kindle price for a book is more expensive than the real thing.  Go figure.

Also a problem I have with Amazon, is the books that I'm interested in, don't come in large print.  I can still read smaller print but it's harder on my eyes and if given the option, I will always opt for large print books.

So what's on my review list this week:  Delicious by Ruth Reichl; The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd; To Grip You by Ayelet Waidman; All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr; If Only You People Could Follow Directions by Jessica Hendry Nelson.

If you're looking for something to read, you might want to look at these books.  If you find something you really enjoy, please let know.  I can never have too many books to read!


Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy Anniversary Jeff


Today is not only Cinco de Mayo, but also the anniversary of our first date.  With all the logistics involved in that date, it's an absolute wonder that not only was the date successful, but was the beginning of a forty year relationship.

My Dad worked at a company where Jeff's sister also worked.  Over coffee, and apparently nothing better to talk about, the two of them compared notes regarding Jeff and myself.  Yes, we were both single (I was divorced), we didn't smoke and drank rarely.  I was working but back in 1974, paychecks didn't have any zeros before the decimal point, and most of my money went to paying for my son's nursery school.

Jeff was working for the County of Riverside and making better money than me, but not exactly rolling around in extra cash.  Then again, things didn't cost as much back in the day as they do now.

Oh back to Dad and Jill (Jeff's sister), after they had compared notes and both agreed that Jeff and I were lonely (and we were), that we should go on a blind date and they would put the wheels in motion for us.

Dad came home one night after work and told me that Jeff, who he described as a big man with a beard (but a good paying job), would call me and ask me out.  I was supposed to say yes.  Across town, Jill was telling Jeff that I was divorced with a child and that he was going to call me and ask me out, and I would say yes.  This was guaranteed by both blind date "setter uppers"!

Jeff called as planned and I, of course, said yes.  He said something about a movie and apparently he mentioned dinner, but I didn't remember that after getting off the call.  Before the date, I went out to buy something new to wear.  This obviously didn't make much sense, since Jeff and I had never seen each other - but I went shopping anyway.

Prior to Jeff's arrival, I had dinner with my parents and then sat around waiting.  When the doorbell rang, there was complete pandemonium in the house.  My parents and sister wanted to go to the front door, but I went quickly outside, leaving them to peek (not discretely) out the window.

Jeff was a big man with a bushy beard and wearing a checkered shirt and plaid pants!  That was the last time he wore those clothes together.  We walked to his car which was covered in antennas (he was a ham operator).  My Dad had mentioned this "ham" thing to me and told me to be sure to ask about it.  Dutiful daughter that I was, I asked about the microphone and something that looked a bit like a dissected telephone and the rest as they say was history.  Jeff was happy to explain everything I never knew I wanted to know about ham radios and he remained active in ham radios until we left California in 1986.

Jeff had planned to take me to dinner (oops on my part), and unfortunately since I had already eaten, didn't have much of an appetite.  We went to a drive-in movie and saw Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.  By that time I was hungry and could sell the popcorn - and I love movie popcorn.  Since I didn't feel right asking Jeff to buy me popcorn, since I didn't eat my dinner, I made several trips to the restroom just so that I could inhale the buttery fragrance.

At the end of the date we talked some and didn't talk some!  Jeff told me that he had a ham radio event the next day, but he would call me.  Rather than going back to my little apartment I waited all day at my parents' house for that call.  As the hours dragged on and getting no call, I had already made up my mind that I had enjoyed a first date, but apparently there wasn't going to be a second one.  

And then he called and apologized for not calling me sooner in the day.  I was overcome with relief and happiness that Jeff wanted to see me again. From May 5th of 1974 until September 21st of 1974 (our wedding day), Jeff and I saw or talked to each other every day.  

I still thank my Dad for getting me a date with this fabulous and loving man.  Through our forty years together, we have been side by side through both the good times as well as the sad ones.  

Never once has Jeff left me down in all these years.  He has been a rock that I can and have leaned on.  My wish?  Is asking for forty more years together too much to hope for?

Happy anniversary Jeff.  I love you to the moon and back.

Love P

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Closing Down A Business


You drive by businesses and see the banners across the front of the store "going out of business", or you happen to see one of your favorite haunts closed and locked up.  I used to see those signs at wondered what had happened to the store.  Too few sales?  Rent too high?  Couldn't quite make the dream happen?

For years Jeff and I and our oldest son, had a thriving mobile battery business and employed 14 drivers and had almost as many vehicles.  We rented a warehouse space, which unfortunately, has a long term lease.  It never entered our mind at the time that we as a family owned business, wouldn't be able to go the long haul.

And for a time we were successful, at least in terms of a small business.  When our son walked away from the business, leaving us with no income, we had to close our doors.  We learned very quickly that closing down a business isn't an easy or fast process.  It's been over a year and just this weekend, removed the last of the contents from the warehouse.  

There is as much paperwork involved in closing a business, as there is in setting one up.  One big difference is that when you're starting a business, you're optimistic and believe that you can be successful.  When you close a business, even if you were successful for a time, by the closing of the doors, you impact the people that worked for you, and you also know that your vision of running that business, is ending.

So when you notice a business closing down, even if it's a franchised business, know that somebody's dream is closing down too.  I used to give little regard or thought to those signs strung up along a storefront, now I can relate and think about the people, who couldn't quite make their dream happen.



Saturday, May 3, 2014

Farmer John (aka Jeff)


Last year Andy and Stacey finished building their beautiful home and it sits on acreage.  I know I've been told how many acres, but like most things, I have forgotten the exact number.  Let's just say a lot of land. Some people would call it a "Gentleman's Farm" because Andy doesn't intend (I think) to have chickens or any other livestock.  However, Jeff and I have told him that if he had a few goats, they would munch on the grass, hence requiring less mowing!  Of course, I don't know how well goats and dogs would get along!

After moving into their house, Andy bought himself a Tractor which is complete with a shredder, mower, and other mandatory pieces of equipment.  Remember the TV show "Tool Man", where Tim Allen promoted bigger and more manly pieces of equipment?

There was a time when Jeff and I thought it might be fun to live out further and have some acreage, and less neighbors.  As we've gotten older, that phase has gone by the wayside, as well as our dream of owning a big motorcycle (think Gold Wing).  Perhaps it's true that you get smarter as you get older!  

When we sell this house which has four bedrooms, we'll probably look for something smaller.  I doubt that we would ever be happy in a townhouse, but a one level house would be just about perfect.

Since Andy moved into his house and bought the tractor, Jeff "aka Farmer John" goes out to play in the dirt on the weekends.  Turns out that men love pushing dirt around as much as young boys do!

With all of the things that happened last year, I'm glad that Jeff has someplace to go and be physical and put his brain in idle mode.  Jeff and Andy have built a fire pit in their backyard and we're not talking some innsy pit, nope it's a large one.  When we go out, we sit in the chairs and make s'mores.  

Andy's house by sitting on acreage doesn't have any close neighbors like we do.  When I'm at his house and sitting outside, I get a certain peace being outside enjoying the quietness.  I don't go out to Andy's house as much as Jeff does, mostly because when you're retired and are with each other 24/7, alone time is a good thing for both of us.

Jeff is in the process of building Benjamin's playhouse, which was a birthday present.  Then there was some talk about picking up railroad ties and/or mulch.  The truck, after being used for months by Scott, is home again, and is being put to use today picking up a refrigerator and freezer from the battery warehouse to take to Andy's house.

I know that Jeff enjoys the physical labor (although his body complains some), and that Andy appreciates his help and advice.  It's a good father and son bonding time and together they accomplish a great deal.  The good thing about owning land, there is always something to do.  About the time you finish mowing - it's about time to start again!

I'm so happy that Jeff enjoys being "Farmer John", complete with straw hat!  Though he likely doesn't know it, working at Andy's house, that gives Jeff a purpose, which is sometimes hard to find after you're retired.  Basically, it's a win/win for both of them!


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy Birthday Scott!


Today, my middle son turns 36!  I can't imagine where all the years have gone, seems just like yesterday that he was a little boy.  Scott is a great man and looks like my Dad, in my opinion.

As a little boy, Scott was fascinated by Christmas lights, and still is.  We have a picture (unfortunately, not digital), of Scott standing on a stool in the driveway stringing his lights around bushes and a small tree.  Also, from an early age he took ten penny nails (big), and hammered them around his bedroom, so that he could hang "garlic" (garland) and lights!  If memory serves me correct, I believe the "garlic" and lights were a year round decoration.  Having holes in the walls didn't bother Jeff and I, partly because it was an old house and they make this magic stuff called putty that covers up holes nicely.

In a nearby town there was a little railroad museum and one or two trains that would travel back and forth for a mile or so.  I believe Scott's lifetime passion for trains may have started with that museum and those train rides.

When we moved to Maryland, Scott had a lot more house to decorate for Christmas.  He was agile and managed to get himself on the roof and decorated the edges of the house, as well as the porch pillars, bushes, front door and any other thing that would look better with lights!  The family joke was that planes would be able to see our house when flying over!  I can't tell you how much I enjoyed driving home from work during the winter and seeing those lights long before I actually got to the house.

Scott joined a train group consisting of all men and Scott, who possibly was in junior high at the time.  He loved the weekly meetings and consequently we began to buy train engines and cars for him.  Scott made a huge track layout on a board and the Christmas tree always sat in the middle of that board, while the train went circling around and around.

We also took Scott and Andy on a train that again if my memory is correct, was an old engine (non-diesel) that gave off a lot of ash.  Of course the soot and ash traveled back to all of the cars.  Scott was very excited so having a bit of ash blowing around us, was a small price to pay for his happiness.

Somewhere along the way, we bought Scott train "bibbers" (blue and white striped) and of course a train hat.  He wore those bibbers long after they really fit him!

I don't remember the circumstances, but somehow Jeff and Scott were able to travel on a privately owned train that made short runs somewhere in Pennsylvania I think.  On that trip, Scott, in his bibbers, was allowed to "drive" the train by himself for a few minutes.  He was in heaven.

Scott is no longer a child and isn't around to decorate our house, but does a beautiful job of lighting up the skies with the lights on his house.  And, that old board with the track, sits underneath the Christmas tree in his house, and yes the train runs constantly underneath!  

My mother-in-law made a picture of a traditional tree (v-shaped) out of jewelry and lights.  She found old pieces of brooches and pins and used them as decorations for the "tree".  My father-in-law put lights on the tree illuminating the beautiful decorations.  That picture hangs in Scott's house today, and I'm thrilled that he clearly loves it and it remains up all year long.

My wish for Scott?  Please don't stop loving the lights and the trains which give you so much joy.  Dad and I have wonderful memories of you taking over the house at Christmas time.  We had a neighbor who was an empty nester and they didn't put up lights, which Scott couldn't understand.  Scott went to them and said he would put lights up on their house, because they didn't have any and they should (yes, they let him put lights on their house)!  That's the kind of boy he was.

Now as a man with his own home, he is a good neighbor to the people who live around him.  Scott has a snow blower and helps out his neighbors by clearing their driveways.  Since Scott learned everything from electrical to gas, he is quite a helpful fellow to have around.  He can and does fix anything.

So Happy Birthday Scott.

Love Mom

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...